“Biting” response from V’pac editor

Drop the Trump criticism, concentrate on Hillary

It is very rare that I find myself at odds with my friend Roger. But this is one of those times. There is hardly a commentary by Roger that does not remind readers of Donald Trump’s depredations, shortcomings, and lack of conservative principles. He deplores the “stupid plurality rules” and denigrates the “credulity” of people whom he believes to be of “sound policy instincts” but nevertheless support Trump. Roger suggests that those millions of voters who propelled Mr. Trump to the presumptive GOP nomination are not very sophisticated, or even possibly, not very bright.

Be that as it may, while sharply criticizing the nominating process, denigrating his voters, and endlessly citing all of Mr. Trump’s faults, Roger acknowledges he intends to vote for the nominee.

Disregarding the contradictions between Roger’s “biting” analyses and his expressed inclinations, I believe that it serves no constructive purpose to repeatedly cite the GOP candidate’s oft noted shortcomings when voters will be exposed to those “revelations” often in the next weeks by Democrat pundits, liberal news outlets, and even Republican establishment types who are openly in favor of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

At this point I believe the exertions of the Veritaspacs’ editor might be much more useful to the debate and to prevention of the Republic’s imminent dire fate if directed almost exclusively toward the many serious personal, political, and ideological failings and aims of Mr. Trump’s putative opponent in the November election.

Both Roger and I were strongly supportive of Ted Cruz to be the GOP nominee, but it was not to be. And now we have only two alternatives…Donald Trump, about whom we have important reservations but must hope and urge that he will stand on the major promises that got him where he is… or Hillary Clinton, about whom we know more than we care to but with the certainty that her presidency guarantees the continued decline and destruction of this nation begun and greatly advanced by Barack Obama.


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