Is Resistance Futile?

Regarding Hillary’s e-mail turpitude, Andrew McCarthy makes the case… that resistance is futile, the ‘New America’ is irreversible…and it’s ugly!

A ‘Special Prosecutor’ Is Still a Bad Idea in a Criminal Investigation of Clinton 

Screen Shot 2016-06-12 at 11.56.42 AMIt’s not his intention, certainly, but Andrew McCarthy, a highly respected former federal prosecutor whose bona fides are extensive as they are impeccable, has written a lengthy column. It is one which should abjectly discourage even the most optimistic American that the damage done to this nation, its Constitution, the ‘Rule of Law’, and its place in history as a haven of individual freedom over the past 7 years, is reversible.

Essentially, McCarthy’s column argues that the remedy for the lawless actions of Hillary Clinton and the blatant abuse of power by Barack Obama is not the appointment of a “Special Prosecutor” to investigate the criminal actions involved in the Clinton email scandal, but rather impeachment!

His column then makes an irrefutable argument that, of course, impeachment is impossible in this political climate, with a corrupt national media, and an inept, unwilling, and cowardly GOP congressional leadership.

Bottom line, according to McCarthy, and with which we agree and have ourselves believed all along, there is no practical or possible remedy. (In our view, at least not one that would not bring historic devastation to America.)

Below is the excerpt from McCarthy’s column which summarizes his argument :

A ‘Special Prosecutor’ Is Still a Bad Idea in a Criminal Investigation of Clinton 

“CONCLUSION In sum, the fact that Obama has now formally endorsed Mrs. Clinton for president is, at best, a marginal exacerbation of what was already a blatant conflict of interest. Nothing has changed. Obama is not just deeply conflicted by the unavoidable facts of the situation — viz., that he is both the political leader of the party trying to elect Clinton and the executive power ultimately responsible for prosecuting Clinton. He is also a participant in the activities for which Clinton is being investigated. If she has violated the law, there is a distinct possibility that he has as well.

“If you really want to hold Hillary Clinton accountable before the election, it would be appropriate for Congress to commence impeachment hearings that publicly air her abuses of power and expose any executive official who was complicit in them.

“Unfortunately, in this political environment, with the current set of Republican leaders in Congress, what would be appropriate is inconceivable.

“Therefore, the best course is for the FBI to be allowed to finish its investigation, for Congress and the media (hah!) to encourage the FBI to do so quickly, and for Congress to use its oversight authority to try to force public disclosure of any recommendation the FBI director makes — since, as I have previously explained, no law requires the attorney general to act on the recommendation, she could just sit on it.

“Yes, that is a very imperfect plan. It is far superior, though, to the appointment of a “special prosecutor.” Such an appointee would not be independent and would be much more likely to help Clinton and Obama bury the scandal than to help the voting public understand it.


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One Response to Is Resistance Futile?

  1. Designated2 says:

    We can hope, (all hopes have a futile component or they would not be “hopes”) that as McCarthy seriously calls for: “Congress to use its oversight authority to try to force public disclosure of any recommendation the FBI director makes”. Were they to do so, if adverse to Hillary, that would have political repercussions, or a strong base for such validating and feeding the distrust the public already feels towards her (reference polling). An aggressive nominee can make use of that to prevent her presidency, softening her blue collar support.

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