OMG! if we’ve lost Charlie Fried . . . we’ve lost the war

From The Hill: Former Reagan official: Trump ‘a risk we can’t take’  

“Hillary Clinton will give us a decent, competent, understandable government,”

That’s the position of a guy named Charles Fried, 81 year old “distinguished” Harvard professor and one-time Solicitor General of the US, appointed by President Ronald Reagan, as gleefully reported in THE HILL.

WOW! Another universally respected Republican courageously coming out in opposition to the candidacy of Donald Trump. What amazing courage, sufficient to match his wisdom and his devoted service to the nation and to the Republican Party!

What a shocking surprise! That such a man would join other highly respected ‘conservative’ Republican Party leaders, ‘conservative’ pundits, and great thinkers coming forward to warn America of the dangers of electing someone other than Hillary Clinton to the presidency.

But, how big a surprise is this, really? This is, after all, a man who supported the appointments of John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. That is the spin  set out to add to Fried’s bona fides.

Well, this also the man who announced in 2008 that he voted for Barack Obama (because GOP nominee John McCain had selected Sarah Palin as his running mate).

He also testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of Obamacare!

For conservatives, woe is us if we’ve lost Charlie Fried. It has only been at least eight years since he first voted for a Democrat (Obama), conservative that he is.

Additional excerpt from Wiki bio:

I admire Senator McCain and was glad to help in his campaign, and to be listed as doing so; but when I concluded that I must vote for Obama for the reason stated in my letter, I felt it wrong to appear to be recommending to others a vote that I was not prepared to cast myself. So it was more of an erasure than a public affirmation—although obviously my vote meant that I thought that Obama was preferable to McCain-Palin. I do not consider abstention a proper option.[9] . . .

In February 2011, Fried testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care reform law.[10]” (from Wikipedia)


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One Response to OMG! if we’ve lost Charlie Fried . . . we’ve lost the war

  1. Gus says:

    “Hillary Clinton will give us a decent, competent, understandable government…”

    “Hillary…decent… competent”???
    When has anyone seen or heard this combination of words in the same sentence?
    “Understandable”? Yeah, maybe that. Even her voters will UNDERSTAND ‘corrupt’ when they see it in a Hillary administration. Too bad it’s completely acceptable to them.

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