The Speaker Ryan Vibe

“What are ya gunna do about it?”

It is the title of a story in Veritaspac Friday about clear lies and cover-ups by Hillary Clinton, matters that Speaker Ryan acknowledges she is guilty of.

It is an entirely appropriate question to the Speaker … one which the vibes from him essentially are  ~~  “we’re gonna do some more ‘investigatin’ and some more “oversight”. And we got plans to restore the “separation of powers”, and we’re gonna ‘deplore’. Just go look at our “Better Way” agenda ~~. And the cautionary undertone we here from him is ~~  understand all you unsophisticated brutes out there, we’re not gonna be able to enact any of it even if we get the presidency and keep control of both houses. To attempt to do so would really, really imperil our party’s chances in the next election~~.  Always the next election.

To further illustrate, the vibes we get from Ryan as to what he might say,   ~~ ” let’s take the current “impasse” in Congress over funding to fight the Zika Virus outbreak. This is a real threat to all Americans and it’s important that we fight it with all of the medical and scientific resources possible ~~.

~~”But, while we Republicans have offered a bill to fund the effort by $1.1 billion, President Obama and the Democrats will not allow it to become a reality as long as the provision to not use any of those funds for one group of clinics which are partnered with Planned Parenthood is included ~~.

~~“So what can we do? The crazies in the rightwing fringe of our party think we should fight to get the bill passed as it is and thus let America know that the Democratic Party is so committed to providing taxpayer funds to anything associated with Planned Parenthood and everything on their horrific agenda that they are willing to block efforts to combat this terrible potential epidemic ~~.

“How crazy is that?, the Speaker would likely thunder?  ~~”These people (conservative Republicans) are so naive to think that the American people would actually believe that Obama and the Democrats would do anything…block funds to fight terrible diseases, incur staggering national debt, violate laws and Constitutional provisions, shut down the federal government, eliminate jobs and shut down sources of needed energy resources…all and more to get everything on their wish list ~~.

~~That’s just silly. Who would want to expend the energy and courage to try to make that case when our strategy is so much easier and more effective? ~~

~~ “We can go along with their stuff . We’ll take that little provision out of the Zika bill, but they know that we’ll be doing hearings and conducting oversight and calling them whenever they mis-step ~~.

~~”I think it’s fair to say we’ve certainly called Mr. Comey to task. ~~ Sure, Ryan might admit, ~~ “his boss Ms. Lynch won’t let him do anything which might put the Democratic nominee’s eventual election in jeopardy…even if he wanted to…but, still, Comey knows now that we Republicans are not pleased.” ~~   While suggesting an image of Comey quaking in his wingtips.

~~ “So Mitch and I and your GOP leadership up here in D.C. urge you to reelect us this November ’cause we’re fighting for you!”~~

~~ Oh…and Mr. Trump, gotta be careful of that guy. I’ll deny it if you say I told you but we think you’d be wise to go with Hillary…She’s one of us”~~ .

And that’s the vibe we get from Paul Ryan and his ilk


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