Inaugural Address of President Hillary Clinton

(possible whimsy alert)

How hard is it to imagine . . .

January 20, 2017 12 noon, EST   (“excerpt” )

“Fellow Americans. During the campaign we identified a segment of this great country’s population whose evil and depraved ideas and aspirations threaten the very foundations of our nation.

We called them a “Basket of Deplorables”. These “deplorables” are people who live among us who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophoic, you name it. We correctly noted that these people, because of the horrific views they hold are “irredeemable”. They represent a dire threat to the peace and prosperity of America.

I must tell you that these “deplorables” cannot be made to change their minds and evil views. They are truly irredeemable and there is only one thing, if we are to preserve the ideals on which this great nation was founded, that must be done.

This basket must be emptied and never again be allowed to be filled again. These “deplorables” must be eliminated from our great society and a message must be sent that never again will such vile ideas and sentiments be allowed to take root and flourish in America.

I intend to truly restore to America the values and ideas which made it a great nation which will one day soon in my administration really become a citizen of the world. It will be a world free from the evil ideologies which had been allowed to creep into our society over the years…the racism,the unfettered capitalism, the nativism, the unseemly ‘worship’ of ‘borders, the so-called ‘states’ rights’, all of the deplorable ideas and behaviors which have nearly destroyed this country.

To accomplish our goals we need your help. If we are to rid our nation of the “deplorables” who would seek to destroy it and would continue as they have to undermine your government, we must first identify them. And this is where each of you have a role and a responsibility.

In our previous attempts to fight terrorism, a slogan was popularized to promote public awareness, “If you see something, say something”.

In our effort to eliminate all of the evils brought on by the “deplorables’ my administration is updating that slogan in order to enlist the help of all of this nation’s great and good citizens:


Though we don’t want to believe it and may even less want to do the hard thing which must be done, the American must recognize that future generations are depending upon us.

In every neighborhood across this country there lives a “deplorable”, harboring ideas and intentions which pose a threat to all of us. Some are very open in their defiance of the values and virtues for which America stands. Others try not to be identified for their true views. They are much harder to find and expose. They must not go undiscovered, unexposed, allowed to fester within our communities, attempting to quietly spread their corrosive ideas.

They must be stopped! And my administration will see that they are.

We are establishing in every neighborhood across this great nation, one of your friends, relatives, or neighbors to help in this great effort. These are people you can go to when you believe that you have identified a possible “deplorable”. And these neighborhood “Freedom Deputies” will know what to do and you may rest comfortably in the knowledge that if indeed you’ve correctly identified a “deplorable” and they are thus successfully removed, you have helped in the fight to make this country safe and prosperous for all.

But what must we look for if we suspect that a close neighbor or even a relative may be a “deplorable”?

In some cases, it is not difficult to recognize a “deplorable”. They are blatant in exhibiting their despicable beliefs. For example, there’s the man across the street from you who displays the American flag, the “Stars and Stripes’ he calls it, flaunting his nativism and his disdain for his fellow neighbors who may cherish a different culture symbol or flag.

There is a good chance that this individual harbors much deeper, more destructive thoughts than just this. As a good American, one should be expected to refer this person’s identity to their “Freedom Deputy”.

There are other ways by which to know if there are those in your neighborhood or among your relatives who share the thoughts of the “deplorables”:

– Do they seem to be preoccupied with notions of “religious freedom” and other code words which imply superiority over people of different beliefs or orientations?

– Do they express concerns that too many Americans do not believe in “individual responsibility’ and rely on “government” to take care of them?

– Do they seem to talk wistfully about the “Constitution”? the “rule of law”?

– Do they seem to be excessively concerned about the national debt or the supposed “erosion” of our armed forces?

There are many other tell tale signs in addition to these “code words” and phony concerns. Our good southern state citizens need to be especially attentive, as my husband warned, about some yearning to “make America great again”. As Bill noted, that is simply code for the desire for restoring “white privilege and supremacy”. This should be reported immediately to your “Freedom Deputy”.

We will be communicating in the near future to the American people more details on this, what we are calling our “Freedom and Security Offensive”.

A special and vital part of this program will be the role of our schoolchildren and young people to be attentive to ideas and thoughts expressed by the people in their own homes. We look to our “deputized” educators, teachers and administrators, to help our young people understand that loyalty and devotion to an ideal supersedes parental and family relationships.

Until I have the opportunity to again speak to you…GAIA BLESS AMMERICA!

Some background to show that even us paranoids (about Dems) have enemies

Via a CBS News affiliate  —   Hillary Clinton: Half of Donald Trump supporters in “basket of deplorables”


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