Remembering Harry Reid, for proving the rules

He rates expulsion for suborning misfeasance/malfeasance;  possibly suborning a felony, certainly rates censuring.

At least he can go down as the great enabler of a conservative Supreme Court

This video should be more than enough evidence to quickly file a motion for expulsion from the Senate, certainly to censure him.  The clip is short and sweet, as his trial should be as a result.

It is not a joke when a powerful member of the Senate makes such a public statement.  A Senator votes on budgets and other financial and regulatory matters that affect CIA operations.  Such votes took place in the mean time, prior to the November election and will again prior to Trump’s inauguration. Calling on the CIA to lie to a person who is statutorily entitled to accurate information (Reid cannot maintain otherwise) is at the very least suborning misfeasance/malfeasance (the CIA watches television). Clinton was expected to win. What side is the organization’s and the agents bread buttered on might be the question in the mind of the briefer(s).

Trump, relying on such information, perhaps given false parameters, might innocently reveal actual information or misinform the public, or advocate foreign policy that hurts foreign relations and is detriment to the United States.  It rates charges of treason by Reid’s normal standards.  The evidence is clear, expulsion is called for, certainly censorship.

Maybe this will blow his reptilian brain

Harry Reid can leave* knowing that the two-edge sword he wielded is poised for the back swing, but without him controlling. Cloture (ending the filibuster) was reduced under his majority leadership, hallmarked by his bullying.  The Republican majority will be about where it was when Reid as Majority Leader reduced the margin of votes necessary to end prospects for filibusters on some matters. It was a president that can now be used to reclaim power for the states and the essence of our republic. That is if used by McConnell to help ensure Trump’s Supreme Court appointments by stopping likely Democrat filibusters. Ending it should be used to help install state’s rights oriented Supreme Court justices.

Now we think the filibuster at best should be a debate enhancer not a road block by providing for endless debate. It could be effectively ended under previous rules by making those who invoke it live up to the debate aspect supposedly enhanced, and not allow what  amounts to phoning in the effort. Keep the body in session until resolution.  Make the perps hold the floor while others sleep if they wish, but at their desks, so a vote may be taken, make the focus be on the implimenters. Make the minority budge.

But now do it Harry’s way. Using internal Senate rules (that is all the filibuster is anyway, an internal Senate rule of no grand Constitutional pedigree, reduce the vote necessary to smooth Supreme Court appointments to the authorizing majority as provided in the Constitution. With further attrition perhaps in four years we will have a solid conservative Court.                      (this post to be supplemented with age make-up of current justices)

R Mall

*Reid did not run for reelection in Nevada.  He will retire to his ill-gotten real-estate gains there.

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