Democrats long for the good-old days when Russians peddled disinformation

. . . and when capitulating to Russians was their game

My how things have changed.  So try to understand  the utter dismay of liberals as they see things unfold.  They remember the good -old days when Russians peddled disinformation  and the mendacious NYT reporters like Walter Duranty helped them and got Pulitzer prizes as a result.

imageedit_3_8981018379Now the Russkies are accused of exposing true facts, actual communications about matters impacting the integrity of the primary election process, perhaps corruption,  and Democrats and fellow-travelers get all bent out of shape. They don’t know that the Russkies are guilty, or pardon the expression Hillary, what difference it should make, but they want someone to blame.   Where did the love go?

Here are a few worthy articles we came across today about what amounts to efforts to make the whistleblower the issue,  ignoring the perpetrators of nefarious activities exposed, and overturn a legitimate election.

Russian Election Hacking? Sorry, Nothing to See Here      (excerpts)

So then what’s behind this supposed bipartisan effort to look into the allegations of Russian meddling ?  Is it out of a genuine concern about the integrity of our elections ?  I hardly think so.  If they were truly concerned about our election’s integrity we’d have a national voter ID law in place.

Is it an attempt by Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton to try once again nullify the results of the recent election since their favored candidate didn’t win ?  Or is it an attempt to rein in – show him who’s boss if you will – the President-elect Donald Trump before he can even take office, since he is scaring the living daylights out of both sides of the Washington Cartel ?

At the forefront once again one finds the “maverick” Republican Senator John McCain and his good buddy Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.  To the casual observer it sure is curious how these two representatives of their respective parties can’t get together to agree on anything substantive for the American people, but they darn sure are able to be “collegial” when it comes to looking for ways to try to overturn the will of the voters who spoke resoundingly in November that they were fed up with Washington’s shenanigans.

More reading at Town Hall:

The Many Problems with “The-Russians-Made-Us-Do-It” Narrative

From the Wall Street Journal, no champion of Donald Trump during the election:

An Electoral College Coup     (excerpt)

This effort is all the more pernicious because it poisons with partisanship the serious issue of foreign intelligence hacking, not least by the Russians. Foreign cyber-attacks have proliferated during the Obama years, but the President has never held any national government accountable. Even when officials fingered the Russians this summer for the hacks on the Democratic National Committee, Mr. Obama did nothing but wag a finger.

Yet now, at the end of his term, he has ordered a secret report on the election-related hacking to be on his desk before he leaves office on Jan. 20. Then the news of this report coincidentally leaks, along with the CIA’s new conclusion about Russia’s motive, a mere 11 days before the Electoral College votes. Did those leakers—probably including CIA Director and Obama confidant John Brennan*—act with White House assent?

This political farce is compounded by a press corps that spent Monday demanding that GOP leaders in Congress say if they too support investigations into the Russian hacking. Never mind that the Senate and House intelligence committees, both led by Republicans, have been looking into the election-related hacking for months, often with far too little cooperation from the Obama Administration.

And who can forget happier times when Obama and Hillary and the Russians were on the same page.

  • John Brennan, Obama’s CIA Director, voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall for President in 1976.  He may be a Muslim convert. And he was part of concocting the lie that the attack on our Benghazi consulate, and the killing of three Americans including our Libyan ambassador, was the result of a spontaneous demonstration objecting to a video, rather than a planned attack by militants.
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