Sen. Grassley refers Planned Parenthood for criminal investigation, while Obama orders states to fund them*


Planned Parenthood in St. Louis health record.

By Tony Perkins of Family Resource Center, writing at Patriot Post

Planned Parenthood Gets Criminal Referral   

th-7wice this month, Planned Parenthood has been referred for prosecution in the baby body parts scandal that has engulfed the nation’s largest abortion provider. On December 2nd, the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast for prosecution after concluding the committee had ample evidence of “potential criminal activity.” And then [Tuesday], Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who serves as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced that his office is referring Planned Parenthood of America and a few of its local affiliates for investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department. In making the criminal referral, Senator Grassley said his staff reviewed more than 20,000 pages of documents and concluded that Planned Parenthood of America had “turned a blind eye to the affiliates’ violations.”

The senator’s disturbing report concludes that the Justice Department’s failure to enforce the law helped create an environment in which baby parts could be sold unimpeded. “I don’t take lightly making a criminal referral,” said Grassley. “But, the seeming disregard for the law by these entities has been fueled by decades of utter failure by the Justice Department to enforce it,” Grassley said. “And, unless there is a renewed commitment by everyone involved against commercializing the trade in aborted fetal body parts for profit, then the problem is likely to continue.” The report didn’t even address other possible violations of federal law outside of the scope of Judiciary, and the Select Panel hasn’t completed its investigation either.

imageedit_1281_8295661099Within hours of the criminal referral, the Obama administration announced a rule that effectively prevents states from defunding Planned Parenthood. Congressman Diane Black (R-Tenn.), a registered nurse and member of the Select Panel on Infant Lives, immediately dismissed the new rule, saying, “President Obama knows that hope is rising for the innocent victims of Planned Parenthood’s brutality and the big abortion industry’s days of taxpayer-funded windfalls are numbered. We should not be surprised that his administration would lash out with this eleventh hour power grab on the way out the door, but I am certain this rule will not stand for long.” It won’t stand for long because of what happened on Election Day.

Planned Parenthood spent millions of dollars on political activities in this election expecting a return on its investment — but voters had the final say at the ballot box and resoundingly rejected its abortion agenda. With the criminal referrals piling up on Cecile Richard’s group, the newly elected, unified pro-life government can now deliver on its promises and redirect tax dollars away from Planned Parenthood to community health centers who operate under the law. Many of you called your senators yesterday urging them to defund Planned Parenthood by voting for the budget when Congress returns on January 3rd. Please keep up the pressure by calling both your senators at (202) 224-3121. After you’ve called, you can also email them by following this link. Change is in the air in Washington!

Also from Tony Perkins:  excerpt explaining more about the budget call

  1. Congress must vote FOR the budget when they return January 3rd

The budget resolution can pass with 51 votes in order for the Senate to then bring up the “reconciliation bill” — which can also pass the Senate with 51 votes. Through the reconciliation bill, pro-lifers can see over $400 million in mandatory spending that currently funds Planned Parenthood rescinded. Obamacare would also be gutted under this bill, stopping subsidies for health care plans that cover abortion. But the budget resolution must pass first, giving the committees the chance to write the “reconciliation” bill.

  1. Congress must pass a Congressional Review Act (CRA) disapproval resolution repealing Obama’s new rule

Through a CRA disapproval resolution, Congress could vote to undo the new regulation with only 51 votes in the Senate to restore the freedom of states to ensure tax dollars are not going to Planned Parenthood.   . . .

With a majority vote in the House and just 51 votes in the Senate, we can defund much of Planned Parenthood’s federal dollars and reallocate those to qualified health centers.  . . .

The opportunity is now. If Congress doesn’t take care of this early next year, we may never get another chance like this.

Sincerely,  The FRC Action Team

P.S. Please forward this email to at least one friend.

Standing (Eph. 6:13),      Tony Perkins    President

This is the sort of operation Obama wants to require tax payers to support:

Most Dangerous Planned Parenthood Clinic in America Injures Woman in Abortions Every 42 Days   (excerpts to article with extensive documentation / references)

Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood Great Plains (CHPP) and Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region (RHSPP) are asking a Federal Court to block enforcement portions of Missouri’s Ambulatory Surgery Center Licensing Law that require facilities performing abortions to meet the same standards every other Ambulatory Surgical Facility must meet. They also want blocked two provisions that require abortionists to maintain hospital admitting privileges within 15 minutes of the facility where they conduct abortions.   . . .

Documentation obtained in April 2016, by Operation Rescue through legal action against the St. Louis Fire Department shows 58 medical emergencies, categorized by type of problem and priority level that took place at the St. Louis Planned Parenthood abortion facility between January 1, 2009, and April 16, 2016   . . .

Now, RHSP — the same Planned Parenthood organization which has seriously injured women at a rate of one every 42 days — wants to expand its unsafe brand of abortion services to facilities in Springfield and Joplin. . . .

Ed Note: As indicated elsewhere in the article the hospital emergency calls do not include those from locations after the women leave the Planned Parenthood facility, in private vehicles, from residences or elsewhere.

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