Huma…quick…call Life Alert!

It appears that Hillary has fallen, and she can’t get up! Hurry, someone…call Life Alert!

Clinton Tells Executive Donors Vladimir Putin Had a “Personal Beef”… 

Unable to stand in front of executive donors and tell the truth, Hillary Clinton told those who invested over a billion dollars in her campaign it was Vladimir Putin’s fault she didn’t campaign in August and never campaigned at all in Wisconsin…

New York – Speaking to a group of donors in Manhattan, Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Putin, the Russian president, had never forgiven her for the accusation she made in 2011, when she was secretary of state, that parliamentary elections his country held that year were rigged.

‘He has a personal beef against me’ — Clinton blasts Putin and says he’s a reason she lost the election…

Hillary, where’s the ‘beef’?    The uranium you sold him not as pure as represented?    We suppose the e-mails the FBI recovered which had nothing to do with Putin or Wikileaks proving you were a liar were of no consequence, nor your performance record as SOS, Benghazi, etc. Oh and that people just didn’t want a continuation of Obama and that you are corrupt. And your sleeping off August and just a poor campaign strategy and being an icky person, if all that had been the same but a few juicy tidbits about what you did to Sanders which Wikileaks denies came from the Russians, but say they did, then you would have won. OK sure, the Russians exposing the truth about you did you in.

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