Gorsuch leveraged to preserve a leftish court?

Regarding the Gorsuch SCOTUS nomination “process” a previous post from our illustrious senior editor offered that:

I don’t presume to know the exact shape of the “compromise”, but my guess is it will be something that permits the Gorsuch confirmation by a simple majority. In return, Schumer and the Democrats will be allowed to choose the nominees for the next 2, 3 or however many SCOTUS vacancies open up over the next 4 years ( their choices might be cloaked to appear as President Trump’s picks but they’ll nevertheless be in a Kennedy/Breyer/Kagan mode).

We reaffirm the plausibility of that scenario in spite of the rejoinder that one can also say that the Democrats are needlessly overplaying their hand.  One could maintain that if there was any indication that Democrats suffer in their publicity arm, the dominant liberal media, or their ranks, ever “for overplaying their hand.”

The needlessly part is derived from questioning what will they say if a liberal SCOTUS justice retires. They have already said the sky is falling over a nominee who is probably not as conservative (or wearisomely so in our opinion) as the justice he replaces and therefore does not change the complexion of the court as it existed with Scalia alive. What will Democrats say if say the Ginsberg seat were to come up?

The excerpt below from a Grasstops USA post arguably offers a scenario not inconsistent with our previous post.  Those “Republicans” who will not go along with the impliedly threatened “nuclear option”  thus killing any chance for Gorsuch apart from an agreement with Schumer along the lines DLH posited.  This would come to be because McConnell will not do what is necessary to punish those phony profiles in courage for not saving Republicans’ face and the Senate majority on this matter.  Schumer has leverage in the name of McCain and a few others.

(excerpt from email newsletter no link available)

 Hopefully, our subject line got your attention, because the truth of the matter is that Republicans DO NOT have the votes to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

And no, we’re not talking about the 60 votes that will be needed to overcome a Democrat filibuster… which is sure to come… we’re talking about the 51 votes that will be needed to deploy the Nuclear Option and stop the Democrat filibuster.

That statement bears repeating… in spite of the weasel-words you hear coming from Republicans leaders that Gorsuch will be confirmed one way or the other, the plain truth is that Senate Republicans DO NOT have those meager 51 votes to stop a Democrat filibuster!

Make no mistake, Susan Collins, John McCain and a number of other RINOs are playing fast and loose on deploying the Nuclear Option. Even the left leaning Politico reports: “Several anti-Gorsuch activists question whether McConnell locked down the 51 votes needed to quash the minority’s power to filibuster Supreme Court nominees.”

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