Alas, who could possibly be a better choice to advertise toilets than Kathy Griffin

I’m gonna miss Squatty Potty’s commercial that shows Kathy popping her head up out of the iconic ‘stool’, urging viewers to buy one and, as a bonus, get an autographed poster of the “comedienne” happily splashing about in an oversize Squatty.   That would be her version of insightful cutting edge humor

Oh wait! That commercial had not been publicly shown until President Trump tweeted it.

Squatty Potty announced Wednesday that it has cut ties with Griffin 

“We were shocked and disappointed to learn about the image Ms. Griffin shared today, it was deeply inappropriate and runs contrary to the core values our company stands for,” wrote CEO Bobby Edwards in a statement sent to Fox News. “In response, Squatty Potty has suspended its ad campaign featuring Ms. Griffin. We have acted swiftly and decisively to demonstrate our commitment to a culture of decency, civility, and tolerance.”

The whole matter is such great fodder for skewering the politically correct left.

Comedian Kathy Griffin had a press conference on Friday to address her controversial photo shoot, in which Griffin held the severed head of President Trump.

During the press conference, Griffin told a reporter that she has no issue going after President Trump’s 11-year-old son Barron Trump.

A reporter asked Griffin about comments she made during an interview in December 2016.

“I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game,” Griffin said in the December 2016 interview.

Griffin’s attorney Lisa Bloom attempted to brush away Griffin’s previous comments, saying that Griffin had made them years ago, when in fact they were made just six months ago.

“I think a comic should be able to make fun of everybody,” Griffin told the reporter.

Bloom also questioned whether Barron Trump was in fact traumatized by the image of Griffin holding his father’s severed head.

Allegedly,” Lisa Bloom said when asked about reports that Barron was disturbed by the image. “We don’t know that. You’re assuming that everything that Trump says is true, and in fact, we know that everything Trump says is false.” 

‘There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!’  Kathy Griffin breaks down in tears claiming Trump family ruined her life – as her lawyer scoffs at report Barron was upset over severed head video.

Note that she thinks it is OK to target Trump’s 11 year old son Barron, but objects when  Old White guys go after her?  The reference to “old white guys” is as rich as the initial apology the childless 56 year old adolescent brain Griffin issued when people called her out for her behavior.

Viewing the video apology and seeing her eyes roll and knowing how she intentionally wanted to do something over the top (as revealed in the outtakes to the creation of her “controversial” video) it is as convincing an apology as one would get from a smart-ass teen getting through the day apologizing to the fuddy -duddies she needs for her allowance.

Her animus toward Trump extends to referring to him in school-yard bullying invective.

Kathy Griffin Thinks Comedy Should Go All Out On ‘President Piece of Shit’ Trump 

So CNN, that noted champion of all things Donald Trump, in response to the uproar fired her from her New Years Eve Times Square gig.

Kathy Griffin breaks down in tears claiming Trump family ruined her life

Given Griffin’s admission of her desire to target an 11 year old, her post “sincere” apology  of now being the victim of  “bullying”  is just precious. Maybe Kathy should go back to what she does best. But alas no more CNN televised New Year’s Eve oral sex simulations from her. She will have to take the “act” to Times Square on other days.  Her ruined life indeed

On Monday night's program, after first telling co-host Anderson Cooper "I'm going to tickle your sack," she shortly after midnight actually kissed his crotch

Kathy Griffin tries to kiss Anderson Cooper’s crotch during CNN’s New Year’s Eve live broadcast.

Talk about a “piece of shit”!

DLH with R Mall

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