…but I wouldn’t buy a used car from him.

A man of “integrity’? . . . Define “integrity”.

Paul Ryan: Comey a Man of Integrity, ‘As Far as I Know’ Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) said former FBI Director James Comey was a man of integrity, as far as he knew.

When asked if Comey is a man of integrity Ryan said, “As far as I know. I don’t know him very well. I’ve — two or three briefings is about what I had with James Comey.”
Todd asked, “Would you take him at his word? Would you trust his judgment?”
Ryan added, “Look. I’m not going to try and help sell some books.”     DLH

Memo to the outgoing Speaker:  A man of integrity does let the powerful get away with such “extreme carelessness” towards national security that would result in indictments if it were a lowly sergeant or GS7 or a government contractor of any stripe. A man of integrity does not run a law enforcement agency with deputies who lie to Congress and their own agency or are politically motivated.  A man of integrity does not consult polls before making public information they have a right to know.      R Mall

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