- It’s not about due process, it’s about “doing” Republican conservatives
DLH raised a good question in his commentary: WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE ‘FIT TO SERVE’ ON THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE? Lets look at their cast of characters and see:
The Democrat committee members are — Dianne Feinstei,Patrick Leahy, Sheldon Whitehouse, Amy Klobuchar, Christopher A. Coon, Richard Blumenthal, Mazie Hirono, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Dick Durban.
Here are just some quick clips where they indict themselves as idiots, hacks and hypocrites. We don’t have enough bandwidth to play all that is available where these individuals demonstrate their prowess. Most are self explanatory.
Dianne Feinstein
Among so many stupid things she has said and done including being nonchalant about having a spy in her midst, reprehensible things such as being the source of leaks to the press on committee deliberations and being part of the orchestration of the high tech lynching of Brett Kavanaugh, she has occasionally been candid when she thinks it is appealing. Clearly the Constitution means nothing to her. She would confiscate “assault” weapons , which the way she defines them essentially means any semi-automatic with common accoutrements. Constitution be damned — 2nd or 4th amendments — that is key to membership for all the following as well.
Patrick Leahy
Leahy said he was sorry he called for Al Franken to resign for molesting women because it violates due process. For Leahy and the other Democrats on the committee due process when it comes to fellow Democrats means high hurdles, for Republicans it means assume guilty until proven innocent.
Sheldon Whitehouse rates being the enforcer in a propaganda ministry of any totalitarian regime
In recent months, Whitehouse has even promoted federal prosecution of groups he believes cast doubt on the supposed dangers of man-made global warming. Whitehouse recently praised an op-ed calling for federal prosecutors to go after companies and think tanks under an anti-mafia law.
“Fossil fuel companies and their allies are funding a massive and sophisticated campaign to mislead the American people about the environmental harm caused by carbon pollution,” Whitehouse wrote in a May Washington Post op-ed.
His depth of legal understanding is such that his role in the Kavanaugh hearing this week was to concentrate on HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK evidence of Kavanaugh’s unfitness. Whitehouse’s specialty — nosing deeply into the meaning of fart jokes on various pages.
Amy Klobuchar – how did she get through law school with such cluelessness about originalism (or dishonesty about it).
Then there is her hypocrisy over due process (Frankin yes! Kavanaugh NO!)
Could Al Franken Make a Comeback? Amy Klobuchar Said Former Senator Has A Third Act
At Sunday’s TimesTalk panel for women senators — which featured Senators Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Heidi Heitkamp and Amy Klobuchar — Klobuchar said she expects her former colleague and friend to make a comeback.
“He’s had two acts and he’s still going to have a third,” Klobuchar, a Democrat from Minnesota, told the crowd about Franken.
The Minnesota Democrat said she’s stayed in touch with Franken, and spoke to him just this weekend.
Klobuchar didn’t join the cohort of Democrats who called for Franken to step down in December, when a photo of Franken apparently grabbing a woman’s breasts resurfaced. The photo led to a landslide of accusations from women who said they’d been groped or otherwise harassed by the congressman, who’d built a reputation partly based on his support for women’s equality.
Still, Klobuchar emphasized the need for “due process” amid the ongoing #MeToo movement, explaining that different kinds of misconduct might warrant consequences that vary in severity.
“As we’re dealing with a change in the workplace … we have to make sure there’s due process and graduated sanctions,” she said.
Chris Coons is unfortunately typical of Democrat justice seekers:
Proud father around groper in chief

Richard Blumenthal is a liar who played up his stolen valor for years
Mazie Hirono, exhibited ennui when it came to her mentor Inouye But other men must shut up (so they can listen to her utter ignorance:
And then there is Spartacus
And sleep her way to the top Kamala
By the way, in the clip above, she exhibited how YES or NO demands can be badgering and not a pursuit of truth, more a ploy to obtain a soundbite. These people are reprehensible.
Dick Durbin — the epitome of slimy Democrats
As raised by “upchuck” Todd in this interview, lying Dick Durbin (AKA icky), having called for the necessity to fill all vacancies of the SCOTUS just a few years ago, here Durbin tries to deflect his hypocrisy of insisting this one not be filled by saying McConnell prevented Eric Garland. Never mind that Democrats did not have the votes to call a vote. Todd would not risk more than a bit of approbation from his fellow liberals with any extensive point counterpoint with Durbin and so declined to clarify for listeners that A) McConnell only invoked the so called Biden “rule” as regards appointments in a presidential year which this is not, and B) Democrat Harry Reid, then Majority Leader, imposed a no filibuster rule on judicial appointments even up to appellate court level. His rule was entirely a political power play. So what is “ickies” beef as regards someone extending the principal, . . . and accepting Biden’s “rule” . . . no legitimate one.
Even Megan McCain thinks he is a political hack and she has seen a lot up close