Monthly Archives: December 2018

George HW Bush R.I.P, but God save us from the peculiar family brand of graciousness

Not sure this is the presidential leadership legacy if not epitaph I would want (either President Bush): “He was kind to the help and his enemies” It is about all most of their enemies will admit to about them One … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 3 Comments

Give us your predictions on the theme of Murphy Brown’s last 3 episodes

Real humor needs to have an ounce of truth in it, Murphy Brown fails A BEAUTIFUL THING…’ENTERTAINMENT’ AT ITS BEST Surely it must be an episode ‘based on a true incident’…a tale ‘ripped from the headlines’! We had hoped that … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 4 Comments

Yes I was hacked — hanging too good for perps . . .

. . . cyber frauds, thieves of private information, data smugglers, evil enticers . . . they must be tortured first Those are the real cyber criminals, not the politically incorrect Readers who communicate with this editor via my personal … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 2 Comments