Phenom Greta calls for Executive Board members to leave when they reach their 12th birthday

  • New cause célèbre celeb expected to pontificate on everything
  • Left commits to definitely try harder

The left, already infatuated with pursuing sex* parity on corporate boards  have a new infatuation — the celebrated passenger on a four-million dollar “zero emission” racing yacht that spoke to a House committee this week after her trip.

“You’re Not Trying Hard Enough!” – Swedish Teen Activist Exploited by Left Lectures US Congress on Alleged Climate Change (VIDEO)

Now given her tender age and purchased celebrity we guess she is an expert on anything affecting youth, a spokesman for all youth, indeed youth are now our unquestioned moral and intellectual betters and she has an exalted position among them.

No doubt millions of fellow 16 year-olds are giving up their dreams of trips until our travel infrastructure is authentically emissions free (unlike Greta’s — but in her case it is the thought that counts). Most have pledged not to use anything electric unless they can generate the power themselves. We have now seen thousands walking around with their i-phones hooked up to zero-emissions hand-cranked generators looking like latter day organ grinders.  All are immensely happy with their climate awareness

We expect Ms Greta’s next pronouncement will be that ignorant old evil corporate boards must be run by youths whose future is most at stake (by definition).  Executive Boards must be comprised of youth members who are to leave when they reach their 12th birthday.  Makes perfect sense. No lactation without representation, or something.

Now how many people were under the impression that this latest phenom of the left did this crossing solo? That she was essentially a passenger on a boat crewed by experts is never highlighted, indeed not often mentioned.  SHE WAS A PASSENGER on a very safe boat, tracked and in constant contact with others on a well established course.

The boat will be captained by Boris Herrmann, a professional race skipper, and Pierre Casiraghi, founder of the Malizia team. . . .

“Greta is amazingly courageous to be standing up against ignorance and injustice regarding the climate crisis,” said Herrmann.

“I feel humbled that Greta accepted our offer as the lowest-carbon option to cross the Atlantic — despite the lack of comfort for her.

Despite the lack of comfort. How utterly compelling.

As James Delingpole writing at Real Climate Science asks:

besides the rank hypocrisy of her attention grabbing yacht trip, how exactly did Thunberg come to be the lecturing face of the environmentalist movement?

“A lecture, furthermore, from a child who hasn’t finished her schooling, whose frontal lobes haven’t formed, who has no sense of humour, whose every utterance is the second-hand opinion of alarmist grown-ups whose doomsday claims she is completely unequipped to assess?” he writes.

Related reading here.

HER NEXT STOP: QUAD CITY TIMES… where she will lecture its Editorial Board on how to do a Second Rate Newspaper

DLH with R Mall

*Board structure gets a little complicated with any requirement that there be gender parity. We are told by the usual suspects who agitate for perceived fairness that there are “more than 100 genders.”   Soooo board size will have to be mandated to be much larger so as to encompass real representation of the different “stake-holders”.  Because of the impact of corporations on the planet, that means everyone. Truly the only equitable solution is the directorship of the proletariat for all corporations. This modest economic reform is in keeping with the righteousness of advancing Gaia our gourd and savior.

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