Early arrivals at V’PAC sponsored event, or not

We all know that suggestions must be investigated

Democrat insider knowledge of deep-state tactics

Blue states defying federal immigration law

It’s time to look at some of the serious violations or suggestions of violations of federal law

1)  Senator “Chuck” Schumer must be interviewed by a Special Counsel immediately: What did he mean that Trump should not attempt to accuse any of the national security and law enforcement agencies because, “they heave six ways from Sunday to get “back at you”??? 

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow…”*

What did Schumer know? Did he know of specific “ways” in which the intelligence community has threatened or intimidated elected government officials? Does he know of cases of elected officials being “blackmailed”? If Schumer doesn’t, it is extremely irresponsible of him to make such allegations. Schumer MUST be thoroughly investigated…this is dangerous stuff, and can undermine the public’s faith and confidence in the law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

2)  Why is it that the Obama administration successfully overturned an Arizona state law that precisely reflected federal immigration law, but ‘Sanctuary Cities” can openly defy efforts by the federal government to enforce or carry out federal immigration law?

“Sanctuary Cities”, their municipal authorities AND their congressional representatives must be investigated for defying federal immigration law.

“In our constitutional system, the power to regulate immigration is exclusively vested in the federal government,” the brief said. “The immigration framework set forth by Congress and administered by federal agencies reflects a careful and considered balance of national law enforcement, foreign relations, and humanitarian concerns — concerns that belong to the nation as a whole, not a single state.”

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