Sometimes there is no substitute for Trump trolling the Dems himself

  • If Trump had not posted this himself it never would have gotten the circulation.

Thanks to ParodyIsFairUse and Bonchie at RedState and others for posting one of Trump’s latest tweets where he tweaks and trolls the twits in the Trotsky Party tutoring them with the truth causing tremors so bad the little tyrants trickle in their tutus getting Twitter to take down Trumps tweet about lying Quid-Pro-Joe.

The excuse is “song rights” but it is but twenty seconds and clearly involving parody.  No one would really assume the record label is behind the parody.  While it is also available via YouTube how long before they take it down after they get a phone call from Quid-Pro-Joe. We have done our own screen grab to show how pathetic the censors are. Slight delay in audio start.

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