General Election Scott County – here are the registered Republicans – vote for them

  • Voting time and locations available at Scott County Auditor website
  • Candidate contact information is available on the SC Auditor website
  • Below are municipal and school board races and candidates with party registration indicated — along with our voting recommendations
  • Another integrity issue resurfaces regarding mayor candidate Matson
  • Davenport School Board race of concern

As we have advocated for some time,  because of the dearth of information from candidates in this officially  “non-partisan”  election, and regrettably in some races the dearth of candidates, all we have to go on is party affiliation.  Accordingly that is our voting recommendation to you — vote Republican and consider writing in one from the district when there is not one on the ballot.  See our additional explanation here.

We have listed the candidates on the ballot with party affiliation next to their name and indicated whether or not they have opposition on the ballot (more candidates than positions).   When there is an insufficient number of Republicans running for the open positions the choice is to “bullet vote” for only the Republicans or vote for them and write in a Republican for the additional position(s) to be filled. In general we do not recommend bullet voting for only one Republican this election when others are on the ballot and positions need to be filled.

Davenport Mayor

We will be writing in Dean Weber for Davenport Mayor as both candidates appearing on the ballot  — Rita Rawson and Mike Matson — are Democrats. For reasons we have articulated being a Democrat is a disqualifying matter for this organization.

For those insistent on picking between the ballot appearing candidates even if they are Democrats — Rawson does not seem to have Matson’s integrity problems.  Matson is the recipient of pointed opposition by both Tom Hart a former Democrat Mayor and Democrat County Chairman  AND  former Mayor and West Point graduate Ed Winborn.– Both questioned Matson’s integrity as an alderman in the matter referred to in this QCTimes article.

When you are a Democrat as Matson is and you have a former Democrat county chair call you out on an integrity issue, that is something to take note of.  Former Mayor Winborn who was a registered Republican and West Point graduate with a Distinguished Flying Cross to his name opposes Matson for related reasons. Winborn entering into the fray is of significance because Matson has made much of his military experience as if that makes he and his politics unquestionable, and that somehow he is immune from political chicanery.

As we have pointed out previously Matson has another integrity issue.

Democrat Mike Matson, as leader of the Davenport American Legion Post put the kibosh to a request through channels to RENT the facility for a local rally in support of President Trump in the Spring of 2017 as being too political for the venue. Never mind that political candidates of both parties have rented the facility. But Matson then used Legion facilities (we presume by renting them) to further his own candidacy for the Democrat nomination for Iowa Governor (alderman to governor shows the megalomania of the guy). It was not merely partisan it was dishonorable treatment of Republican veterans and Legion members. It also says a lot about what Matson thinks about Trump voters in this area.

Comparing Rawson and  Matson,  if we were (we are not) inclined to vote for any Democrat in this local “non-partisan” election we would hold our nose and vote for Rawson, not that her policies are any more what Davenport needs than Matson’s, but why reward a demonstrated lack of integrity in Matson.


Alderman at Large  —  vote for two — there are two candidates

Kyle Grip is a registered Republican and  JJ Condon is a registered Democrat

Vote the Republican and perhaps write-in another Republican

1st Ward  — vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Rick Dunn is a Democrat

Perhaps write-in a Republican or don’t vote the race

2nd Ward – vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Maria Dickman is a Democrat

Perhaps write-in a Republican or don’t vote the race

3rd Ward – vote for one — there are two candidates on the ballot

Phil Armer is registered no-party;  Marlon Meginnis is a registered Democrat

Don’t vote for the Democrat

4th Ward  vote for one — there are two candidates on the ballot

Ray Ambrose is a registered Republican; Jeffrey Bass is a registered Democrat

Vote the Republican Ray Ambrose  ( our high-lighted race)

5th Ward  – vote for one — there are two candidates on the ballot

Matthew Dohrmann is a registered Republican; Kristi Miller is registered no-party

Vote for the registered Republican

6th Ward — – vote for one — there are two candidates on the ballot

Benjamin Jobgen is a registered Republican; Richard Clewell is a registered Democrat

Vote for the registered Republican

7th Ward — – vote for one — there are two candidates on the ballot

Both are registered Democrats

Perhaps write-in a Republican or don’t vote the race. Picking between Democrats is usually a fool’s errand.

8th Ward vote for one — there are two candidates on the ballot

Both are registered Democrats

Perhaps write-in a Republican or don’t vote the race. Picking between Democrats is usually a fool’s errand.


Mayor – vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Bob Gallagher is a registered Republican

Alderman at Large – vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Frank Baden is a registered Republican

1st Ward –  vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Jerry Sechser is a registered Republican

3rd ward –  vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Bill Connors is a registered Democrat

Perhaps write-in a Republican or don’t vote the race

5th Ward – vote for one — there is only one candidate on the ballot

Scott Webster is registered no-party

Perhaps write-in a Republican or don’t vote the race

Park Board – vote for no more than three – there are four candidates on the ballot

Timothy Carroll and Don Wells are registered Republicans ; Thomas Dryg and Elliott Rogers are registered Democrats. Vote for the registered Republicans. Perhaps write in a registered Republican or leave the third position blank

Scroll down for area school board elections. For the remaining municipal races we are consolidating the format to reduce space on this post. Vote Republicans. Write-in Republicans where appropriate.


Mayor – Larry Guy is registered no-party and the only ballot candidate

City Council – vote for no more than three

Brad Schutte, Michael Barnes and Chad Brus are registered Republicans. The other candidates are Democrat or no-party


Mayor – only candidate on the ballot and is a registered Democrat

City Council vote for no more than two

Joe Buffington and Ted Teel are registered Republicans – cannot find a listing for 3rd candidate Austin Miller


Mayor – no Republican on ballot

City Council – no Republican on ballot


City Council – no Republican on ballot


City Council – vote for three  — Bruce Cheek is the only candidate on ballot who is a registered Republican


City Council – vote for no more than two. There are three candidates on the ballot and all are registered Republicans


City Council – Regular election – vote for no more than three – Brandon Cronise and Nancy Herrin are registered Republicans.  Vacancy election – Cindy Blinkinsop is a registered Republican


City Council – vote for no more than two.  Matthew Andrews and Keri Meinert are registered Republicans


Mayor – only candidate on ballot is Damien Koehn a registered Republican

City Council – vote for no more than three.  Only two candidates are on the ballot. Only William Gillespie is a registered Republican


Mayor – No candidate appears on the ballot — write in

City Council – vote for no more than two – Only two candidates are on the ballot but neither are registered Republicans. Shallane Krenz is registered no-party; Mike Zogg is registered Democrat


Mayor – One candidate on ballot – Ronald Rice is a registered Republican

City Council – vote for no more than five — candidates David White, Steven Perry and Shawn Rice are registered Republicans. For incumbent David Smith we could not find a  registration listing.  Write in


Mayor – No Republican on ballot.  Kevin Kernan is registered no-party

City Council – vote for no more than three – Christina McDonough and Jami Stutting are registered Republicans. Other candidates on ballot are other or registration not found


Mayor – vote for one – two names on ballot both registered Republicans – our recommendation is Beth Anne Halsey

City Council –  vote for no more than three.  There are three names on the ballot but only Douglas Littrel is a registered Republican. Kevin Adams is registered no-party.


City Council – vote for no more than three – There are only three candidates on the ballot but only Lisa Mengler and Jacob Puck are registered Republicans. In a situation like this there is no downside to writing in a Republican.

DAVENPORT SCHOOL BOARD   see update here as result of breaking information from QC Times –

There are fourteen candidates running for the four open seats. The amount of interest is no doubt due to what some have referred to as malfeasance by a majority of the current Board in voting to practically give away the Lincoln School property for $30,000 in spite of having received purchase bids far exceeding the approved bid.  The specter of conflicts of interest has been raised as well.  QCTimes articles reported on the controversy and are available  herehere,   here,    here ,   here,   and  here.

Not all current board members are up for reelection as the terms are staggered however two of the individuals who sat on the board at the time of the give-away sale in question are. One voted in support of the sale and that member is Daniel Gosa a registered Democrat. The other is Linda Hayes, another Democrat and current Vice President of the Board who recused herself on the sale vote as she is a member of the church that was practically given the property.  In our view that does not exonerate her without a record of opposition short of the vote.

Two current Board members decided not to seek reelection. One voted with the majority to sell the property for so little. To our dismay he was a registered Republican. We have never maintained voting Republican always gives perfect results but we would bet a Democrat in his place would have predictably voted the same. The other retiring candidate voted against the give-away sale.

The Davenport Teachers Union has endorsed both incumbents running along with candidates Jenner Kealey a registered Democrat, and Karen Kline-Jerome who is registered no-party. A teachers union endorsement in this area is generally another disqualifying mark in our judgement.

There are three registered Republicans running to fill the four open seats. They are Gene Guy,  Kent Paustian and Mark Holloway.  We strongly encourage district residents to show up and vote for those individuals and definitely not vote for the incumbents and the two other teacher union endorsed candidates identified above.


There are six people running for four open positions. Of the six there are three registered Republicans.  They are Rebecca Eastman – Paul Castro and Michael Pyevich. The latter two are also incumbents.


There are six people running for four open positions. Of the six there are FIVE registered Republicans running.  They are:  Nick Hansel  –  Brett Van Deventer  – Joni Dittmer  – John Maxwell  –  Glen Keppy.  That latter three are also incumbents.

PLEASANT VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICTS (vote for one in the district of your residence)

District 1 — Jenel Nels is only person on the ballot and is a registered Republican

District 3 — Nikhil Wagle is only person on the ballot and is a registered Republican

District 4 — No registered Republican on ballot

District 5 — Jodi Hoskins is only person on the ballot and is a registered Republican

District 6 — Christina Anderson is only person on the ballot and is a registered Republican

EASTERN IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTS (vote for one in the district of your residence)

District III — No registered Republican on ballot

District IV —  Robert H. Gallagher is only person on the ballot and is a registered Republican

Districts VII and IX have out of county addresses so party registration information is not available at this writing.  Each has only one candidate for one open position.

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