Deborah Birx another Obama appointee Trump thinks he can trust…REALLY?

  • Deborah Birx Was An Obama Appointment  Ambassador at Large and U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator


Free the population from government house arrest as soon as possible and put a stop to the globalists’ attempted reset of the economy.

JUDI McLeod is a favorite columnist of mine. I don’t find her to be as shrill as some writers on the ‘ far right’. And her columns always seem to be backed up by solid research.

This particular column is disturbing to me.

In it Ms. McLeod is citing Deborah Birx, MD, a member of President Trump’s task force addressing the Coronavirus pandemic, and a regular spokesperson/expert on Trump’s daily briefings on the disease, as being a part of the ‘globalist movement’ that seeks to bring down the Trump presidency and eliminate America’s nation sovereignty.

It happens that, of the ‘experts’ appearing regularly on the briefings, Dr. Birx is  one in whom I have had the most confidence. I’ve appreciated her candor and the way in which she humbly presents her findings and the data on which they are based in language most of us laypersons can understand. More than most ‘experts’ we hear from these days, she acknowledges the possibilities of error in even the best data models .

In her column, Judi McLeod raises some issues and questions about Dr. Birx, however, and about several of the medical and epidemiology experts Trump has assembled to aid him in dealing with this horrific virus which is sweeping the world in the most terrible way.

McLeod’s warnings and doubts that she raises in her piece are troubling and most certainly deserving of some very intensive journalistic inquiry:      dlh

From the Canada Free Press:

– “For the sake of the survival of the entire Western World, hope and pray that the staged living corona virus nightmare currently going on doesn’t go over the president’s head: It appears that the medical scientists leading the White House Task Force may be working toward a total reset of the world economy.

– “Doctor Deborah Birx is not just the scarf-adorned lady scientist politely duking it out with reporters at your daily Task Force pressers, she sits on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Global Fund and has since 2014.

– “Birx was appointed by President Barack Obama as America’s Ambassador at Large and U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator in April of 2014, and according to the WayBack Machine by May 20, 2014 was appointed to the board of The Global Fund.

(Note: For us, any one who has a position with impact on White House policy-thinking, and was ‘appointed to a post by’ President Obama, sends up a bright red flag!  Bold is our emphasis) continuing from Canada Free Press:

– “Both mainstream and social media have patently ignored an April 2nd Gateway Pundit story written by Cristina Laila revealing that The IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) model for the Coronavirus the White House is relying on is “complete garbage.”:

– ‘It Predicted 121,000 Americans Hospitalized by yesterday; Actual Number…31,142’.  (Gateway Pundit, April 2, 2020).

“The US economy has been virtually shut down, unemployment spiked and small businesses are on the verge of shuttering based on faulty projections.

“The IHME model is using New York and New Jersey data and applying it to the rest of the US.

“It predicted that over 121,000 Americans would be hospitalized yesterday (Wednesday) over the Coronavirus, Sean Davis of The Federalist said.

“The actual number? 31,142.

“For example, the IHME model predicted 1,716 people in Texas would be hospitalized yesterday from the Coronavirus, but the actual number of Texans hospitalized is 196.

“In Georgia, the IHME model predicted that as of yesterday, 2,777 people would have been hospitalized due to the Coronavirus.

– “This is down from the 1.7 million American deaths predicted by a key UK scientist which sent the entire country into panic mode.

“Millions and millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, their homes and their savings.
“These so-called “experts” owe the American public an explanation and not just ever-changing models to terrify the masses.”

“Numbers about COVID-19 victims are starting to add up to suspicion.” (Canada Free Press, April 3, 2020)

And speaking about suspicious numbers:

In every major news event cell phone videos invariably materialize. Every shooting, fire, earthquake, tornado. Where are the videos of the hospitals being overwhelmed with patients? 

Something is creepy wrong and very scary about this:

Looks like we’re all being had, Mr. President

“Creepy how both Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates had some kind of crystal ball to see the arrival of COVID-19 on the watch of President Trump:

—  “WHOA! Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a “Surprise Global Disease Outbreak” (Gateway Pundit, April 3, 2019)

— Bill Gates also focuses on population control. (Bill Gates has a warning about population growth, Sept. 19, 2018)

“Asked about the best ways of tackling the growing population and poverty challenge, Gates said improving access to birth control was key”

Looks like we’re all being had, Mr. President. 

Free the population from government house arrest as soon as possible and put a stop to the globalists’ attempted reset of the economy.

Ms. McLeod concludes her column with this:

“Send Americans back to work, and world governments will soon follow suit.

“Do it for the people.”

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