Monthly Archives: October 2020

“Another day at America’s premier law enforcement agency”

Veritaspac has enlisted its resident playwright, Kneel Simon, to write a one-act play that captures the most remarkable moment in American history since “Hamilton”: “ANOTHER DAY AT AMERICA’S PREMIER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY” The scene: the ‘7th floor’ at the J. … Continue reading

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“Big Guy” Biden hardly exonerated

“On this question of Joe Biden being somehow exonerated on the China deal, how so? WSJ news story correctly notes that his name isn’t on documents. But those docs also suggest special care had been taken to make sure his … Continue reading

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Scott County Yard Sign Observation –

Do others from this area have the same impression? My job has not allowed quite as much prowling of streets this season, especially as compared to previous election cycles when I put up signs for candidates in locations scattered throughout … Continue reading

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Yard sign issue not isolated?

Got a note from a guy in the neighborhood who has somehow fashioned himself, to some, as a Pro-Trump, ‘super-conservative’, with some connections to key state GOP political figures: “Walking through the neighborhood it looks like we have been invaded … Continue reading

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Interpreting Biden campaign and debate statements

Biden statement for public consumption “If elected, what I will do is I’ll put together a national commission of bipartisan commission of scholars, constitutional scholars, Democrats, Republicans, liberal, conservative,” What it means:  In short “personnel is policy” Not so secret … Continue reading

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We suppose Al Capone could rate “Adjunct Professor of Criminology”

Why do we feel our Roman Catholic Church related commentaries are appropriate here, primarily  a secular political blog ?  Because what is happening within one of the nominal bastions for cultural conservatism worldwide is proxy for, and element of, a … Continue reading

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Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus

PS Don”t forget our voting guide available here. There are a lot of every significant things going on in our society right now. Some of monumental import. The information in this article ought to be heralded everywhere, shoved in the … Continue reading

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The most devastating “white coat syndrome” – not fear — but inordinate trust of “public health experts”

NOTICE TO READERS A new post begins below but for convenience of new visitors we will continue to post a link to our voting recommendations until the election is over. Scott County Ballot – Recommendations including Judges A most devastating … Continue reading

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Scott County Ballot – Recommendations including Judges

Vote Republican on President and legislators Judicial retention vote recommendations Ballot issue – oppose convention to revise the Constitution Voting Republican across the board this election is the only way to a return to normalcy, toward a conservative agenda and … Continue reading

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Her Heroes Also Kill Babies

Our Democrat congressperson Sharice Davis here in Kansas has been proudly sporting her tee shirt proclaiming that ‘all her heroes killed Colonizers’. Republican campaign ads have been featuring her shirt/slogan. Then, I found a Business Insider story from, I think, … Continue reading

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