A regretful response to “Biden did not win”

  • DLH takes a less hopeful view regarding whether Trump can prevail

Oh, Biden Won All Right, whether we want to believe it or not:

Mr. Catron makes many excellent points. That Joe Biden actually won the votes of more Americans than his opponent, in defiance of all logic and justice, is, indeed, a difficult thing to believe…and a very tragic thing to realize about this great nation and a majority of the voting adults who live in it.

The data, as Catron presents it, seems undeniable. In so many aspects two opposite  hypotheses cannot be true ( where all the ‘down ballot’ candidates of one party are big winners and only the top of the opposite party’s ticket  wins turns all logic of politics on its head).

There are, however, realities that disappointed, and rightfully concerned conservatives should accept, include the following:

Whatever the merits of the belief that this election was not honest, all the apparent evidence of that will not succeed in our current “courts of law”. If one can believe that fraudulent national elections are part of today’s culture, how much of a stretch is it to know that our courts… our judiciary…is also incredibly corrupt. If you can’t believe that you probably can’t believe other ”wild’ claims that there are states in this great nation whose voters would actually vote to make extraordinarily  dangerous drugs like heroine and cocaine, legal ! (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oregon-first-state-decriminalize-cocaine-heroin-measure-109/ )

If you find it impossible to believe that Joe Biden, despite all the indications of election fraud, and the things widely known about him, and those not so properly communicated about him, could be elected president of the United States, consider these other realities:

– Joe Biden is the least visible radical leftist in modern politics. Always a ‘liberal’, or ‘progressive’, Biden has always been one of the dimmest bulbs in congress. (as former Defense Secretary Bob Gates correctly noted, “Joe Biden has been wrong about every major foreign policy position he’s taken in over 40 years”). But he continued to be reelected, term after term.

– the notion that Joe Biden, despite his dim-wittedness, his remarkably stupid public statements, the viciousness and dishonesty he has displayed toward political opponents (i.e. Judge Bork, Clarence Thomas) is a smartly political,  “nice guy” is legendary…and wholly mythical ! Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy were two of the ‘least nice’ guys, ever, in the US Senate.

– the myth of Biden’s “niceness” has been reinforced over the years, and most recently throughout this year’s election cycle by the media and his fellow officeholders (even the ‘conservative’ outlets and fellow Republican politicians defer in discussing Biden with,”Joe is one of the nicest guys I know…despite his many ‘gaffes'”). We believe those who know better still spread the myth of Joe’s “niceness” because there is nothing else about him one can say without being seen as ‘uncharitable’…in fact, he’s unprincipled, underhanded, greedy, nasty in his treatment of political opponents, easily manipulated when he sees personal political gain, and not very bright! But, he smiles a lot. (If you think I write like I know Joe intimately,that’s not my intention. But if you have read and considered factual reports from credible media about Joe, you would agree the description of him I offer is accurate.)

Besides the possible, if not probable, election fraud and the corruption of our judicial system, there is another sad reality that honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans must accept about the presidential election of 2020: so many of our fellow Americans… well-meaning, normally thoughtful, moral, even the religious faithful, believe that Biden is “better for the country” than Donald Trump.

There’s a reason for this extremely misguided notion:

a) Biden talks a lot about his “faith”. Like Nancy Pelosi, they’ve worked at making people believe their “God-fearing ways, their devotion to their “Catholic faith”, their alignment with the views of Pope Francis, the media solidifying the myth of Biden’s “niceness” and commitment to “unity”, “compassion”, etc.

b) Trump’s manner of campaigning and carrying out his presidential duties is so different from other presidents in modern times. Even though, Trump may eventually be recognized as the most positively consequential president in the nation’s history, his “style” is a ‘turnoff ‘ for many of the American people described above (“well-meaning”, “normally thoughtful”, etc).

And yet the public behavior of Trump which is so off-putting to many is nothing compared to the less-public, and far-less well-known behavior than that of most of his predecessors.

Lyndon Johnson may have been the crudest, most vulgar person to ever occupy the Oval Office. JFK may have had the most extreme of sexual appetites, almost none of which were known during his time in office but in recent years have been disclosed, though not nearly as exposed as Trump’s less extreme actions.

Only Clinton, it is generally conceded, was blatantly more offensive in his actual behavior than Trump’s widely exaggerated alleged behavior.

Other presidents before recent times were not as openly exposed as in the recent age. Eisenhower and his ‘alleged affair’ with his driver, ‘Ms.Kay Summersby’* was revealed by the press but without much in the way of sensationalism. There was much about FDR that was not known publicly but was later revealed to little public notice.

At any rate, the bottom line is, there is nothing that will overturn the election of Joe Biden in 2020. It’s our belief that the next 4 years are likely to be disastrous for the USA, but that our nation, and its basic goodness among nations of the world will survive, if barely. And, assuming America comes ‘out the other side’ of a Biden- then Harris presidency, it will be stronger.

Dark days lie ahead, however, and its unlikely we will ever see another person like Donald Trump as our president…and for those two realities, we should all be regretful.  dlh




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