Monthly Archives: March 2021

Rita Hart concedes, now the question becomes is it a loss to Miller-Meeks or Miller-Leach

The writing (vote tally) was on the wall Apparently Hart did not have the votes even in Zoe Lofgren’s committee Maybe some bile in this post, not unlike MMM is capable of, and Rita Hart I was of the opinion … Continue reading

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Is MMM’s support for a Dem power grab federalizing domestic crime to gain support for regularizing her provisional seat?

Her vote is blatantly inconsistent and not on an inconsequential matter. Why didn’t she explain to Dems that her states rights distortion regarding the electoral college resulting in getting rid of Orange Man and maybe the Republic, required her to … Continue reading

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In Re Hillary, SCOTUS invokes a doctrine of “regium tueri invicem”

private server conducting government business, revealing classified information; all OK with SCOTUS?! Royalty protect one another SUPREME COURT DENIES BID BY JUDICIAL WATCH TO REQUIRE HILLARY CLINTON TO TESTIFY UNDER OATH ABOUT HER E-MAILS By now, any conservative who thinks … Continue reading

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Does Durham even exist or is it all Bull?

Frustrated Trump demands to know if Special Counsel Durham is still ‘living’ ‘Where’s Durham? Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?’ Trump said Last Summer Had One more Day To Go And Reports … Continue reading

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Miller-Meeks inconsistent and out of step, but at least not resident evil

The resident evil part would be closer to the persons of Rita Hart and the Democrat apparat supporting her. Our support of MMM does not absolve her of very serious apostasies that undermine what we presume to be genuineness in … Continue reading

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Picture essays


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Democrats / liberal media trying to make us believe in an alternate universe

  I’ve often pondered: Do lunatics know they’re “crazy”? Do they really understand the concept of “sanity/insanity”? These questions arose as I watched a Saturday Night Live skit masquerading as the new guy’s first press conference. Gene’s observation and analysis: … Continue reading

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Pelosi and Hart feverishly trying to “square the circle” in effort to steal Iowa 2nd CD seat

Democrats call 2020’s election the “most secure ever”. Mainstream media and “big-tech” agree: Voter rolls were current, purged of felons/illegals/dead people. States mailed millions of unsolicited ballots, no multiples, no obsolete addresses, no ineligible people. USPS was on the “Up … Continue reading

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Going out on a limb: We predict Miller-Meeks will keep the seat

Dems, being who they are, don’t have an ethics problem but they have an optics problem, and they know it More committee action Monday Sitting in the district I see it as a convoluted situation for us Trump supporters and … Continue reading

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Miller-Meeks not helping engender enthusiasm for her fight to retain 2nd District seat

Dance with the ones that brung ya Note: The following are some thoughts on how Second District Congressman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (MMM) is sending the wrong message to constituents and other Republicans during and in the effort to retain her seat … Continue reading

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