Memorial Day Memory Hole — Hoyas and Harris

Is hate America what rocks at Georgetown?  Is THIS what a Catholic University education produces!!!???!!! 

Now we realize a similar result would be found at most all “prestigious” universities, but then isn’t Georgetown supposed to be a shining example of something traditional —  something respectful — something culturally sound? There was perhaps once a time when the entire student body would have been brought to task for evidence of any substantial display of such ignorance and “cultural” disrespect.

Does anyone doubt that these twits could have been induced to sign a petition honoring the October Revolution in Russia in spite of the Black Book of Communism(s) dead?


Georgetown University students recently signed a fake petition to cancel Memorial Day due to its celebration of “American imperialism.” One student said he “didn’t really think of it in this way” until he got to college and took “Women’s and Gender Studies classes,” which put him on a “fuck the U.S.” path in life.

Campus Reform’s Addison Smith went to Georgetown University to conduct a social experiment to see if students would be willing to sign a fake petition seeking to abolish Memorial Day over alleged “American imperialism.” Many students signed the petition.

“Is this a holiday you support? Is this something you’re going to be celebrating?” asked Smith after telling the students about his petition.

“I’m not celebrating,” one student affirmed. “I don’t think Memorial Day should be a thing that we celebrate, personally. I feel like it’s a celebration of U.S. imperialism and colonialism.”

The wisdom of these Jesuit educated students should certainly be a source of pride to the Catholic community. One of these budding geniuses explained,  

“that he thinks differently after Women’s and Gender Studies courses in college, which have put him “on this path” where “I’m, like, yeah, like, fuck the U.S.”)

These excerpts from Wikipedia give a pretty good insight into the nature of the education these young people get at Georgetown:

Georgetown has been criticized by religious groups, such as the Cardinal Newman Society, for not following the teachings of the church. The school has come under criticism for hosting prominent pro-abortion rights speakers, such as John Kerry and Barack Obama.[56][57] Washington’s Archbishop, Donald Wuerl, also criticized the university for inviting pro-abortion rights Kathleen Sebelius to be a commencement speaker.[58] Religious groups have likewise denounced Georgetown for being too LGBT-friendly and for allowing gay-themed events, including a performance, during which “a male student went as a high-heeled Mary and danced to Madonna’s ‘Like a Virgin’ while Jesus (a woman) looked on.”[59]

Between 1996 and 1999, the administration added crucifixes to many classroom walls, a change that attracted national attention.[60] Before 1996, crucifixes had hung only in hospital rooms and historic classrooms.[61] Some of these crucifixes are historic works of art, and are noted as such.[62] According to a 2004 interview with Imam Yahya Hendi, the school’s on-campus Muslim cleric, pressure to remove the crucifixes comes from within the Catholic community, while he and other campus faith leaders have defended their placement.[63] The Intercultural Center is an exception to this controversy, rotating displays of various faith and culture symbols in the lobby.[64] In 2009, Georgetown’s religious symbols were brought back to national attention after the university administration covered-up the name of Jesus in preparation for President Barack Obama’s speech on campus.[65]

And then there is the insipid twit “Vice-President” Kamala Harris whose personal profundity could not muster more than HAPPY HOLIDAY?

It would be the definition of “piling on” if your friends at V’pac pointed out that Kamala Harris is the most disgusting being ever to occupy the office of Vice President of the United States.
“Enjoy the long weekend.”
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 29, 2021

But then, why not remind folks what has happened to this great nation’s “leader ship(?)”

The African-American community , and feminists, should be, and probably are, embarrassed to have Kamala Harris parading around as America’s “first Black female Vice President”!

She is neither “Black” nor anything (of either gender) to be proud of.

She got a lot of criticism for her asinine ‘tweet’ wishing everyone to enjoy a “long weekend”, without even acknowledging what that “long weekend” honors…the many Americans who fought and made the ultimate sacrifice to insure freedom for all Americans!

Memorial Day to Kamala Harris and her anti-America friends and supporters is just a “holiday weekend” (maybe like Christmas is the “Winter Holiday”?).

God Bless America and God Bless America’s Fallen Heroes!

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