Monthly Archives: October 2022

Paul Pelosi sings “He Had a Hammer”

We wonder if the otherwise peaceful incursion by a wacko all-over-the-map-non-birthing- person in his near birthday suit into the Pelosi residence this week  — while  Nancy was busy away taking a hammer to the country and Constitution at large — … Continue reading

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Thanks to HP for sending this related viewing here–     00

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Which candidates are proud enough of their party to be identified with it?

Part 1 — Political ads in earshot this past week — 97X FM If the ads I have heard on the radio from Republican Scott Webster and Democrat Mary Kathleen Figaro (in case you didn’t know, she is a doctor) … Continue reading

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Winning strategy: Don’t let your opponent or the media beat up on you

Keri Lake and JD Vance get it (clips below) Seems so obvious but instead way too many Republican candidates can’t find their tongue; hope that simply being a Republican can carry the day (it might if they would bother to … Continue reading

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Spotlight on Iowa Attorney General & Scott County Attorney Races

GIVE ‘EM THE BIRD* BACK THE BLUE IN SCOTT COUNTY A Democrat has held the Iowa Attorney General (AG) position since 1979 and have used it as a liberal cudgel and bully pulpit advancing liberal public policy nostrums. They have … Continue reading

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Laughter at the enemies expense is worth 1000 syllogisms

Laughter at the enemies expense is worth 1000 syllogisms.* Well done, well placed ridicule, not mere taunts, can show how preposterous a political movement is when the implications are solid.  It can also shame bulls*t artists and celebrities however fashionable but … Continue reading

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Victor Davis Hanson column today: The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization

His message: Its the culture stupid Just another outstanding commentary from VDH: The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization. With self-reflection lots of blame to be widely dispersed but while conservatives can be blamed for weakness, capitulation, lack of insight to forge … Continue reading

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