Insufferable Indeed

Yessir! Good Ol’ Joe has done it. Vice President Joe Biden met the challenge with a debate performance last Thursday that will set a standard for debate behavior by aspirants to high office for generations to come.

What! You’re one who thought Mr. Biden’s performance more resembled the antics of an incredibly ill behaved 11 year old child? You agree with Fox News’ Chris Wallace that the Vice President delivered the most disrespectful behavior in the history of Presidential/ Vice Presidential television debates? You think that ol’ Joe’s smirking, inappropriate laughing, rude interruption of his opponent made the cast of Jersey Shore look like models of class and decorum?

Well, obviously you are not part of the Democratic Party “base”. Joe’s challenge going into the debate Thursday night was, with the help of moderator Martha Raddatz, to shore up the party’s base which had been allegedly put in some jeopardy by a miserable outing by Joe’s boss in his matchup with challenger Mitt Romney the previous week.

By all accounts from most “leading” liberal left “journalists” and pundits, Biden was magnificent!

So, who is this “Democratic Party base”?

Among its most prominent is obviously the Associated Press. A piece signed by the AP “staff” called Biden’s weird performance “scrappy” and suggested he had, indeed, met the challenge.

Undoubtedly, judging from his most recent column,  Dana Milbank can easily be elected president of Smirky Joe’s fan club: “Many will criticize Biden’s antics…”, Milbank writes, “But all of the scoffing and incredulity (“incredulity”?)…was to an end, and one that Obama would be wise to emulate: It indicated outrage.

“Biden’s incredulous (there’s that word again)…grins and putdowns (“bunch of malarkey,”bunch of stuff”) seemed to rattle Ryan, as measured by his copious water consumption.”

So there it is! According to Milbank, Biden wowed…and Obama would be smart to emulate his performance!

One is inclined to speculate whether the only way Obama could win Milbank’s appreciation for a more effective debate effort than Joe’s  would be if perhaps he loudly passed gas during a Romney response to a town hall participant’s question. Frequent belching by the President would also likely win Mr. Milbank’s  approval.

Possibly as a big finish, President Obama could indicate his “outrage” at Mr. Romney’s remarks by dropping his pants and mooning the Governor.

Milbank and the Democratic base would go wild!!!!

(An added observation: The Sunday Dispatch chipped in with its editorial assessment of Thursday’s debate in a typically unintelligble piece. Bemoaning the “damage done to our ever- coarsening political debate”, the editors were “fair and balanced”, inexplicably blaming both participants for what “seemed more like a verbal playground brawl”!!??

One must question whether any one at the Dispatch watched the debate. But, then of course, the Dispatch must remember its place among the “base”.)       DLH

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