Not an actual facsimile of The Crank. And dear readers we will work on him regarding the need to continue to be, like yours truly, a pimple on the elephants ass
Maybe, for me, the time has come.
Has anything the Republican Party ever done in its history which got the incredible amounts of news coverage, commentary, and “free publicity” as its release of its “exhaustive” study of “what killed the GOP?”?
The media and the Democratic Party have been dancing in the streets while GOP Chairman Reince Priebus is announcing to the world that the Republican Party is the goofiest, most self destructive entity in political history.
According to Reince, the Party spent lots of time and bucks interviewing voters across the nation to find out why the Party did not do well in the 2012 national election. Turns out, according to Reince, the Party has too many old, angry white guys, Tea Party nutcases, and religious fanatics.
Republicans, it seems “everybody” agrees, are “scary” and “stuffy” and “out of touch”. It is so “ideologically rigid”, presumably because of its insistence on clinging to those oh-so-18th century values.
The party will flourish if it rids itself of old white guys, embraces gay marriage, apologizes for its war on women,adopts a much more sensible position on abortion (like,any time, anywhere, no reason required, and all paid for by the taxpayers), supports a more “redistributive society” with “social justice” for all, and a come one, come all “immigration policy” which rewards the disregard for our nation’s laws with instant citizenship.
The Party must also either tame those tea party freaks who somehow got elected or invite their ignorant, racist, gun-loving, anti-inclusiveness supporters to get out of its big tent.
Reince seems to promise that Americans will flock to the GOP’s side and it will worry nevermore about losing elections. All it will have to do is promote its “new values”…and maybe change its name to, say, The Born Again Democratic (BAD) Party.
Perhaps it is time for me to “do my part” and help Reince all I can. I am one of those that the party is sure it would be better off without…you know “scary”, out of touch, white, male, over 60, and supports the aims of the dreaded Tea Party. Perhaps it’s time to join the ranks of those highly respected “independents.” But, Reince, with that decision, I’m sure you don’t expect me to send another dime to your party or support in any way, those Republican candidates you deem worthy.
We’ll see how that works out. In the mean time give my best to Karl and Lindsey and the “Boner.”