Monthly Archives: December 2014

Don’t view on an empty stomach

As stomach-turning as it is to watch, I’d suggest you might find this HuffPo  “drink & talk” interview with Dan Pfeiffer interesting.   Top Obama Adviser Tackles 2014 . . .  The arrogance of the guy is emblematic of the entire Obama … Continue reading

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The ABC’s of current GOP leadership

The Politico professes to not know how Republican leadership doesn’t yet know how it will handle Obama’s nominations over the next two years. Duh! Let us help Politico with this one. It’s not a toughy. How will the GOP handle … Continue reading

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The people leaving the Republican Party are not mushy

The article excerpted below came to us via GOPUSA.  It is a re-post by them of an article by Bryan Fischer written for American Family Association One News Now.  The entire article is a worthy statement serving as a warning … Continue reading

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Call for an Effective Speaker of the House Continues

World Net Daily (WND) is promoting a “Dump Boehner” campaign. Editor Joseph Farrah says that Boehner is vulnerable to a “palace coup.”  We have previously promoted contacts to Iowa’s Steve King urging him to run for Speaker of the House … Continue reading

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happy new year :-(

Excerpt from a very ominous article by Michael Walsh writing at PJ Media With Two Years Left, the Inflection Point of the Obama Presidency “Now we are past both the presidential election and the ’14 midterms, and have arrived at … Continue reading

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Meanwhile the social justice “mediators” fan the flames

No more excuses and pandering Remember the old saw attributed to notorious bank robber Willie Sutton  . . . when asked “why do you rob banks”  – he responded –  “because that is where the money is.”  And so,  why … Continue reading

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A sad day for personkind — reflecting the need for change!

With so many publications doing retrospectives we decided to get in on the act. Looking ahead, we call for affirmative action in the NFL  – the glass ceiling is just too high for gays THE story that made headlines across … Continue reading

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Racist reporting . . . a parody

This morning, on local TV news, they were reporting on mobs of “teens” rampaging through a mall in Independence, MO and in two other cities. The term “teens” was the only reference to the physical makeup of the mobs. Video, … Continue reading

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Latest GDP Hoopla Hides Deep Problems

If economy so strong why the zero interest rates? Actual text of BEA report revealing News aggregator The Drudge Report’s has a collection of stories regarding the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures from the Obamacrats US Bureau of Economic … Continue reading


Defending Western Civilization

The article we refer you to by Carol Brown, writing in American Thinker, is actually  more limited than our title line. She merely asks What is America’s Survival Plan?  Our view is that we think of America as the last … Continue reading

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