Monthly Archives: January 2017

Beelzebub, Butter side up, and Bring It

Compelling reads: Beelzebub – Written by  William F. Jasper  for The New American.  We do not agree with every aspect of JBS positions or all their characterizations of past and present political leaders, but as to this character, well . … Continue reading

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ARE YOU KIDDING? This from those so concerned about Obama’s usurpations Republican Lawmakers Prompted to “evaluate whether…actions might eventually infringe on Congress’s authority” “Most Democrats opposed Mr. Trump’s executive actions”  (No sh-t!) Believe it or not, this isn’t a ‘tongue-in-cheek … Continue reading


The Po-Bear Card card played by the Dispatch-Argus

Political cartoons to be good, have to have some truth to them If the cartoon had no policy message then why put it on the editorial page? Seriously Dispatch-Argus ?  We thought you were better than this. The polar bear … Continue reading

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Not us Maxine, we are with you all the way

Wouldn’t it be racist and sexist “racexist” not to pick a Democrat leader with Congresswoman Ms Waters seniority, consistency, constituent support and commitment to carry the banner in 2020? The time has come for  Watters  Water’s world  people to run … Continue reading

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Pondering ~~ “Reverse Gerrymandering”

Purposely sending immigrants to one CD or another to enhance or alter dominant party control Per the Constitution, every ten years, the U.S. conducts a census. The next one will be taken in 2020. Using the results, representatives to the … Continue reading

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Who is this joke on?

Obviously Fox is having a little fun but it’s difficult to determine exactly at whose expense. MARIE BARF, er, HARF???!!! Joining Fox News as a “contributor”… to “contribute” what?! I caught her ‘inaugural’ appearance Monday night. It was quite similar … Continue reading

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More on Anti-Trump protestors

Read title as Moron Anti-Trump Protestors Who are they trying to shock? And they think normal America is supposed to take them seriously.  Here is a look at what journalists for The Federalist frequently saw while walking around Washington DC  … Continue reading

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Hollywood left entertains; and why does Gwyneth Paltrow walk funny?

We will answer the lead question in a bit but first — The womyns march Funnier than any of their “comedy sketches”, sadder than any of their dramatic productions, far less serious than their “solemn” pronouncements…the extravaganza held in New … Continue reading

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Some of these prima donnas you just wanna slap

Thanks to Vincie M for the forward and the thought process above. Lindsey Graham: ‘I Don’t Know What America First Means’    – Breitbart His consternation expressed in the interview above was with reference to President Trump’s foreign policy priorities.  … Continue reading

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Interesting study – media narratives election night

Now this is dedication to investigative journalism GM reports on review of hours and hours of election night coverage Our own media research center! Using You Tube, I undertook the project of watching the election coverage from all channels, beginning … Continue reading

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