Monthly Archives: August 2017

AntiFa Circus

I just saw a bandwagon drive by. A big one. I’m not talking hay-rack, but a full-sized motor coach. The original “Attend Trump’s impeachment” trip to Washington got cancelled, and tickets were non-refundable. It’s now staying local, re-named the “Assuage … Continue reading

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Can’t we just give ‘climate liberation theology’ a chance?

Climate panic skepticism, right up there with racism I wonder if our “humble” Pope questions God’s wisdom in providing the earth with abundant natural resources which mankind can use responsibly to better its condition? If the Pontiff’s position as interpreted … Continue reading

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Ok Ok Ok this explains the “titanic stupidity” of ‘Net Neutrality’

Joe Peschi explains it?  No but he is excited that he has come up with a breakthrough expression of a concept, oh, and it could serve to intro a GEICO ad as well. Here is a really good exposition on … Continue reading

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Apple’s Tim Cook seems to appreciate certain tenets of fascism

The responsibilities of a corporate mogul are to take care of business, nothing else.  Elected officials should operate in their mandated realm (as limited by our constitutional-republic form of  government). One should not substitute for the other. Here is the … Continue reading

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Kurt Schlichter, the Arpaio pardon and conservatism not being a suicide pact

We would like to pontificate on this more, rationalize it more, critique it some. The article was instigated by reactions from “purists” in the conservative sphere as regards Trumps pardon of Joe Arpaio.  Perhaps  we can hold forth in coming … Continue reading

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A walk down Memory Lane in Pardonville

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Saturday criticized President Donald Trump for pardoning a former Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio, becoming the highest-ranking Republican to object to the move. (Wall Street Journal, 8/27/17) ————- A walk down Memory Lane Fifteen years ago … Continue reading

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Paul Ryan breaks with Trump to condemn pardon of Joe Arpaio To paraphrase Captain Renault in “Casablanca”: Shocked! I am shocked, I tell you…to find out that Paul Ryan would break with President Trump over the pardon of Sheriff Joe … Continue reading


Administration departures: What disenfranchisement looks like

Is the nightmare happening? Here is an interesting juxtapositioning to illustrate the morphing of the Trump presidency from what the electorate voted for into what the establishment and the Left expected from an “inevitable” Hillary presidency. Very liberal Wall Streeter … Continue reading

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As long as they don’t Californicate or Washingtaint us

Apple is latest tech giant drawn to Iowa Apple announced they will build a data center to the tune of a billion plus dollars in Waukee, basically a suburb of Des Moines.  Expensive to build but said to only employ … Continue reading

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Vatican: Security for me but not for thee?

So if average Joe in US of A is worried about a jihadist threat we have to suck it up and invite them in, out of Christian duty???   No extraordinary measures. Vatican No. 2: Anti-pope jihadist attack threat is worrying  … Continue reading

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