Monthly Archives: June 2018

More about what McConnell /GOP must do

DLH holds forth on what McConnell /GOP must do I agree that that the notion that a vacancy on the Court at time of the mid-terms as a means of enhancing GOP’s chances of having greater senate representation in the … Continue reading

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Iowa’s Supreme Court just aborted the state’s constitution

The writing was on the wall after their last abortion related decision to, without dissent, throw out Iowa’s legislative attempt to ban dangerous web-cam abortions. Their five to two decision yesterday throwing out Iowa’s 72 hour waiting period legislation used … Continue reading

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Usual suspects: “Keep the SCOTUS position open to help elect Republicans!!”

Yes, as Rush and others have pointed out, such is being bandied about.  Heretofore the McConnell* (and others)  “next election” ploy.  To the effect, ~~ you know things are close in the Senate, we really need more Republican there and … Continue reading

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Deputy AG Rosenstein — It’s the American people who are being ‘impugned’

BREAKING NEWS! NATION’S TOP LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITIES HUMILIATED IN CONGRESSIONAL HEARING All DOJ and 37,000 FBI personnel impugned! Larry and Curly appear, but where’s Moe? (Does Jeff Sessions Really Believe in These Two?)   Perhaps we exaggerate…but maybe not. If … Continue reading

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RISING SUN OR SETTING SUN?   SHORT HOT SUMMER Mitch McConnell must absolutely obtain the confirmation of a conservative justice to replace retiring Justice Kennedy. There is no excuse, there is only victory in this or the last whimper of … Continue reading


Second second thoughts

Christopher? Nope!; Gina, I dunno… In previous posts we expressed concern about President Trump’s selection of Christopher Wray as Director of the FBI. As we noted, when a Trump nominee wins all but 5 Democrat senate votes for confirmation, it’s … Continue reading

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We are all for more truth on trade

We generally like Veronique de Rugy’s economic commentaries at Townhall because at our core we don’t like the economic cronyism of government picking winners and losers and we fear  unconstitutional power assumed to do so.  As ethanol mandates are a … Continue reading

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Not Pollyannish, not pessimistic

Adam Mill writing at The Federalist.  Provides a good reminder of Reagan’s realistic view of socialism.  Excerpt President Trump’s Economic Recovery Proves America’s Freedom Still Has A Chance  Recently, Jesse Kelly wrote a worthy article forecasting the United States’ decline … Continue reading

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For G*d’s sake stop any censure of Maxine Waters

Republicans demanding she resign is STUPID LOW IQ CRAZY TALK Seriously . . . ABSOLUTELY SERIOUSLY …  what better honest mouthpiece is there to expose what Democrats are really about?  Why would we want to have her off of the … Continue reading

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Support Grassley at County Meetings

From Douglas Johnson, National Right to Life Committee Legislative Department: Senator Chuck Grassley holds a town meeting in each of Iowa’s 99 counties, each year (and he has been doing this for 38 years!). During the first week in July, … Continue reading

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