Monthly Archives: May 2019


Along with the other legends of compatriot underground railroad lore destined for the US: LaRaza Limited  Aztlan Zephyr (apologies to the California Zephyr) Bienestar Constellation Hashish Express (apologies to the Marrakesh Express) Red, White & Green Special  (apologies to the … Continue reading

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Ilhan Omar is the Democrat Party

She certainly represents it accurately and all its fraudulent, entitled, bitter, ignorant, freedom destroying, irresponsible, anti-Constitution, one-world-government, culturally depraved promotions. This Michelle Malkin article describes one of Omar’s frauds on the American people and laws  —  her marrying of her … Continue reading

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Articles that tripped our trigger this morning

Note: We have a high capacity magazine in operation most days Constitutional “roots” no longer being necessary a socially conservative court can grow the constitution without regard to history as history no longer matters, only the here and now. Justice … Continue reading

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Ten Delusions of the Left . . .

By Don Feder writing at Grasstops USA  (note our addenda to item 10) Ten Ways The Left Is Delusional, Deranged And Detached From Reality Someone on Facebook asked: What one-word best describes leftists? Answers included fanatic, arrogant, hypocritical, elitist, totalitarian … Continue reading

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Democrat – Russian collusion against V’PAC

When it rains it pours and it has been doing that most days of late hereabouts. Your editor was swamped  almost literally with projects that needed to be attended to and then in the time slot allotted for erudition on … Continue reading

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Ilhan Omar the nasty little twit

THE DEMOCRATS CELEBRATE ILHAN OMAR’S ANTI-AMERICAN POSITION; THE GOP CENSURES STEVE KING TO APPEASE THE LEFT’S MISREPRESENTATIONS OF HIM Ilhan Omar deserves neither the scorn nor the publicity from patriotic Americans and the ‘All Things Left’ so loved by the … Continue reading

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Another “Game Changer”! Really? How many does that make?

( Ed note:  this post was submitted two days ago but due to clerical error was  put later in our queue) Another “Game Changer”! Really? How many does that make? Is this event that will blow the lid off the … Continue reading

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NYT signals CIA Director Haspel

With this syrupy signaling from the New York Times — CIA head Haspel is being sampled with the glories that await her if she joins the Trump resistance by going into hiding or something. Readers will detect that in the … Continue reading

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Our skepticism in Barr ‘consulting’ with the three stooges

Anyone else skeptical –  you read it here first Trump Gives Barr Authority to Declassify Information About Russia Probe’s Origins The order comes as Trump tells his own team not to comply with multiple probes focused on him “Mr. Barr … Continue reading

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Restraining — Federal Judicial tyranny; litigation by Iowa’s AG without warrant (or client)

Important judicial restraint article at Americans for Limited government  Governor Reynolds vetoes de jure attempt to rein in Iowa AG Miller Trump, Barr fight back against judicial tyranny of nationwide injunctions By Richard McCarty at Americans for Limited Government We … Continue reading

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