Monthly Archives: June 2021

Absurdity of the Biden military, the pathetic hand ringing of too many of our elected Republicans

Military readiness is but one of the “culture matters” benefiting all Americans that Democrats have sought to collapse. This c cartoon says much.  We will have more to say about how many Republicans have essentially rubber stamped the changes and … Continue reading

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Bishops apparently declare Church Doctrine merely “suggestions”

Pope Francis and US Catholic bishops have delegated authority to interpret Catholic Doctrine to United States “pope”, The Reverend Joseph Biden! Joe Biden has paraded around Washington for more than 40 years as one of the most devoted Christian politicians that perhaps … Continue reading

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Biden’s latest executive action, ABOUT TIME!

Biden signs executive order barring us citizens from owning F-15’s Democrats hail ‘common-sense’ fighter plane controls President Biden took a major step to control anti-government violence Friday when he signed into law a prohibition on the ownership of F-15 Fighter … Continue reading

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Iowans need to monitor whether racist CRT (Critical Race Theory) is being taught sub-rosa in spite of law proscribing it

Right here in River City – local teachers have already been instructed in indoctrinating, infusing CRT precepts into curricula Massively informative exposé (link below)  CRT will be implemented unless changes are made in school boards across the country You can’t … Continue reading

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These are interesting times

We apologize for not doing a better more consistent job at plugging away, posting more the last few days, but here is our excuse and we think you can appreciate it: The revelations of fraud, manipulation, ulterior motives,  malpractice, incompetence, … Continue reading

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Derision and contempt are warrented

The pro-abortion mentality Seven day old chicken in egg, and 20 week human baby in utero Germany bans killing chick embryos because they feel pain, but still allows abortion of humans Federal Judge Rules North Carolina’s 20-Week Abortion Ban Is … Continue reading

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Seriously, this fraud carrying a stethoscope!?

“Is that a stethoscope in your pocket or are you just glad to see me“ Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces the “Fire Fauci Act” — He Was Not Elected, Not Our Ruler Dr. Mercola Explains Dr. Bridle’s … Continue reading

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If those wind turbines are not spinning what good are they?

None, other than to serve as one of the most obscene demonstrations of government boondoggles, special interest lawmaking and graft, waste of taxpayer money, assault on environmental legitimacy, damnable ugly things. This hot weather stretches electrical energy demand for air-conditioning does … Continue reading

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Covidistan and The Great Reset, they are in for a reckoning

Amen we say unto you. — go forth and ridicule subtly if need be, with love to whom it must be, with distain to the manipulators, but resist, resist with all your heart Two excellent commentaries at Townhall from Scott … Continue reading

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Is Kamala Harris being set up?

This RedState commentary by Bonchie, excerpted here, argues that — our take follows. (collection of delightful images not from RedState)  Kamala Harris Is Being Set Up. Harris has been crashing and burning in regards to the border for weeks. It’s so … Continue reading

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