Ashli Babbitt may deserve a medal more than opprobrium

  • Still waiting for a correction and balance from Sen. Grassley (and others)

Video evidence has surfaced apparently indicating that Ashli Babbitt tried to stop (including punching one out)  the few protestors (or possibly provocateurs) that were engaged in vandalism inside the Capitol on January 6th. It should be noted that perhaps hundreds of others entered the building facing little resistance from police, if not escorted in by police, and who like Babbitt did not engage in vandalism.  Another video with clear enough audio indicates Ashli tried to get the police to do their jobs admonishing them to to cordon off the demonstration.  While you may have read that Ashli Babbitt had a history of impulsive behavior but from what we have seen her impulses in those final moments of her life were honorable.

Babbitt Tried to Stop Attack on Capitol Speaker’s Lobby, Video Shows

NEW FOOTAGE Shows Ashli Babbitt Punched Violent Rioter Who Was Breaking Windows In The Face Just Seconds Before She Was Shot Dead (VIDEO)

So based on the demeanor established in the aforementioned videos available at The Gateway Pundit and elsewhere, Ashli Babbitt’s appearance in the interior window of the Capitol, a window she tried to prevent from being broken, and where she was shot by a police officer, the one and only bullet fired that day, — shot by an officer who hazarded his fellow officers standing near her who had no compulsion to fire their weapons at demonstrators because they were in a better position to see what was going on — it can be reasonably inferred Ashli’s actions were an attempt to put herself between the vandals and any entry by others. It can be inferred that her appearance in the window was to further admonish the vandals as she was a 9-year veteran of Air Force security forces. The homicidal action of the officer who shot diminutive unarmed Ashli Babbett was totally irresponsible if not criminal.

About Senate Grassley and other elected Republicans in Iowa

We still are not aware of any corrections to the record issued by Senator Grassley and other Republicans from this state for their pearl-clutching statements issued days and weeks after their inflammatory descriptions of events that day were exposed and could no longer be passed off as merely overwrought knee jerk statements or repetitions of WaPo bunk. Where are the apologies for the outright calumny directed at President Trump (and by implication his supporters as mindless zombies doing his biddin) suggesting he incited riot when in fact he called for peaceful demonstrations?

The handful of jerks who played into the hands of the left that day, likely egged on by agents provocateur, at worst comprised a pathetic dime-store fit one might see from toddlers, not rising to the level of looting and destruction exhibited by the left against government buildings continuously including actual insurrection (Portland).

It is still impossible to forget that Senator Grassley did not have the courage to join his constitutional betters asking for a mere ten day delay in certification of the electoral college in order for an emergency audit of the elections in disputed states, an effort with sound historic and constitutional underpinnings further justified by evidence and testimony of extensive fraud and official disregard for the law. Those senators included   graduates of  prestigious law schools — Yale, Harvard, U. of Virginia, Vanderbilt included a former SCOTUS clerk and State AG.

By Senator Grassley’s and others lights, by their theory even in the face of clear (all we were advocating was clarification) egregious fraud — if a corrupted system produces, and a judiciary with circular reasoning fails even to consider corruption, congress is obligated to rubber stamp the “results’. The last bulwark is reduced to oblivious ministerial pretense.  How pathetic our Iowa delegation was that day in not insisting on an audit.

GOP senators, led by Cruz, to object to Electoral College certification, demand emergency audit

Related reading:

Trump should have let Grassley stew in his juices awhile

Will Senators Grassley and Ernst apologize for parroting lies and spin about Jan 6th

We wonder if Grassley, Ernst, Feenstra, Miller-Meeks and Hinson agree

Air Force vet Ashli Babbitt tried stopping Jan. 6 Capitol vandalism before fatally shot: Report

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