Biden not merely a bad man of bad policies he and his handlers are out to destroy the country

  • The Creep’s Speech — all you really need to do is substitute MAGA for Jew

His speech last night was as evil and as mendacious as Adolf Hitler ever gave, and Hitler was well practiced.    The (telepromtered) speech was ‘classic’ transference along the lines of Hitlers Nuremberg speech of 1936.

Only handlers and adjutants who are wannabe members of a Reich Cabinet of National Salvation could come up with the props and sign off on such a speech delivered by the often dementia addled creep some people call president but we more accurately call resident.   Links to commentaries below:

(Note to readers next post will be Labor Day)

You can’t make this up. The military presence was uncalled for. The bathed in red was his handlers choice — sending a message no doubt.



















OK I added the sepia tone



Here are some conservative commentaries on the speech. More comments to be added as we await Victor Davis Hanson should he wade in

Biden’s ‘Democracy’ Lecture Reminded Americans How Relentlessly Democrats Undermine It

Joe Biden Crosses Lines in Grotesque National Address, Heckler Spoils His Party

Tucker Carlson Takes on the Evil in Joe Biden’s Speech

Kari Lake Reacts to Biden’s Speech: ‘Most Absurd and Frankly, Obscene Address’

Biden Demonizes Millions Of Americans While Calling For Unity

Despotic Joe Biden Rages: Declares War Against Republicans, GOP ‘Destroying American Democracy,’ Incites Violence Against Half The Country

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Republicans better up their game and fight back aggressively

I am not close to the day to day inner workings of the Republican apparat of late but as John Q Citizen who gets around local Iowa quite a bit I am seeing more Democrat yard signs than Republican.

True, the  frequency for Democrats is in Democrat precincts but the Republican precinct are comparatively scant. In full disclosure I do not have my full complement out yet but I  am not on a highly trafficked street. However I have had an open-seat race yard sign out for some time as I began seeing all the Democrat signs.

One Republican exception has been Mike Vondran running for the Iowa House. Also, John Maxwell running for County Supervisor has done well in the non-urban area of the county.

Is there some ‘strategy” of Labor Day forward in that voting (by mail) starts a little later now? It is a pretty weak momentum strategy given that all the printing should be done and most locations found by now. Door knocking would go much better with such visibility and fund-raising momentum would be enhanced. Is this over-confidence or just more selective emphasis than I am seeing?  Neither are worthy of what is at stake.

Does the Republican apparat – (campaign people) not realize this is a Democrat machine county but one where Republicans can win? I really think the current visible effort is rather pathetic. I would not be critical if I saw local generic Republican efforts breaking through exposing and condemning the Democrats for what they support.  It is game time and the Republicans have not taken the field (and with the free rides they are giving some Democrats they will be participating with seriously less than full compliment).

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Megyn Kelly rips Fauchi a new one and it is glorious

Ron DeSantis starts the toss the dwarf elf game. (link)

Via The Western Journal:

“The truth is that Dr. Fauci, who had a greater hand than anyone in causing Americans to lose their jobs, years of learning and even their lives thanks to the social and economic upheaval he helped force upon us during the pandemic, ought to be ashamed to show his face in polite society,” Kelly said, kicking off the production.    . . .

“Fuck you, Dr. Fauci! You don’t get to say whether you go. You get a congressional subpoena, you show up, or you get the Steve Bannon treatment.”

Read or view her full comments, they are glorious and true. We embellish them with a few memes we collected cruising here and there.

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Republicans — THIS is how to do it — DeSantis ad and Gavin ridicule

Be direct, expose, ridicule

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The usual suspects ‘got nothin’ to seriously refute 2000 Mule vote fraud evidence

  • No credible evidence’ my arse


This article by Jennifer Van Laar writing at Red State today presents a solid refutation of the aiders and abettors at the AP in their attempts to ‘fact check’ obfuscate and deny evidence presented in the documentary.  Van Laar’s article along with the links contained therein serves as a valuable resource verifying the assertions in 2000 Mules as to one avenue of how the 2020 election theft was accomplished.

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: AP’s Hit Piece on ‘2000 Mules’ is Full of Holes.  

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Demand delay in destruction of 2020 voting records in Iowa

  • Vote records — ballots mailed and in person — can be destroyed beginning September 3
  • Investigations are just beginning into vote by mail matters and private financing of electioneering under official color in Iowa. 
  • Any rush to destroy creates a cloud over election integrity and the bureaucracies rushing to do so 
  • Email Secretary of State, Governor and legislative leadership (contact info below)

Email sent to SOS Paul Pate and Governor Reynolds

I am writing to plead that your office delay scheduled destruction of any records, electronic and paper, including administrative memos and guidances pertaining to the 2020 elections — federal, state and local — and I ask you to use your powers or auspices to call for any other office of state or county government to protect all such records as well.

Canvassing and voting integrity projects are under way in our state having been delayed by COVID and other reasons including perhaps sketchy cooperation. Records should be retained for more months in order for investigators to verify the dependability of posted results using dependable techniques and analysis not used by various jurisdictions whose mandates and techniques are typically cursory or minimal in scope.

Beyond the ease of fraudulent voting . . . given the incredible push for vote by mail in this state, including official hectoring, . . . from onesie-twosie household efforts to more organized institutional efforts all fueled by a political zeitgeist of the end justifying the means . . . that, combined with the cursory level of attention to signature verification creates the need for more diligent followup investigations. There is also the matter of investigating what is credibly seen as partisan targeting of get out the vote efforts under the color of official acts financed by outside interests. These matters require additional time to complete and the records to do so.

Confidence in the election process is critical to representative government and current canvassing processes are not adequate to assuage reasonable doubt about those processes in theory and as applied, particularly as regards mail-in voting and signature verification, but also verification of voting, eligibility issues, double voting, registration accuracy and more. Insights into all of these can be obtained when there is an open book and time to study it.

There are elements in our partisan political establishment that eat, drink, plot electoral “gaming” workarounds and loopholes that combined with local partisanship, lack of focus, overwork, naiveté, lack of leadership, complacency or laziness enable illegal activity or confuse people to participate. One or more of those is likely a factor in every county in Iowa and might be identified with a proper more thorough investigation of how much integrity and preventatives are in the system. Honest officials and employees have nothing to fear from identification of problem areas, those with law enforcement responsibilities ought to welcome help to uncover fraud.

If there is little to verifiably report after adequate investigations then confidence in Iowa’s results are substantiated. Because of high profile already substantiated charges of illegalities in violation of state laws in other states, including nearby Wisconsin involving totals that throw the veracity of the election into doubt, states with arguably more reliable processes and compliance can serve as a beacon of light with transparency and processes that hold up to serious scrutiny beyond self-affirming circular processes. If considerable fraudulent voting is uncovered whether or not it would change declared results then all ought to be concerned about vulnerabilities in the system.

A rush to destroy records at the minimal point of statutory authorization, but not a mandate to do so in September will be interpreted as a bureaucratic coverup at best.

Storage cannot possibly be a serious issue even with the coming 2022 election. I do not know the unused storage capacity for SOS but I do know that secure metal waterproof storage containers from 20 feet to 40 feet in length are readily available and rent for $120 to $240 per month.

Again, I plead that your office delay scheduled destruction of any records, electronic and paper, including administrative memos and guidances pertaining to the 2020 elections — federal, state and local — and I ask you to use your powers or auspices to call for the same to county election officials.

Roger Mall
address and email
Davenport, IA 52807

Contact information for emails to Iowa officials:

SOS Paul Pate: [email protected]

Governor Reynolds and Lt Gov. Gregg:

Senate and House majority party leadership:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



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Pro-life event this evening in Davenport

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After Mar-A-Lago What changes should the GOP push on the FBI

  • Break up the functions, overall reduced scope, new leadership and recourse for wrongdoing
  • Some statutes need to be politically de-fanged
  • The heritage of politicization in the FBI is appalling for a free country

The evidence is mounting – the top echelon is corrupt and the rank and file are sullied by the association. Many of them are lawyers, that more of the rank and file of all FBI specialties have not gotten together to blow the whistle and demand change (some have) creates a no-confidence climate about the institution.

Related reading

Yes, We Will Question the Integrity of Our Federal Law Enforcement Officials

10 Similarities Between The FBI’s Mar-A-Lago Raid And Spygate

The Espionage Act of 1917 Once Again Rears Its Ugly Head

Judge Won’t Unseal The Mar-a-Lago Affidavit, But It’s A Safe Bet The FBI Followed Its Depraved FISA Court M.O.  The Federalist

Newsweek Sources Claim FBI Raid Was Cover for DOJ to Retrieve Russiagate Evidence Held by Donald Trump – The Last Refuge

Majority of Americans View FBI as Biden’s Personal Gestapo

Pence tagged for fbi comments

Old case over audio tapes in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer could impact Mar-a-Lago search dispute

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Stop obliteration of vote records including fraud evidence

  • Research is laborious, no need to destroy records

E-Mail Iowa SOS Pate to encourage/insure Iowa hard records and data be kept for at least ten years.  Communicate the same to Iowa GOP leader Kaufman and also Iowa Governors office to put Pate on notice. Encourage GOP AG candidate Brenna Bird to speak out.

Many states (including Iowa?) to begin destroying election records and data – This from AVA via DH

5.) Louisiana SOS retains 2020 Election Records. As we approach the end of 22 months since the 2020 election, many states will begin deleting certain records under federal law. Louisiana is leading the way in asking that records be retained in the most uncertain election of our lifetime.

Why? Well because the information posted in our previous post needs to be investigated:

We link you decide — was Iowa’s election secure?

And because of the information in this article by Emerald Robinson:

There’s So Much Election Fraud Evidence It’s Hard To Keep Up!
Here are eight articles from yours truly summarizing all the fraud

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QC Times to give up office space for Afghan refugees

This cheap QC Times article seems a shaming exercise rather than lament of the real reasons for an overburdened immigration situation (link below). It was forwarded to us by TN with his description: “Biden success story”. However sardonic the use of “success” his sentiment that Biden owns the problems associated with the Afghan refugee situation is true. Biden bungled the withdrawal of American forces causing far more Afghans to be refugees.  Further, every problem associated with resettlement of Afghan refuges into low-cost housing, providing food, medical care, job placement are greatly exacerbated by Biden and the Left’s virtual open boarders immigration policy. One competes with the other

The full QC Times article by Alma Gaul is available through the link.  The report revolves around the local branch of the charity World Relief’s efforts to resettle Afghan refugees. Below are some pull quotes from the article that elicited our questions and comments.

300+ Afghans settle in Quad-Cities after the Taliban took over

So resident Biden creates a situation causing thousands of Afghans to leave in a panic for fear for their lives under the Taliban — but World Relief (hereinafter WR) spokespersons have no comment or are neutral on that?   Has WR at any time been critical of the catastrophic abandonment of Afghanistan, to the same degree as they lament and criticize  processes and availabilities here? Do they have any realization of the problems caused by open borders, disorderly emigration/immigration that more than aggravates the problems they lament in the article?

Here are some gems (set here in bold italics) that appear towards the end of the lengthy article, V’pac annotations follow:

Some properties owned by out-of-area companies said they wouldn’t rent to the Afghans because they couldn’t pass a credit check. “They come from a war zone!” Fontaine said. “We saw that as a sign of blatant racism.”

The BS racism comment is the most egregious part but one must ask given the tone if they consider charity and or risk taking something to be expropriated against their will from landlords? Credit checks are important to limit risk.  Now the WR  principles (not the volunteers) quoted activities are referred to as charitable, yet as also revealed in the article those WR principles are paid for their work. Note this:

The agency hired more staff, which had dwindled to fewer than 15 during the Trump Administration when the number of refugees and immigrants accepted into the country dropped so low that there was little work to do.

Really, the term “dwindled” is used.  If that is a lament by WR then that would imply that these folks are in the business of resettlement, not all that interested in policies that compete with their relief business. The implication of the attitudes expressed by WR in the article is that it is appropriate to pay staff but landlords are not to be reliably paid or are to absorb costs and somehow make their mortgage payments.

As regards the racism charge — are they seriously suggesting that the “out of area companies” (gee I wonder if they are Chinese) would/should lend to a White, an Asian, a Black, a Whomever no matter their credit status until they have a work record or income source? In the case of refugees I thought that was WR’s charitable function — to sustain such individuals until such time as they can be independent? Why doesn’t WR guarantee the rent — oh silly us they want the landlord to regardless of the rents they pay in the form of mortgages on the rental property they own . We suspect your typical “out of area company” really does not care who they rent to as long as they get paid.

The article goes on: (Fontaine is the local WR spokesperson)

In another instance, an apartment Fontaine was told was move-in ready clearly was not.
“I walked in and there was a dead bird. There was a dead mouse. There was poop (human) all over the bathroom. I was gagging. We had signed a lease; we took the word of the landlord. We cleaned it up and put a family in there.”

Now that indicates real competence by the WR people We had signed a lease; we took the word of the landlord.

As a pest control technician not very long ago I witnessed a number of rent-subsided apartments with appalling filth (by no means all). I don’t think the landlords caused it. There was no racial pattern to the filth although certain cultures might learn to understand the attraction of open cooking pot oils permeating rooms as an attraction to cockroaches. In servicing properties after move-outs it was clear that some were more like abandonments with windows left open and torn screens – so a bird can get in and not find its way out. The landlord likely did not do that, want that, nor find out about it until reported — perhaps for days or longer. Who left it that way? Was it a former WR client or a personality that the welfare state helps make?

Landlords are not welfare charities and should not be presumed to be. If tolerating filth is a pattern with that owner — the article does not say if WR reported the situation to the health bureaucracy nor whether the particular abode was owned locally — why are they signing leases to a particular abode sight unseen?!

Fontaine said she sensed the landlord thought the unit was good enough for a nonprofit organization.

That WR volunteers cleaned it up is commendable but objectively one can ask if that does not enable what they decry?

Our comments are not intended to disparage refugees or the appropriateness of such status to particular Afghanies but the obliviousness (or purposefulness) of a system (including nonprofits and government policies and agencies) toward open borders — a situation which breeds pressures on housing– producing, fostering, or enabling but often leaving the worst conditions for needy refugees “in competition with” willful illegal immigrants.

Yes we can do better and Trump’s policies were better.

Related reading — 

Afghanistan and the Collapse of Normals’ Faith in the System.

Afghanistan: Biden’s Most-Telling ‘Illusion’.

Desperate To Save His Family, One Former U.S. Combat Interpreter Makes Dire Return To A Fallen Afghanistan

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