Monthly Archives: March 2012

Our Precious Resident Crank Calls it Again

Did I say “precious?”  That might be a stretch.  I meant prescient. GE’s Immelt to Remain Neutral Evidence of his prescience is located here.  For the record our Resident Crank by his own estimation has predicted TEN of the last … Continue reading

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Raw Deal Saga

We have categorized at right all posts relevant to our on-going analysis of the regrettable treatment afforded fellow Republicans by the leadership of Scott County Republicans.  Click on the category for the roster of all posts and links to them.  … Continue reading

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For Greater Glory — Must See Film Coming in June

A movie certainly can be a vehicle for transmitting an important ethos regarding social and political values. Some would maintain that The Hunger Wars  transmits an anti-big government theme. Perhaps, but other aspects might not recommend it so we will … Continue reading

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Raw Deal 2.3 Exclusionary Tactics

The fallout from Scott County Republican Chairwoman Judy Davidson’s failure to insure at least appearances of evenhanded treatment of presidential preference camps, especially Ron Paul supporters, leading up to and after the convention was entirely avoidable.  Had there been obviously … Continue reading


Soon to a Desk Top or Lap Top Near you

Raw Deal 2.3, analyzing the exclusionary tactics employed by the Scott County Republican Chairwoman regarding delegate selection to district and state conventions will be posted later today.  In the mean time pick up a current River City Reader or link … Continue reading

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Mic Functions Properly

It has just been revealed that a mic that BO carries around in his pocket has been “open” for the last several weeks. Here’s just a few conversations overheard by his media  (thankfully for him) friends which of course would not have … Continue reading

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A Message From the Editors


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Note regarding Part Two of Raw Deal, a reflection on how Ron Paul delegates have been treated in Scott County:  for ease of absorption and readers busy schedules, rather than one longer essay, elements will appear two or three times … Continue reading


Exclusive Clubs — Scott County Nominating Committee Membership

As previously reported the district and state nominating committee appointed by Scott County Republican Chairwoman Judy Davidson was an exclusive club — exclusive as far as not admitting even one Ron Paul organizer to the nominating club in spite of  … Continue reading

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More On CEO of Bankrupt Lee Enterprises, also Chairman of Associated Press

OK, even our resident Crank did not come up with such a snarky title, but it is Sunday and he is no doubt temporarily subdued. The title also kind of reflects old information.  Nevertheless let’s hope that Mary Junck can … Continue reading

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