Monthly Archives: July 2012

Doctor Shortage Likely to Worsen With Health Law, Who’da Thunk It?

When liberal orthodoxy is at stake the New York Times is typically oblivious to the elephant in the room. However this New York Times article does have some “nuggets”  that are  reflective of the government take over of health care … Continue reading

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Don’t Forget Chick-Fil-A Day August 1

Let’s give them a good month of August Quad City area Chick-Fil-A locations (not open Sundays): 2945 E 53rd St Davenport (near Elmore)                                                                         Northpark Shopping Center, Davenport                                                                    4500 16th St., Moline 00

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Dana Milbank: Can’t We All Just ‘Evolve’?

The zeal which leftist media must exert in order to please their paymasters and fellow ideologues sometimes makes them do things which confirm that “compassion for their fellow man” and their “tolerance” and non-judgmental “understanding” , is merely nothing more … Continue reading


Obamacare Mandates Nothing

That has been the refrain of liberals in response to conservatives saying that Obamacare is a government takeover of healthcare. Essentially, the story is as we all know it (full article here).  If a company self- insures its employees, Kathleen … Continue reading

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Aurora Killer Succeeded Because Others Denied Political Power

This letter, forwarded to us, was originally sent to Rush Limbaugh. We appreciate the point, which of course is consistent with the sentiment of our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution. Rush, It is not often that I am forced … Continue reading

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Chick-Fil-A Day August 1st – Rahm Emanuel to Bar Conservative Churches From Chicago?

Action Item of Note: From ABC News:   “More than 40, 000 people and counting have accepted Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s Facebook invitation to “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” on Wednesday, August 1. The Facebook Page for the event, which was created … Continue reading

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Bower Mayor Linked to Bowery Mayor

We presume not on the issue of New York Mayor Bloomberg’s utter malfeasance in suggesting the seemliness of police officers in his city going on strike until gun control laws he presumes they should want are passed.   Of course … Continue reading

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A Small Thing Or The QCT Being Small

Look at the headline to the debate article below. It is from today’s print edition of the QC Times.  We are not suggesting that Ed Tibbetts is responsible for headline selection as that typically falls to the copy editor.  Indeed … Continue reading

Posted in MEDIA BIAS | 1 Comment

Just Ask’n

Where are all those anguished “environmentalists” who were so concerned about  despoiling the “pristine” landscape in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge (that big tourist attraction that mosquito fanciers flock to every summer)? And have they visited western Iowa to admire the … Continue reading

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Counter-Sniping the Liberal Media

Mitchell rants – Romney Using Dog-Whistle Language Against Obama Perhaps Andrea Mitchell may be the one best qualified to recognize a “dog whistle.” Mitt’s speeches must be hurting her ears.   DLH 00

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