Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Delegate Irrelevancy Platform

Just today we were enlightened with the Scott County Republican Platform Committee’s proposed platform.  To say the least it is a major rewrite undoing, not a reflection of grassroots’ concern and judgement on timely matters.  As such it is an … Continue reading

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Veritas Salad

More Guns, Less Crime To be sure conservatives have known this for a long time, indeed it was the name of a book by John Lott , first published in 1998.  Once again statistics confirm what should be intuition. Violent … Continue reading

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Koch Brothers At It Again !

Impassioned liberal readers, please read the entire article before going outside with your protest signs in this horrible man made weather. “A billionaire …investor is forging plans to spend as much as $100 million during the 2014 election, seeking to … Continue reading

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Veritas Salad – Presidents’ Day

                          On this Presidents’ Day rumors abound that Barack Hussein Obama, peace be upon him, has directed that all references to the day be uniformly changed to President’s … Continue reading

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Those Who Work in D.C. on a Snow Day

From over the transom, thanks to JR, photo credit not available.                                 Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery.  The 3rd U.S. Infantry … Continue reading

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Authentic Mark Jacobs Baggage

The following is an analysis regarding the candidacy of Mark Jacobs for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate.  It is based on already published reports in The Iowa Republican (TIR), Caffeinated Thoughts, The Weekly Standard,  and our own research. … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

From a clever RNC / tradition.   00

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Debt Ceiling Vote Not Pretty,

Ted Cruz not to blame, unified minority could do more than dysfunctional majority Is the current GOP congressional leadership serious about reducing government or not? We think not.  They did nothing but provide cover for Democrats instead of obtaining concessions … Continue reading


NRA infomercial About the Southern Border

Powerful NRA infomercial about the southern border, lack of enforcement and guns. 00

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Leftisits Truly Are Liars — And Here Is Proof

Fresh via RedState today We Did Not Treat Bush This Way — a great video production of short clips of Pelosi, Reid and company at their nastiest regarding George Bush. We remember much more . . . especially that the … Continue reading

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