Monthly Archives: April 2017

Cancel free speech – the whole “free speech”thing was just liberal pretense anyway.

Two things: Protect the darlings from 100 pound Ann Coulter This is how it goes — left wing snowflakes given to tantrums at Berkeley, “the home of free speech” (the tantrums are not free, they are probably paid) develop a … Continue reading

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The establishment press doesn’t get us but they know we are stupid

Three from Politico, the headquarters of “we are the champions” of the world In two of the three even their introspection shtick seems, largely, as much a narcissistic tool to express loathing of conservatives The Strange Psychological Power of ‘Fox … Continue reading

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…When asked what she was doing these days, I would lie and say that she was in reform school. I wouldn’t want anyone to know that I was paying for her to be in a place where she was treated … Continue reading


How else to explain?

Byron York at The Washington Examiner writes :  (excerpt) The Republican-controlled House and Senate both voted to repeal Obamacare in January 2016. In the House, 239 Republicans voted for repeal, while three voted against it and four did not vote. … Continue reading

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Text should be controlling

Political campaign comments should not be subject to judicial review The background to this post includes recent comments or rulings from judges in the 9th Circuit, district and appeal level.  The circuit is a reliable “go to” judge shop venue … Continue reading

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Prognosticating Trump (and the 2018 mid-terms)

Don’t hold us to it and claiming the right to “revise and extend remarks for the record,” as per Congress, the following are offered. First up, contributing editor Eugene Mattecheck Jr. “Having made a few lucky guesses about the November … Continue reading

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Obama’s Treason

This revelation is just astounding. Scandal hell it looks to be treason. Why is it not the subject of every talking head show in the world?   Via Gary Bauer at Campaign for Working Families”, bold our emphasis. Obama: Iran’s Washington … Continue reading

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Trumps First 100 Days —

Below is a collection of observations about Trump’s “100 day” mark, a very arbitrary milestone anyway.  But first, as to our own observations: We are not pleased with the initial proposal for Obamacare (it really was not “repeal”) and the … Continue reading

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About Trump’s tax records

Thanks to DP* And we would add “right next to Obama’s voting record in the Illinois legislature’ 00

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Why is the Republican apparatus so incapable . . .

… of focusing blame and pointing out the essence of Democrat leadership? Trump was successful at it, will he do so on the budget, or do the Washington Republican cave? On “pro-life Democrats” — our view — they are the … Continue reading

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