Monthly Archives: October 2017

Why the Special Ops Mission in Niger –

In the mean time the usual suspects pick up any stick to beat Trump with Four U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers were killed some weeks ago, ambushed while performing duties in Niger. Trump haters tried to expand the phony scandal … Continue reading

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The swamp and Russia conspiracy — “frightening” doesn’t quite describe it…it’s worse

 Clarice puts it all together…and it’s bad. The aftermath of the 2016 election has revealed the criminality of the Democrats, the perfidy of the Deep State, the corruption of the press, and the bought and paid for motives of the … Continue reading

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Ben – You are speaking out of Youranus 1

A reader of our publication commented: On Fox Saturday I believe, maybe Friday, the guest was Ben Stein. He was asked about the U-One thing. He said it was “overblown”, because it is not 20% of this country’s uranium involved. … Continue reading

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Cruz vs Grassley feud is bigger than Northey We suppose corn chauvinism is to be expected as is petro chauvinism from farm and oil state Senators respectively.  But call the practitioners fair minded or conservative poseurs,  consistent or inconsistent, the … Continue reading


NumbersUSA: progress on legislation to impart E-Verify to stop hiring of illegal immigrants

Over the years — the usual suspects — Democrats and some Republicans — a collusion of current legislative leadership have prevented effective E-Verify program DACA can wait – stop the magnet that draws  illegal immigration Grassley working for E-verify, against … Continue reading

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Proposals undermine real healthcare reform; free speech

Three important communications appearing at the Center For Individual Freedom (CFIF) (Excerpts) Congress Poised to Bailout Insurers, Fleece Taxpayers By Betsy McCaughey, October 25 2017 Democrats and some Republicans in Congress are pushing for a $10 billion a year payout … Continue reading

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The swamp takes care of the swamp

By Kevin Mooney writing at The Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation publication)* Obama Justice Department’s $1 Billion ‘Slush Fund’ Boosted Liberal Groups  President Barack Obama’s Justice Department created a “slush fund” of nearly $1 billion using legal settlements with banks and … Continue reading

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Paging Paul Ryan: The press should be “open” to what?

ttp:// This is classic! There is so much sheer stupidity in these comments that it leaves one almost speechless. Speaker Ryan could have at least said that a sound, free nation depends on “free and FAIR press. With media stories … Continue reading

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LOT OF “WEIRD SH*T” GOIN’ ON — ignore it

LOT OF “WEIRD SHIT” GOIN’ ON To use a term apparently popular with George W. Bush, and adopted by the Establishment to criticize President Trump, there’s a lot of “weird shit” going on today. As I surfed the cable news … Continue reading

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OHHh NO! Say it isn’t so …America has lost another flake

SENATE LOSES A REAL “CAPITAL F” FLAKE; OTHER LOWER CASE FLAKES COULD FOLLOW? MAYBE SUSAN COLLINS? MURKOWSKI? With the Corker also going maybe some real conservatives could save the Senate…and the nation ******************* Senator Jeff Flake, one of President Trump’s … Continue reading

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