Monthly Archives: December 2018

It’s been a virtual incantation for Hillary

Ready for this one? This morning on MSNBC, the discussion was about what the ‘panel’ thought of the virtual certainty that Donald Trump, Jr. would soon be indicted for ‘lying to Congress’. The unchallenged conclusion was…ready the rim shot…DT Jr. … Continue reading

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Well we will see if “Yes Virginia there is a John Huber”

Reference our post on  November 23, 2018 (After ‘googling’ 5 pages of links, I could find no reference to a scheduled Dec. 5 appearance by John Huber to testify before a congressional committee about his work in ‘investigating’ the Hillary … Continue reading

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“On Tuesday, Emerald Robinson, chief White House correspondent for One America News Network (OANN), unleashed a powerful rumor that The Weekly Standard is on its last legs. Sources confirmed to CNN that Editor-in-Chief Stephen Hayes warned staff the future of … Continue reading


Continuing our Bush retrospective

Here’s a provocative thought, intended as such to try and drive home an analogy. But first I stipulate that as far as I know (not privy to any insider stuff as to policy formulations and intentional corruptions of what the … Continue reading

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Scripts for the last episode of the Murphy Brown redux

At our urging a stable of  playwrights in our readership produced these renditions of ‘Murphy Brown, the 13th episode’.  Star Candice Bergen* has indicated the series was always intended to be just one season and all about Trump “MURPHY’S LAST … Continue reading

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Gateway pundit reports Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence

Forwarded by Doug Kelly Breaking: Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence from Court to Exonerate Trump – Mueller LIED to the Court!… Will He Be Sent to Jail Too? 00

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Responses re George HW Bush RIP

From DLH One cannot deny, and must honor GHW Bush’s impressive resume, nor for his dedication and service to the nation through his military service, and in various capacities in civilian positions. But among his many talents and accomplishments, a … Continue reading

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Stopping lower court overreach

Bruce Bialosky writing at Townhall has a compelling rule change proposal to deal with federal district judges who purport to be interim Supreme Court justices and rule for the nation and also to ameliorate “forum shopping.” These could be accomplished … Continue reading

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Dick’s and Potty Mouth and Death to Republicans

From our schadenfreude file: On the upside — figure skating and yoga tog sales are holding their own And then there is Queen Moochelle, and another “class” performance by her Report not image via The Daily Mail Former First … Continue reading

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Huber and Mueller, or is that Muellber, or maybe Hueller

Another grand slam by Clarice; however… … although the reclusive John Huber, former AG Jeff Sessions “secret weapon” to expose all the FBI/Hillary wrong doing, is scheduled to testify before Congress on Dec. 5 (as far we’ve heard, and the … Continue reading

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