Category Archives: RIGHT TO LIFE

Would THE Associated Press or AOL ever post pictures of the remains of aborted humans?

ATTN: GRAPHIC CONTENT – PICTURES OF MUTILATED HUMAN REMAINS (only some approved by THE AP) I subscribe to AOL.  Yes I even pay a subscription to something that was associated with the Huffington Post and is still “of the cloth”. … Continue reading

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The logic of death is relentless

Article at National Right to Life News by editor Dave Andrusko* When happens to “altruism” in the hands of a pro-abortion absolutist I suppose there only so many pro-abortion iterations. You can, for example, just simple admit that annihilating an … Continue reading

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Two of the greatest frauds, current and longstanding

The promoters are some of the biggest frauds of history The lies, the subterfuge, the policies engendered Two articles, different in scope, but reflective of each other as regards manipulation of the masses,  scare tactics with the end goal of … Continue reading

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The “Planned Parenthood of the UK” shuts down abortion

Temporary development but nevertheless astounding news from National Right to Life News about Mary Stopes International (see article below, picture not in original) Why does Planned Parenthood oppose outpatient surgical standards for its abortion chambers? Powerhouse UK abortion provider suspends … Continue reading

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Support Conscience Protection Act

The left does not really support freedom of conscience, only the forcible substitution of their conscience for yours Fight Obama’s support of coercion to engage in abortion (information below) Alert from the National Right to Life committee and Quad City … Continue reading

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This is BIG – Methodist Church Quits Pro-Abortion Coalition

From Life News: United Methodist Church Quits Pro-Abortion Coalition After Years of Promoting Abortion United Methodists have voted to require church boards and agencies to withdraw immediately from an organization that advocates for abortion on demand. Delegates from across the … Continue reading

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Carly Fiorina was right about late term abortions

CAUTION extremely graphic videos links Argus-Dispatch displays Planned Parenthood bias This article is largely a repost of a Quad City Right to Life (QCRTL) e-mail newsletter received earlier today, Cathy Bein reporting. The QCRTL content is set forth with permission. … Continue reading

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Sometimes Intact Fetuses ‘Just Fell Out’

Ninth video from Center for Medical Progress ( CMP) released today.  Given that governing law requires that no procedures be altered in order to obtain “tissue”  our analysis suggests: Video may indicate Planned Parenthood altering abortion procedures to get “freshest … Continue reading

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Papal Bull

Not having to face the electorate, Pope Francis has issued the first of what is likely to be a number of “Executive Actions” in the coming months. Likely in anticipation of his September visit to America and a chance to … Continue reading


Chuck Norris admits to constricted past

We too must admit of similar history.  From over the transom: 00

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