Monthly Archives: February 2014

Veritas Salad

Steve King Knows his job . . . It’s My Job to Stop Democrats’ Bad Ideas “This country wouldn’t be in this angst that it’s in today if we had been better obstructionists when they tried to jam Obamacare at … Continue reading

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Weak-Kneed Republicans Prove TEA Party Points

Follow up to Arizona Religious Freedom Restoration Act controversy — First of all do not accept the liberal main stream media characterizations of the Arizona type legislation, including Fox Radio.  Regrettably the later usually  accepts the former’s decision as to … Continue reading


Under the Big Tent — The SCRCC Amendments

The leadership (we presume) of the Scott County Republican Central Committee  (SCRCC) has proposed some amendments to its constitution. They are to be voted on by the assembled delegates at the March 8 county convention. No indication is provided as … Continue reading

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Your Conscience Be Damned

The matter of the Arizona statute protecting religious liberties deserves extensive discussion.  Here is a start via Gary Bauer writing at Campaign for Working Families. His newsletter commentary today is set forth with permission. Gay Rights vs Religious Liberty Arizona … Continue reading

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Veritas Salad

Being a liberal means never having to say you are sorry . . . Victor Davis Hanson raises the many Obama scandals, still to conclude that his base will be forever unmoved. Hanson is of course consistently profound but this … Continue reading


Encouraging Judicial Ruling on Voter ID

A PJMedia article posted February 23rd, by J. Christian Adam sets forth some great points in defense of Voter ID laws.  It contains a sustainable rational for Iowa to pursue a picture ID requirement for voting, and continuing Secretary of … Continue reading

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This O’Reilly Shtick Was Always Lame

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly is not a fool. He just plays one on television. Bill is the No. 1 Cable guy and, as it is repeatedly touted, has been for 14 years. What’s his secret?  Bill has mastered and carefully … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 1 Comment

Note to Scott County Republicans

Raw comparative of 2012 Proposed Platform and Proposed 2014 content free Platform has been posted on the “Platform” page above.  One observation, we wonder if the  Junior Delegate platform committee didn’t meet early. 00

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Pope Francis Should Talk to the Dalai Lama

It’s not the system, it’s the people . . . the Dalai Lama has a better understanding of economics . . . A Wall Street Journal story Friday reported on the Dalai Lama’s visit to the US this week. According … Continue reading

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Obama’s Industrial Sabotage

Obama’s War on America: Killing Coal to Kill U.S. Electrical Power by Alan Caruba President Obama, supported by the Environmental Protection Agency, is seeking to deprive America of the use of its enormous reserves of coal in coal-fired plants that … Continue reading

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