Monthly Archives: November 2014

Senator Grassley’s Disconcerting Harkin Tribute

A few days ago Senator Chuck Grassley took to the Senate floor to speak in tribute to retiring Senator Tom Harkin. If it was somehow considered  necessary or protocol for Grassley, as Harkin’s Senate counterpart from the state,  to wish … Continue reading

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Video provides litany of Obama at his worst

As reported by Fox News – the organization Conservative War Chest has been placing a “Devastating Anti-Obama Video.”  It is a well done two minute litany of Obama at his worst. Thanks to VM for bringing it to our attention  … Continue reading

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About Liars and Lies

Coming later today our non-tribute to the tributes for retiring Iowa Senator Tom Harkin.  But first this article from Alan Caruba Take Your Pick of Lies About Ozone, Methane or Mercury (Posted here in its entirety with permission.  See Alan … Continue reading

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Some Republicans intend on helping Obama’s immigration executive orders . . .

Republican Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers’ (R-KY) preposterous pleading of  helplessness to stop funding Obama’s schemes Iowa’s Congressman King challenges the notion Congressional Research Service sustains King and the power of the purpose Consider first the plain language of the … Continue reading


Joni Ernst Memes Well

This via Jim Geraghty at National Review Online — from the catalog of stuff available from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Nice bumper sticker but keep in mind these are the same people who have no problem with big spending … Continue reading

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Frogs in the Kettle

The following post is in response to reader Bob Kauth’s joining in regarding what we are not thankful for. Good observation Bob. It has long troubled me that conservatives and especially the Republican Party have based their opposition to progressive … Continue reading

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Transgender Delay ? — Another Setback for National Security

Jim Patterson writes for The Hill’s Congress Blog in a most distressed tone: Hagel ‘resignation’ extends military’s transgender exclusion “Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s resignation under pressure is a setback to the effort to end the military exclusion of transgender … Continue reading

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Crusaders for Justice

Criminals using any excuse, any cover . . . Christopher Agee, writing at Western Journalism posted some captioned images of Twitter feeds from various sources in this article. Wow: These 17 Jaw-Dropping Ferguson Images Show Just How Chaotic The Situation … Continue reading

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What we are not so thankful for

Everybody is doing the Thanksgiving thing today. Thankful for this , thankful for that. We will worry about that tomorrow.  At this hour we are not in the mood.  So just a few things off the top of our head … Continue reading

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Ferguson Grand Jury, the Leftist Media, the Rioting and Obama

The St. Louis County Grand Jury was convened to look into the matter of the shooting of “unarmed” 6″4″ 300lbs Michael Brown*  by police officer Darren Wilson. They evaluated eyewitness testimony and physical evidence and reached a conclusion that officer … Continue reading

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