Category Archives: HEALTHCARE POLICY

Newt Healthcare pledge recommendation for Republicans

Newt Gingrich prescription for a pledge from Republicans Reading a bulk e-mail from Newt Gingrich we note that it seems what the Doctor ordered (and needs).  We could perhaps quibble based on need for more detail here and there, but … Continue reading


For lack of Republican resolve, Obamacare will continue

Rumors of death exaggerated The analysis here is sobering and we have every confidence the Republican legislative leadership will disgracefully continue the monstrosity through various avenues of government funding rather than replace Obamacare with serious doctor – patient oriented reform. … Continue reading

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Graham-Cassidy, McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Paul, Pox

Yes Graham-Cassidy has problems What did Cruz say? Somewhat scatological observations of the “passing healthcare” scene: Graham-Cassidy health insurance bill is now said to be probably dead.  Perhaps lightening will strike, but that looks remote given the weakness in the … Continue reading

Posted in HEALTHCARE POLICY, PARTY & CANDIDATE INTEGRITY, REPUBLICAN VS DEMOCRAT, UNCATEGORIZED | Comments Off on Graham-Cassidy, McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Paul, Pox

Yes Virginia (and all the other states) there is a solution to reasonably priced health care

Cruz solution Concierge medicine may be best solution yet Senator Ted Cruz is a strong advocate of a key aspect to a solution. It is not all that needs to be done toward replacement of Obamacare, as part of its … Continue reading

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How do tax incentives in Republican health plans help tax reform?

So there is a House Republican healthcare reform bill and a Senate Republican healthcare reform bill. Shall the twain ever meet?  Both are bastardized so much that neither rates authentically being referred to as repeal of Obamacare as promised. Guy … Continue reading

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Two of the greatest frauds, current and longstanding

The promoters are some of the biggest frauds of history The lies, the subterfuge, the policies engendered Two articles, different in scope, but reflective of each other as regards manipulation of the masses,  scare tactics with the end goal of … Continue reading

Posted in ECONOMIC POLICY, HEALTHCARE POLICY, RIGHT TO LIFE, UNCATEGORIZED | Comments Off on Two of the greatest frauds, current and longstanding

Here’s to your health

For the record we think the Republican leadership and Trump are not going to genuinely live up to campaign promises to repeal and replace Obamacare and greatly reduce government involvement in ordinary process of health care delivery as part of … Continue reading

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Current Ryan McConnell Trump healthcare bill provides little or no comfort

It continues government mandates and the costs will still make you sick First from The Daily Wire The Failures of the House’s Health Care Bill 5 Statistics That Show Trumpcare Is A Mess Trump is certainly A major part of … Continue reading

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Liberal media lies to protect Obamacare

Friends, on this morning’s Today Show (NBC), I heard some of the same false narratives put out by liberals trying to save Obamacare in the face of the mandate Republicans received to end it and replace it.  The scare tactics … Continue reading

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Latest summation of Obamacare

This from Heather Manning writing at Independent Women’s Voice, a fine organization dedicated to sound policy on health care, regulation, economic education and more. Set forth in its entirety with permission, we will post articles from them periodically. More Bad … Continue reading

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