Monthly Archives: August 2015

Federalist: The Border Hoppers Liberals Don’t Love

An excellent analogy from Joy Pullmann writing at the Federalist: The Border Hoppers Liberals Don’t Love School districts jail and sue parents for trying to get their kids into better schools in places they can’t afford to live. . . … Continue reading

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Traitorous Democrat Senators —

Irresolute Republican opposition Writing at Front Page Magazine, Daniel Greenfield  does not hold back regarding certain  predictable Democrats : Traitor Senators took money from Iran lobby, back Iran nukes Senator Markey has announced his support for the Iran deal that … Continue reading


We need a “high profile hearing” on this

Alaska-bound, Obama makes waves by renaming Mount McKinley “Obama’s move to strip the mountain of its name honoring former President William McKinley, a son of Ohio, drew loud condemnations from Ohio lawmakers, including House Speaker John Boehner, who said he … Continue reading

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Chuck Norris admits to constricted past

We too must admit of similar history.  From over the transom: 00

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With friends like these . . .

Branstad more pathetic than statesmanlike What is bad for the country is not good for Iowa Branstad sticking by ‘old friend’ This Rod Boshart / Quad City Times (QCT)  front page article of a couple days ago describes Iowa Governor … Continue reading

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Mighty Mitch is gonna show ’em!

More comic-book legislation, as presented by Mitch and the GOP Establishment: “Republicans plot counterattack to Iran nuclear deal filibuster” Watch for Mitch’s “furious” counterattack. Certain to be as effective as Mitch’s previous furious counterattacks on Obamacare, illegal immigrant executive action, … Continue reading

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Just a donor organism

A friend sent us this video which was  sent to them by a Facebook friend. It is short and cute.  It is from a Russian organization that advertises and provides ultra sound video.  They have no axe to grind with … Continue reading

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New pronoun designations for “Volunteers”

How grateful I am that I did not attend the “University” of Tennessee. The “university” (in quotes to note that this designation as an institution of learning must now be in question) has sent forth one of its most alluring … Continue reading

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Odds and ends

Face palm This was the scroll along bottom of screen during CNN interview Friday morning with Julian Castro, HUD Secretary: “Hillary e-Mail probe a ‘witch hunt’ No, it wasn’t a line from a late night comic (couldn’t have characterized it … Continue reading

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Mitch “regular order” McConnell has the Senate working again

DC circuit court overturns ban on NSA bulk data collection   Thus, more of the fruits of the Obama-Reid Court packing of the DC Circuit carried out by Harry Reid and his suspension of the Senate filibuster rule for court appointments. … Continue reading

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