Monthly Archives: June 2019

It is clear what Democrat priorities are as regards immigration

Democrats, for decades the party of rewarding illegal immigration (helped by some Republicans on that score)  is now essentially composed of open border advocates who  include grand citizenship benefits for all comers. How is that not the case? How can … Continue reading

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GOP’s Mitt Romney and Joni Ernst call for investigation into E. Jean Carroll rape allegation Just pondering the political field in Iowa: Is Joni Ernst’s reelection the best the Iowa GOP can offer to the US Senate in 2020? She … Continue reading

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Delightful truths and liberal triggers

From the trigger finger of HP 00

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Have the Dem candidates jumped the shark en masse?

  We know that whoever their candidate is will get 45% just for being on the ballot, but the last two nights’ Democrat “debates” have been so plainly revealing that any sentient person in the mushy middle has to have … Continue reading

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Question: Are Justice Robert’s thoughts and motivations subject to review?

This is a great followup to our earlier comments regarding the SCOTUS decision on adding the citizenship question to the 2020 census. It provides a detailed explanation and analysis of how wrong the decision was. More importantly this exposes John … Continue reading

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Stop kidding ourselves about SCOTUS

It’s Time To Stop Saying…Believing…That There is a 5-4 Conservative Majority on the U S Supreme Court  It may well be that there is a shifting, but permanent 6-3 Liberal Majority!   Certainly Chief Justice John Roberts  has long since sold … Continue reading

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Put Us Down As “Amen!”, Mr. President

Seems that the hallowed Supreme Court of the United States has gone beyond its designated role as “decider” on matters of the Constitutionality of government legislation or actions. President Trump With this decision, the Court is deciding whether the “thinking” … Continue reading

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Go and Zinn no more…

So you think students are being taught to celebrate America’s exceptionalism today? Well, think again, ‘highly privileged white person’! The possibility is highly unlikely! —————- Many people have heard of Howard Zinn and his out-sized influence on modern education in … Continue reading

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Time to panic: World is loosing its marbles

HOW LARGE A GRANT $$$$$$$ YOU ‘SPOSE THESE “SCIENTISTS” RECEIVED OR EXPECT TO GET ? We are sure some proximate urban sprawl has nothing to do with it, its got to be global climate change News flash, marble is not … Continue reading

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Elijah “The Prophet” Cummings Commands Kellyanne To Appear Before His “Court”

On June 17 we posted an article related to the latest attack on members of the Trump inner circle. That was the charge that Kelleyanne Conway had “violated the Hatch Act”. The announcement of this latest “scandal” was breathlessly reported … Continue reading

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