Mar-a-Lago Raid — an Intolerable Act

Democrats cannot be tolerated with your vote

Reading various commentators on the law and politics of the Biden “Justice” Department decision to have FBI agents goons (from Washington DC) raid President Trump’s residence in search of a few boxes of archives over which there was dispute as to whether he had them, whether they were “classified”, whether he had a right to have them in possession if he did,  and other points of contention — all matters that should have been settled in the course of negotiation, legal motions, appeal, notice, etc. or ignored, all which would have been afforded a Democrat  —  is chilling.

The raid  was intended as a pure act of intimidation with political purpose, and intolerable on that basis. It was also a display of weakness, the fear of Trump as a candidate and likely resuming the presidency (given the tenor of the country other Republicans could likely assume the presidency but that is a discussion for another post). The British King and Parliament tried to intimidate Massachusetts and any similarly minded subject colonies, in the 1770s . . .  to show us who was boss.  Their effort became known as the Intolerable Acts. The Mar-a-Lago raid is an intolerable act that was not just intended to intimidate Trump but to intimidate the political climate nationwide toward subservience to Democrat policies.  It was just as much about us.

The swamp hopes and has has no doubt already wired the process of trying to exercise lawfare   which includes as a punishment of the records act pretext that conviction prevents one from holding federal office. The big problem with that is it likely unconstitutional as regards the presidency.  The Constitution sets the requirement for the president not Congress which cannot make further restrictions on its own.

This intolerable act was not just intended to intimidate Trump but any subsequent Republican office holder. All Democrats ought to be held accountable for being associated with a regime that looks at policy enforcement this way.  No Democrat deserves your vote in November and the way to root them out is not likely to involve third parties at this time.

Collection of informative links to follow.

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We link you decide — was Iowa’s election secure?

  • Election expert refers to Iowa Secretary of State as a “doofus”
  • We know that SOS Pate encouraged Zuckerbergs partisan get out the vote effort  to auditors.
  • At its most innocent that is an incredible level of doofusness
  • Pate’s emphasis on voting early and mail in voting during his tenure created a playground for fraud
  • At its most innocent that is facilitating cheaters
  • Look for documentary “Selection Code” August 21

View a two part presentation about vote fraud and or vulnerabilities  in Iowa (and other states).  From Thanks to DH for the forward.

Over the last 18 months, Dr. Douglas Frank, a renowned scientist and physicist and a 40-year modeler of elections, has been in 42 states. On July 27th, 11 days ago, Dr. Frank was in Iowa for the first time to talk about “What Happened in Iowa,” explaining the massive evidence of fraud and how Iowa’s 2020 election was stolen through each of our 99 counties, and what we, the citizens, can do to get our country back.

This event in Independence, Iowa, was sponsored by the Iowa Canvassing grassroots volunteers, see for more information about them. (Their) GiveSendGo account can be found at

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Closet stories in the news about Republicans

  • Jim Leach out of the closet
  • Dick Cheney does a Biden impersonation in a closet
  • Liz Cheney dreams of a walk-in closet


This was a pretty big yawner even here, the long -time official hometown of 30 year Iowa “Republican” congressman Jim Leach. This guy has been dressing the part of a Democrat for years and has now officially transitioned.  We called for his persona non grata status at Republican events years ago and his home county Republicans in convention agreed. *.  Everyone is happier now that he has come out of the closet and that he can still rock the tweeds just like Hillary.

Dick Cheney  in a crotchety voice says “there has never been a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump”. This is more senile than Joe Brandon Biden.  It does not even register on the Allen Cognition Scale. If not that then he must be possessed, like his daughter,  or maybe this was just an episode of The Simpson’s featuring Mr. Burns.

Meanwhile Liz Cheney is trying to entice Democrats to vote for her in the primary to teach Trump supporters a lesson and save the Republic or something. It is delusional but heck with all that out of state money to spend . .  .  Trump derangement syndrome is really something to behold. I would say the ad will lose her more Republicans (from the smallish group that will vote for her in Wyoming) than it will gain her in the target Democrats she is hoping for.  We are thinking her primary election night get together could be held in a walk-in closet, that is if she deigns to be in Wyoming for the event. We are not here to trash every Bush/Cheney policy but he and his daughter have revealed a despicable side.

*Resolution passed at the Scott County Republican Party Convention (item 13.9 as amended) in 2012 after Leach endorsed Obama.

Related reading here

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Pelosi trip to Taiwan mostly about her

  • Which also means phony political theater to pretend (some) Democrats are really really tough with Red China
  • Resident Joe’s State Department didn’t want her to go, they preferred abject prostration
  • But once announced / revealed she had to go through with it, but all the better for her theater
  • And all the better for a timely excuse for muscle flexing by Xi Jinping

Real support for the Free Chinese and standing up to Communist China would be more than a layover in Taipei.  We recommend this commentary by John Daniel Davidson at The Federalist:

If Nancy Pelosi Cared About Confronting China She’d Do More Than Stage Political Theater

Related reading and graphic here.

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Manchin didn’t cave — he harvested

Two birdsBYRDS of a feather. The Morepork and Manchin (Joe Manchin on left). Plumage, eyes and beak similar, both now advocates of eating insects.*

Well we should have known — group shaming and trash talk by fellow Democrats was not  the reason for Manchin supposedly caving, nor was it the appeals to the big Demonrat grand social scheme in the inflationary Inflation Reduction Act  they have put forth.  It was the taste offers to gorge on pork. At Gateway Pundit quoting a Politio report:

Bill Gates and Other Radicals Pressed Joe Manchin to Vote for Biden’s Behemoth Climate Change Bill

Bill Gates was among those who lobbied U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin—a frequent key Democratic holdout—to support an economic package focusing on climate and health care, after more than a year of negotiations.

The push for the conservative Democrat to support what is now the Inflation Reduction Act—but was, until recently, the Build Back Better Act—included more than 20 leaders of clean energy manufacturing companies with plans to put down roots in Manchin’s West Virginia. They included Bill Gates, who owns a venture capital firm that has backed a battery start-up there, Politico reports.

Now we have been to West Virginia and seen the Byrd this and the Byrd that on roads and buildings — some of the many things named after the Robert Byrd political dynasty there. Manchin must have developed a little jealousy . . . or the pork thing is just a matter of his nature. The latter becomes more evident when you look closer at Manchin and notice the yellowish eyes. They are characteristic of a bird, an owl called the Morepork.*  Manchin must be related to  this yellow-eyed meat-eater (insects and rodents like the climate crazies at the UN and the WEF want us to eat) as grub loving, flighty and opportunistic as he is.  The attached photo is proof that if Manchin is not related to the Morepork he has adopted it as his mascot and inspiration (and perhaps it ought to be the state bird of West Virginia politics)*

*Who says the Morepork is not native to West Virginia.  They just call it something different — the Manchin.

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So it wasn’t Leahy who leaked Pelosi trip – it was Joey

  • We suppose Pelosi could come down with COVID and save the world from nuclear war . . .
  • We were right in our more serious moment but offered the wrong reason
  • Surely Gen. Miley would have soon enough

Says Tom Cotton it was the big guy leaker — (referring to Biden’s running off at the mouth not his other incontinence problem) 

In our post yesterday which included a little pasquinade about Democrats we certainly were not intending to start some sort of fake pee tape story  about “leaks” that would set the media into a frenzy — although our little farce had certain common apt elements — “leaks” and whores.

In our more serious part we were in the ballpark – Biden being responsible – but we were way to assuming that he had any strategy other than running off at the mouth.

Cottons revelations still points to the ever serious danger we are in with this Resident in the White House.  The article was posted after ours.

Tom Cotton Says Biden Leaked Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip to Beijing.

Cotton said it’s common knowledge on Capitol Hill that Pelosi’s plans to visit Taiwan were leaked to the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing by none other than President Joe Biden himself.   . . . 

We cannot back down in the face of these Chinese threats,” Cotton reiterated, saying if Biden “prevents Nancy Pelosi or any other member of Congress from traveling to Taiwan, it will create a major foreign policy crisis — imagine what it will signal to the Chinese Communists if they think they can threaten us into merely not traveling to Taiwan,” Cotton warned. “It might in fact incite them and tempt them to go for the jugular in Taiwan.”

Reading comments to the article at Townhall  there were some entertaining if dark ideas set forth as to who ought to make the trip.

One that we found ironic was to the effect that it wasn’t necessary for Biden to leak the matter — wouldn’t have CJCS General Milley

Not doubt the Dems are in a quandry as to how to play this latest shit-his-pants again moment by Resident Joe.  Do they try to turn it into a tough guy moment for their administration and issue some warnings and have China backdown – (probably for the price of us removing Navy ships from international waters, missiles from South Korea or something) all in service to reelection efforts as we suggested OR will Nancy simply catch COVID, cancel and have the matter blow over — as their media branch will surely help with.  One thing is for sure — we should be worried — Democrats have denigrated military readiness and given freedom’s adversaries all manner of reasons to doubt American will.

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WHAT!? Democrat Joe Manchin to continue to enable Democrat efforts to kill the economy

  • It was a treacherous act by Schemer as well (link and excerpt below) but Republican McConnell et al complicit in other boondoggle — the CHIP bill.

In the tightly split Senate (as far as organizational power) Chuck Schemer has no power without ol’ Joe Machination. As we have insisted before, in today’s Washington all threats to Red West Virginia are enabled by Manchin because of his caucusing with Democrats to give them the potential to do their worst. He is not a savior he is an enabler.  He is the  family member who buys the alcoholic a smaller bottle of booze, repeatedly.

These comments are in response to the latest development regarding the negotiations between Chuck Schumer’s Schemer and Joe Manchin’s Machination’s  plan to further screw up the US economy.  Read the first link – it is breathless report on the bill as saving the planet.  The second one relates to how Manchin has redeemed himself and the third is what it took to get him back in the fold — nothing — just a stroke or two and a whisper from a buddy

‘Absolutely historic’: Senate budget deal would be biggest climate change action eve

Biden calls deal with Manchin ‘godsend’ for US families

Report on Reconciliation Confirms Joe Manchin Is a Pathetic Coward.

Joe Manchin has of course been enabling most of the worst from that demonic party from the first day he was elected to the Senate.  Now he has agreed to a spending and regulatory bill, a level that if it gets final approval they will live with until the next ratcheting  regulations and inflationary strangulation of the economy on the way to destroying it in service to the creation of the  Marxist utopia hellhole they envision.

It could be thwarted if Republicans in the Senate hold ranks and Arizona Democrat Sinema can find the cahones that Manchin has lost again. Maybe Sinema wants to tag in and play Manchin for the good of her state and the country. It is not likely but we can pray for vision. Perhaps the notion of Republicans holding ranks is more far-fetched. So passage of it given the Democrat Party’s must-do emphasis behind it going into the mid-terms seems likely.

The proposal is fraught with tax increases that if they raise revenue will do so at the expense of the private investment that is the engine of an efficient economy.  It is possessed of irresponsible inflationary spending (along with the tax increases) focused on environmental doctrine that will create more boondoggles and more energy vulnerability.

Here are some links explaining the effects of the bill.

Inflation Reduction Act Would Make Stagflation Worse

Congresswoman Warns ‘Inflation Reduction’ Spending Bill Will Worsen Recession

Manchin’s Spending Bill Shafts Coal Miners With Massive Tax Hike.

Dems’ New Spending Bill Imposes Methane Tax To Fund ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs

The Dems’ New Proposal Does Nothing To Lower Inflation

What Do The Facts Show? The Data Behind Manchin and Schumer’s “Inflation Reduction Act” Contradict The Name

Obliterating Benedict Biden’s Promise: “Inflation Reduction Act” Would Raise Taxes on EVERYONE Making Over $30K a Year


Horowitz: McConnell helps Dems pass $280 billion Big Tech corporate welfare bill. Schumer betrays him in return.

Few people in America were following the passage of the $280 billion handout for huge chip manufactures and the 5G industry, but the politics surrounding the bill, as well as the bill itself, perfectly exemplify the “uniparty” dynamic. To begin with, GOP leadership had no problem with this corporate welfare bill and worked together to craft it. However, McConnell promised to hold up the bill unless the Democrats committed to forgoing budget reconciliation, a process through which they can pass liberal priorities without the need for 60 votes. Well, McConnell and 17 other Republican senators eagerly provided the votes for the “chips-plus bill,” and Schumer responded by announcing his plans to pass budget reconciliation to remake our economy!     Full story at link.

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Is Patrick Leahy goading Pelosi into the Taiwan trip?

Think about it (but not too much)

Octogenarian Leahy who hails from the county of state of Vermont is President pro tempore of the Senate and as such third in line of succession to the current residency. Speaker of the House Pelosi and fellow octogenarian is second.  Both born in March of 1940 Pelosi is five days older and thus more experienced than Leahy. Unfortunately for them Vice-Resident Harris is first in line.  We all figure Joe is not very likely to make it through his residential term, well other than in an actual Weekend at Bernie’s scenario.

That of course is probably the best alternative for Democrats given their back-up bench. But hear me out:

Her  Cackleship as resident according to recent polls even among Democrats is just too much to bear.  So if they are both told to go bye bye by Barry “Barack” Obama as per instructions from Georgie Soros in consultation with Xi Jinping, that leaves Pelosi.

But this would be Leahy’s last shot at being resident. He could be Senator forever (just looking at his older brother/colleague Chuck Grassley) but Leahy figures given the Biden experience that he would have less to do as resident and so that job is very appealing — you get to babble, have outbursts, forget everything, lie about anything that strikes your fancy, and have someone change your diapers ( with his hip problems that is particularly appealing).

Anyway we figure  he is behind pushing Pelosi to make the trip to Taiwan in spite of Red China’s threats.  Just saying.  But that is only one level of analysis regarding the matter.

For the record China’s threats official and semi-official against the Speaker of the House are absolutely unacceptable and ought to result in kicking their embassy personnel out of the country. They can revise and extend their remarks from out of the country.

That said could the matter be a posturing ruse cooked up by Biden’s handlers giving him the opportunity to appear tough, with China’s cooperation. They will take a PR hit for the purpose of helping Democrats in 2022 and 2024.

Except so far that does not seem to be the scenario.

Perhaps worse is the possibility the Biden residency is perceived as being so weak and does not know what to do.

WH Response Is Beyond Pathetic After Chinese Threaten to Shoot Pelosi out of the Sky

This country is on the brink with an imbecile as “president”.

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So if the QC Times does not report it, it didn’t happen

Protest at Davenport Library over ‘Teen Summer Brunch: Drag Queens & Kings” — which included a story hour for 11-year-old children through teen-aged at which parents were not admitted. From what protest participants could determine protestors outnumbered supporters and participants. Protestors were split between the main entrance and the street entrance — combined there were about 30 people present to protest.

False story in QC Times debunked

There was an incredible story in the QC Times on Friday.  Not incredible as in awesome but as in a story without credibility because the author and publisher are so oblivious at best. That in itself is not unusual at the Quad Cities’ daily newspaper publisher of record.  Here is what they wrote, oblivious as they were to what actually transpired.  It is factually wrong and inept journalism at best.

The quoted material below is from the story at the QCT. The photographic evidence to the contrary is attached. The lede to the story is about  complaints directed at the Bettendorf Library for distribution of “LGBTQ+ materials”. The story goes on to falsely generalize.

Bettendorf fields anonymous complaints about LGBTQ+ materials, most QC libraries dodge backlash

The Moline, Davenport, and East Moline public libraries have received no complaints from patrons about LGBTQ+ materials. Other than one phone call, the Rock Island Public Library hasn’t fielded formal requests for reconsideration of materials. . . .

The Davenport Public Library has so far “dodged a bullet” with complaints against programming and information pertaining to the LGBTQ+ community, Community Outreach Supervisor Brittany Peacock said. The library didn’t receive any backlash for its Pride displays in June.  . . .

The truth is complaints were lodged with the mayor of Davenport who appoints the Library Board of Trustees.  The personnel working that day at the Davenport Fairmount Library were aware of the demonstration outside which focused on Christian witness particularly from Grace Fellowship Church. Several protestors (including yours truly) were along the street focused on the cultural absurdities of the degenerate event. Someone called the police as one patrolman and squad car was present for the duration (a second also made an appearance).

Perhaps if QC Times assignment editors had a police scanner or had any inclination to take a break from the leftist echo chamber they operate in they might have not written such ignorant bilge. It likely still would have been bilge but not as vulnerable to unassailable facts.

As for the mayor’s involvement,  according to one report he returned a missed call to abruptly say he supported the event. Had a QCT reporter been doing journalism at the time rather than serving on the propaganda front for the cause, he or she might have interviewed people present who had objected, on the record, not anonomously. According to Kathleen Kelly, present at the library in protest the mayor in the phone conversation indicated the Library Board of Trustees was fully supportive, or words to that effect. The mayor’s words may or may not be the truth because the mayor cannot be trusted.  However we must grant that the Board of Trustees seems to be well populated with the usual suspects for such support — Democrats.

Among the “Trustees” is Tom Engelmann former alderman, Democrat Treasurer candidate and Muti-term head of the Scott County Democrat Party who recently felt personally compelled to turn in his CPA license under cloud from the state accountancy board.  Nothing says “trustee” like that sort of background unless you achieved it in prison.

By the way, the Board of Trustees also includes Craig Cooper who is running for the Iowa Legislature. A retired spokes-hole from Genesis Health Systems and a QC Times alum, both places embedded with toxic liberalism, if as the mayor intimates he OK’d this it should be exposed, if not, it is still his responsibility to answer to it and see to it that such assaults on culture and parent rights do not happen in what ought to be a culturally safe and protective environment.

Here is more of what the QC Times missed: All related to the event including pictures of  signs we produced that a few of us held up to passing motorists  and library patrons as they entered the driveway. The links are to articles at indicating what some of these story hours can be like in other venues.

Gay Drag Queen Admits That Story Hour Events Expose Kids to Lifestyle of ‘Nudity, Sex and Drugs’

Leave The Kids Alone: Protester Harassed And Assaulted At Child Drag Show

Police squad car at center right



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Please, let’s not get carried away with Joe Manchin praise.

On Manchin stopping some aspects of the Democrat agenda

Actually he is a big-time enabler of some of the worst of the Democrat agenda

Politically, as to surviving in his state, he has done nothing brave. He has not stood up to or bucked the real people who put him in the Senate, rather he has taken a few key positions in order to survive politically in his state. He knows he is not actually beholden to Chuck Schumer but for whatever reason he thinks being a Democrat is a better ride on the gravy train.

What the people of West Virginia need to realize is that given the tightness of the Senate  Joe Manchin as a Democrat enables the threat to their state from Democrats as he puts Democrats in control of the Senate.

Arguably knowing better, he is at least as culpable as any other Democrat for the situation we are in and the particular threats to their way of life.

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