Same-sex marriage vote in the House: Miller-Meeks and Hinson vote to emphasize how pathetic they are

Two Republican Iowa congress”persons” Miller-Meeks and Hinson were among the 47 Republicans in the House who voted in favor of a bill codifying same-sex “marriage” in federal law.

It seems inescapable that the two are either in favor of the cultural, familial, progenitive, psychological degeneration reflected and aggravated by same-sex marriage legalization/enshrinement inherent in the bill OR they are obliviousness to the bill’s Constitutional and other implications as to federalism OR they are pathetically fearful of bucking trendiness and are just as pathetically incapable of at least honoring the  2022 Iowa Republican platform which states:

We believe that traditional, two parent (one male (XY) and one female (XX)), marriage based families are the foundation to a stable, enduring, and healthy civilization. We encourage the repeal of any laws allowing any marriage that is not between one natural man and one natural woman. 

 On second thought I suppose they can be emotional dunderheads AND constitutional ignoramuses AND pathetic little political pushovers at the same time even in the face of the strength of Republican core values in the face of Democrat assaults on culture.

Alternatively . . . 

They might have simply said NO we will not accept the Democrat narrative of fear-mongering and lying and distorting about what the Supreme Court majority ruled and enunciated in Dobbs nor will we be railroaded or submit to the particulars of the bill  . . .

Or they might have simply said NO  — this is where I stand — and proceeded to articulate the many assaults the Democrats have made on the necessary cultural and psychological underpinnings of normal family —  including Democrat assaults on parental rights, their exploitation of children, and maybe even plead a belief that their constituency will by and large appreciate a principled position instead of Democrat pandering, scaremongering, and Democrat incapability at moderation when they are not undermining the nation.

They might have just taken a walk which would have been comparatively more astute than removing doubt about their trustworthiness or in a principled way stated to the effect – I ain’t voting FOR that crap.

But it seems . . .

They voted the way they did because they actually believe same-sex marriage is just fine, culturally sound without implication, totally equivalent to the dominant cross-cultural understanding of marriage since the beginning of time and that the nation ought not protect any cultural understanding to the contrary.  In which case WE might have been better informed and elected someone in the primary who has more Republican competence.   Maybe next time.

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Sorry, right mountain range wrong monument for Megan Thee Stalion

To our great chagrin, we got the information on the honorarium for Megan Thee Stallion wrong. “according to our sources” we had the right mountain range just the wrong monument. Megan of White Ass Pu**y fame  . . . will either supplant Crazy Horse or his steed at that nearby monument and not be on Rushmore.* We regret the error.

The other face on Rushmore is still up in the air but rumors are for economy sake it will honor Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine —- nothing says new America like trans America. The economy in his/her selection is obvious (the Democrats are all about economy) as some simple modifications will satisfy appearances.

The hairline and nose are in  place and all that is needed is some lipstick and maybe some pearls.  Levine won’t give up the chic glasses so they are there.  As Washington was first to be completed Levine will be the first new First American on Rushmore  — also to be renamed as calling it after a white male New York lawyer is just wrong. Proposals include “Mount Hillary Clinton” but a focus group study concluded there would be no takers, err visitors.  Anyway there is no need to be dead to be on Rushmore as Democrats are also all about breaking rules in service to posturing.  The others we mentioned in the earlier post will appear in due course.

We are working up a sketch for the Megan Thee Stallion  inclusionary monument.



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Federal Bureau of Instigation

Here is another  satirical depiction  from the Babylon Bee this one of the FBI and as usual at Babylon its subject deserves the attention. The skit was no doubt triggered inspired by events and revelations in the last two years.  Following this inspired treatment we set forth excerpts and links from relevant articles and commentaries.

This January of 2022 article at American Greatness by investigative reporter Julie Kelly a brave soul in the spirit of Sheryl Attkisson.  Kelly has been relentless on the topic of FBI operative corruption during the supposed Michigan Governor kidnapping trial reporting and uncovering facts.

What Role Did the FBI Play in January 6?  (excerpts)

Referring to the group of men arrested on October 7 of this year on federal and state charges for planning to kidnap Whitmer from her Michigan vacation cottage,

“Team Biden and Whitmer herself made the most of the timely political gift. “There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one,” Biden said in an October 9 statement. “He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country.”   . . .

Far from the FBI thwarting the operation, the FBI itself enlisted participants, organized and funded training and surveillance trips, and used paid informants working with FBI agents to lure unsuspecting “militia” members into attempting to execute the plot. . . .

In the early 1990s, the FBI accelerated its focus on the white Christian Right. After the events at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, the FBI launched PATCON, short for Patriot Conspiracy, an alleged movement of Christian extremists. In one case, the FBI created a fictional right-wing militia group to collect information about other suspected militia members. A 2011 study done by Rutgers University raised serious concerns: “The tactics of FBI agents infiltrating militias, as well as paid informants being coerced into spying on these groups, and, in some instances, even providing the means and encouragement to carry out violent plots before being arrested, have been criticized as constituting entrapment by using agent provocateurs—agents posing as criminals to justify the financial and social expenses of counter-terrorism.” . . .

Was this the case with January 6?

A small handful of journalists resisting the groupthink of January 6 have raised several red flags. In June, Revolver News, a new website founded by Darren Beattie, a former aide to Donald Trump, published a lengthy report raising questions about the number of unindicted co-conspirators in the Oath Keepers case

If it turns out that an extraordinary percentage of the members of these groups involved in planning and executing the Capitol Siege were federal informants or undercover operatives, the implications would be nothing short of staggering. This would be far worse than the already bad situation of the government knowing about the possibility of violence and doing nothing. Instead, this would imply that elements of the federal government were active instigators in the most egregious and spectacular aspects of 1/6, amounting to a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors at the Capitol—and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists.   . . .

The FBI and Big Tech Join Forces

“A geofence warrant initially seeks an anonymized list of devices tracked within a specific area at a specific time,” Wired reporter Mark Harris wrote on September 30. “Investigators then use that list to focus on tracks that look suspicious, and can ask Google to widen the time or geofence boundaries on only those devices. Finally, investigators can go back to Google to unmask the real name, email, phone number, and other information of just a few account holders. But where a typical geofence fishing expedition might catch only one or two suspects, the January 6 investigation appears to have landed a netful.”

Since the Justice Department had categorized the Capitol complex as a “crime scene” and Wray designated the four-hour event an act of “domestic terrorism,” private corporations from Verizon to Facebook presumably felt it was their duty to comply.

“The collection effort has been met with little resistance from telecom providers asked to turn over voluminous data on the activity that day. ‘No one wants to be on the wrong side of the insurrection,’ a source involved in the collection effort told The Intercept. ‘This is now the scene of the crime.’”

Ed Note methodology similar to what is described above using commercially available geolocating data was used to uncover the election fraud exposed in the documentary 2000 Mules.

Kelly had this to say on December 30th of 2021

The FBI’s Criminal Lead Informant in Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’ Caper

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a morally bankrupt, politically weaponized agency doing the dirty work of the Democratic Party.

Related reading:

Epoch Times

FBI’s Silence on Jan. 6 Used by Whitmer Kidnapping Defendant to Buttress Case for Dismissal

Becker News:

The ‘Mystery Man’ Ray Epps Indeed Has a Proven Link to the FBI — It’s Just Not What Everybody Thought

Except from Mark Schwendau article above:

About a year ago a FOX news journalist named Ivory Hecker went off script in her Texas affiliate and got terminated. She then struck out on her own doing some real old-fashioned journalism.

In one story she interviewed a Steve Baker who has done a deep dive research into the January 6 Capitol protest crowd. Democrat detractors will say her story is a nothing burger but those of us still able to think for ourselves can see there is something to this story.

How do we know this?

The FBI showed up to ransack Steve Baker’s home!

You always know you are onto something when you do not fall in line with the narrative and the Gestapo arm of the DNC shows up to toss your home pretending to look for “evidence of criminal activity”.

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Baker was at the Capitol shooting hours of video as an independent journalist much like Hecker herself.

Hecker notes the most interesting aspect of his investigation is what Baker jokingly calls the “Passover Beanie”. It is a specific designed Trump beanie hat that the FBI seems to repeatedly “passover” when it comes to investigating those wearing them. Even though Baker identifies these people as agent provocateurs all wearing the same beanies as a seeming uniform for those actively stirring up the crowd, the FBI both showed no interest in investigating them or identifying them.

.. . .
The logical conclusion is Ray Epps was an FBI plant much the same as the FBI plants used in a plot they concocted to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta faced federal charges for allegedly conspiring to kidnap the Democratic governor with others and try her for acting as a tyrant during the Covid-19 pandemic.

But the others who were actually acting as the inciters were never charged as they were all (apparently) working for the FBI. This practice of entrapment by law enforcement is illegal. Two of the men were found not guilty and two were granted a mistrial. Harris and Caserta were found not guilty in the kidnapping conspiracy. That same jury also found Harris not guilty on other charges. The jury could not reach a verdict on the charges against Fox and Croft, and thereafter US District Judge Robert Jonker declared a mistrial for them.

Paul Jacob Common Sense

That Other October Surprise?

Harken back to those heady days leading up to Election 2020, when six men were arrested for a scheme to snatch Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from her home.

“The Whitmer kidnapping plot,” Reason’s Robby Soave explained months ago, “was extensively directed and encouraged by agents of the government.”

This was not just a bungled prosecution.* This was the result of a wrongheaded and dangerous policy that, instead of lawfully monitoring suspected criminals to prevent violence, actively nurtures and encourages crimes.

And breaks the story in early October of an election year.

Sure, I know the government is here to help — but even “domestic terrorists”?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Questions loom After Verdicts in Whitmer ‘Kidnapping” Trial


What did top government officials know and when did they know it?

No politicalization at the FBI,  nosiree

FBI arrests Ryan Kelley, GOP candidate for Michigan governor, for his role in Capitol riot

Ryan Kelley, a Republican candidate for governor in Michigan, was arrested Thursday morning for his role in participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capito…

Observation mentioned by Timothy P. Griffin, Esq. Associate at The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society

FBI Arrests GOP Frontrunner for Governor. The FBI is alleging that Michigan GOP gubernatorial frontrunner, Ryan Kelley entered the Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021. It waited to bring charges until he was leading in the polls and the televised Committee meetings began.

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Why not Cardi B on the next quarter?

  • The new coin of the realm sports Fidel Castro fan girl 
  • Look for the new half-dollar to be officially renamed 50 Cent
  • See 2021 quarter compared to 2022 quarter in these pics
  • Commentary below

Shown here are the front and back of the new 2022 quarter. I only noticed them as I recently received one in change. At first I noticed that George Washington was facing the other way as compared to our experience for decades. I turned it over and at a glance thought it was a depiction of Columbia, it was only when I got home and looked closer that I realized it was Maya Angelou, Poet Laureate of the left. I somehow doubt that this is going to be a series depicting the many poet laureates. Now debasing the currency is a mission off the Democrats in more ways than one.

Here is the previous year quarter with Washington facing the way he has been depicted since 1932 through 2021. The reverse side never changed until 1998, I read, except for the 1976 bicentennial edition. We have been treated to the fifty state quarters and a variety of national parks, territories and more recently events from American history and some personages and events of historical significance (all using the long established Washington profile) . The “crossing the Delaware” 2021 reverse I thought ought to be the permanent version.


Any of the nameless soldiers in the boats across the Delaware, now removed from backing George Washington on the current US quarter, had more courage and more important impact on America than self-absorbed Maya Angelou whose glorification is now on the back of the 2022 coin. Her claim to fame is made up of SEVEN apocryphal autobiographies and leftist party invites. Who writes seven autobiographies?  Who the hell reads them?

After Maya Angelou why not Cardi B?

Like Maya, Cardi B is also an influencer (reaching more millions than pages in Angelou’s many “autobiographies”), accomplished lyricist,  also like Maya a former sex worker,  big time leftist party goer and fave of deified Barry and Michelle.  Speaking of whom the only reason to pass them up for the quarter is a grander numismatic plan — replacing Washington with them on everything — which has some logic given how their policies and ilk have debased the dollar — why not recognize it officially?  It can be fondly referred to as the BM for all its worth.

But of course the pièce de résistance given the reasoning behind Maya Angelou selection ought to be the redoing of Mount Rushmore. Look for Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, Saweetie and Rico Nasty, mountains of talent that they are, to replace Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and T. Roosevelt.

Other photographic comparisons below:

Head to head. We have no problem with the change in profile, but we do wonder why?


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The 3 Ms of a stolen election

The Money, The Mules, The Machines

We have previously linked to and commented on exposés related to Zuckerberg/CTCL money scandal “The Money” and the illegal vote harvesting documentary 2000 Mules produced by True the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza “The Mules”. Now we are asking you to consider evidence to be presented in a documentary by  The Gateway Pundit  of their work investigating voting machine manipulations. Here are trailers related to the full presentation expected in mid August.

PREPARE YOURSELF: SELECTION CODE Movie on the 2020 Election Steal is DEVASTATING – Release Date August 20 (Trailer Attached)

Published November 18, 2020 1,992,084 Views

Related reading:

Big Media Drops Garbage Report Promoting the Lie That There Was No Election Fraud in 2020 – Here Is Our Rebuttal



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Wondering what Dems are thinking this July 4th?

America is such a hellhole by Demoncrat lights why is it that tens of thousands of people on any given day are poised to rush the border to get in?   Is there something here they feel compelled to change . . . to protect us from . . .  or to exploit ?

If life here is so bad what with oppression, exploitation, racism, sexism, transphobia, guns running rampant, why don’t the Democrats leave for the Shangri-La of Cuba, Venezuela, China (which we rarely if ever hear them, criticize, rather apologize for)?

They could have universal health care – abortion on demand until birth (or traditional infanticide), never have to worry about their neighbor having a gun, never have religion supposedly foisted on them (other than the religion of the state), total media backup for political correctness, in loco parentis, freedom of sexual expression (well other than China, Cuba and Venezuela but exceptions prove the rule, or something). They can experience the freedoms and peacefulness of social scoring and of course cradle to grave  (however short the timeline if you are disfavored) economic security — highlighted by the wonderful abundant, just and equitable standard of living communism produces.

Why would anyone want to come to this racist, sexist, exploitative hellhole, (or live here and not pursue leaving)?  Are we not one world — silly borders should not be a roadblock to anywhere on earth,  but to the extent that they are, isn’t it logical for all to beat feet for the Shangra-La(s) out there as defined by the left America haters?  Those countries that are not sexist racist, exploitative hellholes.  And if it is important to stay and make improvements in one’s country then isn’t that generally true as an a priori principle, rather than abandon a country and less able countrymen to exploitation, war, destitution?  Why are America’s vociferous critics still here while they endorse reward open borders or illegal immigration?  It is actually quite clear.  They must hate America.

Related images and links

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And from Not the Babylon Bee – AOC

AOC is such an ordinary Democrat — oblivious, fixated, ignorant, hateful . . .

In spite of the distracting all-too-programmed facial expressions, gestures, body bounces — good rhetoric still depends on the veracity of what you have to say.  On that fundamental basis AOC is such a shallow twit as evidenced in this take apart of a resent speech she gave regarding overturning Roe. It is from the site Not the Babylon Bee.

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Babylon Bee — Jock Lucifer comments on overturning Roe

“The Coach” loses one . . . but he and his are certainly certainly not out of the game

The Babylon Bee takes on the vapidity of sports commentators and the underpinnings of the abortion culture in one great piece.  Hat tip to Ted Cruz for promoting the insightful satire.

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Agitators are lying about Roe and Dobbs decisions

  • Their minions are ignorant, delusional or evil fellow travelers i.e. Democrats

This will start a group of irregular posts /reposts commentaries of note regarding the Friday’s Dobbs decision overturning the Roe /Doe/ Casey jurisprudence.  We will endeavor to pick and link some of the best on point that we come across and of course welcome referrals from readers as well. Other subjects will of course be addressed. This one is from a Twitchy post.  The title is a bit optimistic as the proaborts are very imaginative.

Straight-FIRE thread absolutely SHREDS every single Lefty talking point about abortion and Roe

Straight-FIRE thread absolutely SHREDS every single Lefty talking point about abortion and Roe

twitchy.comJun 27, 2022, 03:00 PM

Once again we are proud to bring you a thread we don’t have to say much about. ‘Trader Jill’ does an exceptional job of debunking the Left’s talking points and narrative around abortion and Roe … not that they’ll take the time to read her thread and learn a thing or two from it.

But at least you can take this info with you, dear reader, and combat the stupid out there.

Take a gander.

They’re just absolutely uninformed about what overturning Roe really does.

And no, most Americans do not support abortion up to the moment of birth.

15 weeks was too LIMITING for an abortion clinic.

Think about that for a minute.

THEY started it.

Gosh, all of those little talking points are just getting nuked.

Lots and lots of deflection and distractions out there. The ones insisting overturning Roe will keep women going through an ectopic pregnancy from getting care are some of the most obnoxious.

Yeah, pro-aborts keep screeching about the Catholic Church when in reality, there are lots and lots and lots of people who are pro-life simply because they are humane.

Amen amen and another amen.

And no, hater who might be reading this just to hate, we’re not being religious.

Ok, maybe a little. HALLELUJAH.



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Trump should honor America with magnanimity by pushing the most electable candidate

  • OK — Trump and many conservatives can arguably contend that the “most electable” candidate is Trump. Certainly the turnout at Trump led rallies is impressive. Indeed they must be heady events for the guy on stage if he perceives the attendance and enthusiasm as personal adulation.

    Oh to be sure there is a lot of that and deservedly so directed at Trump.  But I look at the rallies as something more akin to a cause not a man and that is the reason for the attendance. I think most of those in attendance would agree, although Trumps rock star status is a huge draw. It needs to be internalized that MAGA is not about Trump and it is doomed to be a flash of American history if it is largely dependent on him or his personalty, rock star that it is.

    We in Iowa have to be more discerning than that.  We are first in the nation for the Republican caucus/primary system and discerning/comparing the leadership, policy  and communication traits of the contenders, starting now frankly, is an important contribution to the body politic.

    Why is it too much to expect a MAGA candidate to be bold in policy (radical as in returning to roots), to surround himself (herself) with good people, to take the fight to the enemy,  to be clever (as wise as the serpents), able to avoid unnecessary drama and animosity (humor is good in a Reaganesque mode), to lead with authority and articulation while making the effort always about America.

    Trump had a good track record and deserves great appreciation for doing what he said he would do. In one very important matter to a fault –  pushing an experimental vaccine.

    In spite of shortcomings one can point to instances of great merit in all of the categories but also serious predictable unnecessary problematic instances. Personnel judgement is a big one — being rather easily flattered, not knowing well enough people he brought in to key positions, not understanding the nature of the swamp.  Overdoing superficial friends and family. We can recognize Don Jr as a serious asset. Ivanka and Jarred not so much, and if he had to bring them in for some reason well that is an issue.

    Some might argue that Trump purposely created diversions with his “mean tweets” and necessarily used them to get around leftist media going directly and frequently to the people. One might examine the content with that in mind but there are diversions and then there are diversions. There are workarounds and then there are workarounds.

    Frankly I think a DeSantis is a better candidate going forward  from what I have seen in those categories and there are others as well — Cruz has largely redeemed himself with me (if I can forgive a flyer from Trump I can do so for him as well). More in coming posts.

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