Possible Roe / Doe reversal eclipses news of proof of the theft of the presidency

The wailing and gnashing of teeth is right on cue and of course the media is spinning the news to spin up the pro-abortion outrage. They are breathlessly implying the gist of the leaked  draft opinion is that abortion is to be made illegal by the Supreme Court. In reports I heard on the radio the while describing the draft as “overturning Roe V Wade” the sequence was not that the result is to turn the matter over to the states where it was before but into bombastic calumny bleated by Schumer and others damning the Supreme Court members .  Never mind that the draft decision would not stop one abortion.

The dominant media has all along covered up the full extent of the abortion license in America under the legal regime created by Roe v Wade and the campion case issued the same day — Doe V Bolton which essentially made abortion legal until the moment of birth for reasons to include “family distress”. The truth is under Roe and Doe we have the most wide open abortion policy in the western world with the likes of China and North Korea our main rivals for the likes of  in utero infanticide. The media and the Democrats do not want to talk about that, or the profound implications of the illegal release of the draft, but to bombast falsities about what the draft implies.  You see the draft matter could have waited except they knew something was scheduled that they did not have an answer for — other than distraction.

I believe the cue for the criminal  release of the draft was to create and time  a story to supplant what ought to be the story world wide — the 2000 Mule expose establishing that the evidence is in, the Kraken has been released, there is sufficient proof beyond reasonable doubt that at least the 2020 Presidential election was stolen by Democrat sympathetic operatives through a variety of illegal activities. Wayne Allen Root writing today at Western Journal shares my belief.    More on this later today.

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Sobering post by Gary Bauer about overconfidence come November

The first part of this commentary by Gary Bauer writing at Campaign for Working Families is a timely caution to avoid being confident that Republicans have it in the bag come November 2022.   The worst thing to do would be to take for granted that a repudiation of Democrats is in the air (too often it is an echo chamber) and not encourage others to support Republican candidates in the general and work for those you can. Democrats lie cheat and steal, they have billionaire support and entrenched media and  they are super dedicated to big government with the CCP as a guiding light. Bold is our emphasis and a one or two of our comments offset.  We post three of today’s topical commentaries.  There are more insights available here.

The Biden Bump

I spent the weekend monitoring the news, and heard far too many GOP consultants and politicians talking about how they’re going to sweep everything this November.  As the campaign season goes, we’re still early in the first quarter, but they’re already spiking the football! 
Most Republican consultants and “leaders” predicted that the redistricting process was going to be a huge win that would by itself guarantee victory this November.  They were wrong
At best, the redistricting process may turn out to be a wash, or maybe a small gain.  And that’s only because of a totally unexpected victory from a liberal court in New York, and Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida rejected his legislature’s plan and demanded something better.
My point is that conservatives can’t afford to take anything for granted.  Nothing is written in stone. 
Take the latest Washington Post poll, for example.  It shows Biden’s numbers are ticking up, which may be a delayed “war bounce.”  It also shows that the midterm elections are a tossup, with a slight advantage for the Democrats.
I know the Post’s polling tends to be flawed.  But five major polls released in the past two weeks show the November elections could go either way.
If Republicans want to win, they need to stop talking like political scientists.  Voters don’t care about historical trends.  Struggling families want answers.
They want to be able to pay their mortgage, send their kids to college, put gas in their car and food on the table.  They want to stop the nonsense in our schools and they want to secure our border. 
Conservative candidates and pundits need to stop talking “inside baseball” and start explaining their solutions!
CWF is working hard to hold the GOP’s feet to the fire.  Please help us elect more pro-family, pro-life America First conservatives!
Biden’s War
Peggy Noonan’s latest column is generating a lot of buzz in Washington.  She’s worried that Joe Biden’s irresponsible rhetoric could lead to a nuclear conflict.  The Russians certainly believe it is a distinct possibility.
If we’re going to the brink of war with Russia, potentially risking millions of lives, Joe Biden has an obligation to go on national television to explain why we’re sending another $33 billion to Ukraine. 
He should explain to the American people what our national interest is in securing Ukraine’s borders when he fails to secure our borders.
The Biden White House knows that it is perceived as being weak.  The debacle in Afghanistan, just seven months into his administration, may mark the beginning of the end of Biden’s presidency.  That’s when his poll numbers really collapsed and they’ve never recovered.
Now it appears as if Biden is trying to overcompensate for that weakness.  He’s calling for regime change in Russia, demanding Putin be removed from power.  Secretary of Defense Austin says our goal in Ukraine is to see Russia “weakened” militarily.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi says we’re committed to Ukraine “until the fight is done.” 
Are we?  When was that decided?  And by whom?
This is a very dangerous time.  The one thing most likely to save Democrats this November is transforming Joe Biden into a wartime commander-in-chief, causing the country to rally around him. 
There is a real risk that Democrats and their left-wing media allies will try to exploit the war in the weeks leading up to the election.  In other words, it’s not in the left’s interests for this war to end quickly, although everyone should be praying that it does. 
Peggy Noonan and I aren’t the only ones worried about the growing risks of the conflict spiraling out of control.  Liberal icon Noam Chomsky said recently that Donald Trump is the only Western statesman calling for negotiated peace talks.  Unfortunately, Trump is not the one setting U.S. or NATO policy right now.
Homeland Insecurity
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas went on Fox News Sunday to address the growing scandal at the border and the controversy surrounding his new Disinformation Governance Board.  After his remarks, it’s clear his department should be called the “Department of Homeland Insecurity.”
Host Bret Baier repeatedly pressed Mayorkas as to what he was doing to stop illegal immigration and to deport illegal aliens.  Mayorkas answered, “It is the objective of the Biden Administration to make sure that we have safe, orderly, and legal pathways for individuals to be able to access our legal system.” 
In other words, border security is not a priority at all.  The priority is managing illegal immigration more efficiently.
On the disinformation board, Mayorkas said his department is addressing disinformation from Russia, China and Iran that is a threat to the homeland.   But what if I said our current leftist government is guilty of spreading disinformation?  Here are two examples. 
Our entire health bureaucracy promoted the lie that it was impossible for COVID to come out of the Wuhan lab.  Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins tried to suppress any discussion of the lab leak theory out of fear it would hurt their ability to work with communist China.  They went all out to discredit anyone in the scientific community who wanted the truth about the virus.
The second example is even more pernicious. 
Our enemies – Russia, China and Iran – are telling countries around the world that America is racist, founded on genocide and slavery.  But who is repeating this enemy propaganda? 
It’s not Fox News.  It’s not Newsmax or Breitbart.  It’s spread by Joe Biden.  It’s spread by the New York Times.  It’s spread by the big teachers’ unions, and virtually every history professor on every college campus. 
The prevailing view of the woke left is the same propaganda that our enemies are spreading.  That speaks volumes about today’s anti-American left.
Liberals are dropping ideological nuclear bombs on our own children, turning them against their own country, and helping our enemies undermine America.
Want To Kill A Baby?
Then visit Connecticut.  The Washington Post headline says it all:  “Connecticut Likely To Be Refuge For Abortion Patients.”
The story describes the pro-abortion state government promising to pass a law that guarantees abortions for women who live in the state now and for anyone who wants to visit for the purpose of killing a preborn baby. 


We would expect that a number of Blue states will compete to be abortion destinations should Roe V Wade be overturned in a way that the abortion issue is turned back to the states where it resided pre-Roe. We are not at all confident as to what the SCOTUS will do but clearly Demon run states are worried.

Sadly, Connecticut isn’t the only state trying to become “sanctuary state for abortion.”  Talk about misplaced liberal priorities!  Leftists will provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, but not the most innocent among us.
Conservative states try to entice businesses to come by promising lower taxes and less regulation.  Liberal states try to attract women to come by promising high rates of baby slaughter. 
America, sadly, has irreconcilable divisions.

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2000+ Mules maybe brought not just the presidential electoral vote maybe the popular vote and maybe the House

  • Not enough evidence in key states my ass
  • By rubber-stamping the election the Iowa Republican federal delegation hardly avoided a national crisis — without a fight they ushered in national financial ruin, an idiot-ocracy inviting world war, devastation of national sovereignty, nuclear Iran, a worldwide food crisis, inculcation and subsidy of moral degeneracy . . .
  • But don’t get upset, its not like the Dems are and will be in a rush to do their worst 
  • Its not like the Dems will still likely have the cat bird seat to protect many of their ill-gotten gains perhaps even past a 2024 presidential rout by Republicans on top of congressional wins in 2022.
  • There needs to be disgust conveyed to the weak hitters during the Republican primary hopefully supplanting the unchastened, but to be sure, regrouping to (for some cases) hold our collective noses and vote straight Republican in the general (nothing is worse than a Dem).
  • View the 2000 Mules documentary, challenge Republican apparat to take responsibility for any acquiescence.   More comments below:


Now I am not saying the new documentary put together by True The Vote and by Dinesh DeDouza, informed by whistle blowers and brave state legislators,  and all those responsible for the research and production going into the documentary 2000 Mules are saying the popular vote was stolen (portions certainly were). I have not seen the documentary as yet and I may have to wait until later in the week.  But all the pre-publicity indicates the presidency was essentially stolen through targeted states impacting the electoral college.

Read about the documentary here . . .  or various articles related to it vis web search. 

The reason we may have to wait a few days to see it is because local theaters are not confirming a showing.  They will have to be contacted later in the day as the producers/distributors have advised them not to pre-publicize because of the threat of disruption. (See links to articles).

BREAKING – showings at Davenport 53rd Street cinemas 7:00 PM TONIGHT and Wednesday This is a private screening event. You will not see 2000 Mules listed on the marquee and there will be no posters. Please do not challenge theater staff on lack of signage. This is how all private screening events are held. Cost online at the 2000 Mule site $20.00

So by some lights the supposed ministerial necessity of certifying an election with plain as day exhibitions of:  multiple states’ election laws being ignored, incredible absentee voting patterns, voter list and eligibility issues, courts failing to address the merits of claims, the phenomenal extent of electoral history anomalies, sworn testimony from observers, video evidence of chicanery  . . . trumps (pardon the usage) all.  Somehow The Framers thought it necessary to impart a ministerial task on to representatives turning them into functionaries that must sit back and rubber stamp a stolen election without recourse . . .  a Constitution self-destruct mechanism because that is what is going on.

So what has the ease with which the 2020 steal was certified cost the country . . . the world? Now here I want to emphasize my complaint is with so many who simply rolled over and declined to join the efforts of Cruz and Cotton and others to pursue constitutional means to examine the validity of the situation. A fair and thorough hearing. The honoring of the Constitutional right to petition the government for redress of grievances — a stolen election that is not preempted or circumvented by a dumb-ass interpretation of the Constitution imposing any ministerial obligation.

The tremendous damage of the rubber-stamping of Biden/ Harris crime family being installed includes: national financial ruin, an idiot-ocracy inviting world war, devastation of national sovereignty, nuclear Iran, a worldwide food crisis, inculcation and subsidy of moral degeneracy (we are all sinners but Dems want to glorify it) . . . tax support for abortion on demand expanding to infanticide . . . all predictable.

All this is of course mostly the cheaters fault but if good people see the likelihood of the national and cultural sabotage and do nothing to challenge the power grab at the time, well they owe us and future generations an intense effort to legally decertify the election and reset every policy implemented by the thieves, and oh yes send them to jail.

Otherwise, the way it stands today Republicans may well win the House and maybe even the Senate in 2022 but to a regrettable great extent to what avail?  Biden will still be president, impeachment and conviction will result in perhaps as bad or worse for two years. Even with a Republican Congress it is unfortunately likely that Republicans will not be in charge, the Dem pretender president and a veto sustaining number of Democrats in Congress can protect their damndest. Federally, the main hope is the 2024 presidential election in combination with a 2022 win JUST TO HOLD THE LINE. And so we pray.

But even then a roll-back might be prevented by RINOs in league with remaining Dems to sustain filibusters by Dems to protect their ill-gotten gains.  Desertification is the appropriate federal solution morally and we hope practically (even if new political ground).   To be sure Red States asserting themselves is absolutely essential to the Republic and may overarch some things but unfortunately impractically not others.

Anyway watch the documentary 2000 Mules.  We remain open to suggestions, corrections, better ideas to what we have opinionated here. We will publish comments to the contrary. But do keep in mind  it is Democrats who have long demonstrated they are unscrupulous, unethical, and election cheaters (surely 90% of election fraud is perpetrated by Democrats). They are not going to be embarrassed and resign. They must be set back.

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Would THE Associated Press or AOL ever post pictures of the remains of aborted humans?


I subscribe to AOL.  Yes I even pay a subscription to something that was associated with the Huffington Post and is still “of the cloth”. Rather than get into the issues of weaning myself away from the platform I have been with for 30 years (and the tinge of hypocrisy as a conservative for not doing so) it at least gives me a constant update on what the left thinks is news . . . and their spin on everything the liberal media thinks newsworthy.

As my punishment I am faced virtually every time I open it with a variety of ledes to stories referred to as the ‘Today on AOL” feature — invariably with an “open me” picture used as backdrop or to entice the reader to click on the story.  Indeed the journalistic talents at the AP and AOL  no doubt rely on the  “What is a train wreck story worth in clicks without a picture of the train wreck” school of web design.

They have not been shy about posting pictures of the macabre whenever it suits them.

Case in point and the one that triggered me to write this today appeared yesterday .   Below is the picture the AP and AOL used to illustrate their report.  As I remember it was in the first tier of such featured stories at the time.

Below is how the scrolling feature first appears.  By clicking on it at the time one is brought to the full post with the larger picture shown above.

The AP and AOL posted pictures for unfiltered consumption  of the remains of human carnage found in Mexico.  The remains are determined to be from human sacrifices of human beings brutally killed and their remains further horrifically treated. It is all in the story.

The perps of the above atrocities, the indigenous elites and their followers, were the sort of people Columbus should have been more respectful of, we are told ad nauseam by those who have no compunction against child sacrifice here and now, and who honor celebrate and reward today’s perps of abortion on demand.

However you won’t see the pictures we show below posted by AP or AOL.

It is not impertinent to ask why not — are not such photos relevant to the story about abortion at whatever stage? Why be squeamish about posting them but not the remains shown above?  If somehow the AP thinks abortion pictures are inappropriate then how do they justify any pictures of carnage they choose to show relating to war, disease, famine, crime . . .?  If the “feeling” is that the pictures we post are not real then surely the AP can use its influence to obtain ‘real’ pictures of human remains after an abortion.

It is almost as if the AP and AOL are engaged in a cover-up or something.

In truth the pictures of human carnage right to life groups sometimes show are either provided by medical personnel or are of bodies thrown out as “clinic” trash or are of “collectables’  or specimens as per the likes of Kermit Gosnell and others.  They published to fight the lies and the PR of the so-called caring “abortion providers”, the pollyannish and skewed “picture” of abortion that the AP promotes, the denial of the scope and reality of the abortion license, the too often uncivilized aspects of our society.

Remains of first trimester aborted babies:




Remains of second and third trimester aborted babies:











Today, because of advances in sonograms pictures of intact unborn babies are carried as wallet pics by proud moms and dads. Clips of babies in motion in utero are commonly downloaded to smartphones and proudly shared.  But while showing many features, certainly the humanity, sonograms are a bit shadowy. Pictures of the unborn in greater detail using intrauterine fibre optic photography have been available for decades. They were available for years prior to the Roe V Wade decision and even published in popular journals when journalists were not as bent on the abortion license.  Other clinical pictures well-showed the fantastic development we all underwent in the womb. Some of those are posted below with approximate original publication dates.  The judges knew.

Life Magazine, 1965












Look Magazine 1971 (Roe V Wade and the companion case Doe V Bolton were handed down in 1973)



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It wasn’t just Twitter that was censoring

It is quite a trip down liberal memory hole to read this Twitter related commentary by Kylee Zempel at The federalist. 100 Facts Elon Musk-Owned Twitter Should Now Allow People To Say Without Getting Banned.

Everyone of the matters listed in this rendering of topics that Twitter scrutinized , “disclaimered” and banned had facts, indeed overwhelming facts behind them.  Any presentation applying them to a policy position or critique deserved to be allowed on any “platform” protected by, immunized by, American law.

That they were not allowed or in any way inhibited should have blown any pretense and any legal protections the company had protecting it from or giving it any advantage or defense against being sued for defamation, incitements (leading to rioting by BLM and ANTIFA)  and falsities, that it did allow — leftist “truths.”

We know that the liberal press membership took to that medium because they could get away with even more of their false reporting and lies by omission. Under Musk they might still do so but they will hopefully no longer have the protection of not being challenged in a supposed open forum.

Related reading: The Only People More Corrupt Than Joe Biden Are The Journalists Covering Him

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First District Republican Convention

Ironies abound — some observations later this week

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So Happy Earth Day from The Big Guy

No not Hunter’s “Big Guy” . . . 


New American Standard Genesis 1

26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the (ak)sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the (al)sky and over every living thing that (am)moves on the earth.” 29 Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the (an)surface of all the earth, and every tree (ao)which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the (ap)sky and to every thing that (aq)moves on the earth (ar)which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. 31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

King James Genesis 1

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

However if you worship gaia  you may like what its current representative on earth had to say today: Biden’s Earth Day Remarks Show Just How Much He Is Deteriorating

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Iowa Republican First District Platform preprint has nothing to say about Zuckerberg money

  • Amend First District Platform to include opposition to Zuckerberg type election heists   — look for a sign “oppose billionaires buying official election efforts” or related signature sheet. Individual delegates must sign on to the amendment before 11:00 AM.
  • Readers can follow this link to our posting of the Republican First District draft platform to be voted on this Saturday.

If readers can find something that even hints at something like ~~ no private money directed to official offices to influence official election duties~~ in the draft Republican First District platform please enlighten me. I will apologize and correct the record if I missed it in my perusal of it. See link.

Now this criticism is not to say that the draft does not cover a lot of bases important to conservatives. It does. For example, for me the right to  life issues will always be the sine qua non of the party platform —  and it is well covered in the draft. But it is not my only issue and I am glad that a number of timely issues are covered — if occasionally in my opinion clumsily drafted or inadequately prefaced.  And so it goes. But how in the heck was the CTCL/Zuckerberg/equivalent of election bribery (as per a Wisconsin judge) left out!?.

Given the extensive reporting of the matter in conservative circles and what should be the instincts of any informed delegate or other Republican office holder in response to the “progressive” pedigree of those pushing such largess and not understand it as anything other than to give them the ability to run a Democrat GOTV effort under official color and co-subsidized by any jurisdiction accepting such targeted grant — well it is just incredible.

One wonders if (charitably) the absence is an embarrassing oversight or the result of people afraid of embarrassing SOS Paul Pate who encouraged county auditors in 2020 to submit to the ruse. It cannot be that there was no example plank to work from by the District Platform Committee (typically composed of delegates from each county) because one such plank was part of the Scott County 2022 Platform. Section 10 , 12th item:

  • We Support banning private funding of our elections.

We note that the proposed First District platform has been added to extensively (but not enough) from the ridiculously scant 2020 effort. The fetish of platitudinal platforms does not do justice to issues or citizen involvement unique to caucus systems like we have in Iowa.

The failure to include such a plank opposing private funding of elections cannot be seriously justified as something the legislature is soon to take care of. All manner of planks might be dropped using that excuse and others are still included in the proposal even though they have been dealt with legislatively.  At this time an Iowa proscription on private money funneled through election officials has not been passed.  Referring to  HF2526 which includes a number of election related matters to the Iowa Code Sec 43.20 the “no private money provision” reads: (Bold our emphasis)

  Sec. 5.  NEW SECTION.  49.17  Conduct of elections — funding.
   271.  The state commissioner or a county commissioner or
28political subdivision of the state shall only accept funding
29from the following sources for the purposes of conducting an
   31a.  Lawful appropriations of public funds from the government
32of the United States.
   33b.  Lawful appropriations of public funds from the state of
   35c.  Lawful appropriations of public funds from a political
-2-1subdivision of the state for the conduct of an election in the
2political subdivision.

The state commissioner, a county commissioner, or a
4 political subdivision of the state shall not accept or expend
5 a grant, gift, or other source of funding from a source other
6 than those listed in subsection 1, including from a private
7 person, corporation, partnership, political party, nonparty
8 political organization, committee as defined in section
9 68A.102, or other organization for the purpose of conducting
10 an election.
11 3. This section does not prohibit the state commissioner or
12 a county commissioner or political subdivision from issuing and
13 collecting fees as otherwise provided by law.
14 4. This section does not apply to the contribution of a
15 building for use as a polling place pursuant to section 49.21.

I plan to attend the District Convention (I am not a delegate) but hope to be able to circulate or induce a delegate to circulate an amendment to the platform addressing the “Zuckerberg money” issue.  If you are attending please support the effort. If others have taken this up then I would support that effort instead.

There are other matters the platform misses that I hope are addressed as amendments. In the draft, nothing is said about a number of current items that ought to be addressed including, in this time of food insecurity and great inflation, the use of corn acreage for ethanol instead of food, the boondoggle of wind farms.

While there is a resolution calling for public neutrality by RPI Central Committee members regarding primary candidates and presidential caucuses, implicating such activity as untoward, there is nothing to chastise Republican office holders for their failures to support and even opposition to platform planks.

Paul Pate ought to be held in contempt for his promoting of CTCL money knowing the pedigree of the proponents.

And I do not think it is just me in considering that Chuck Grassley’ and the entire Iowa congressional delegation were as weak as they could be regarding the election fraud of 2020 and their pathetic statements regarding the events of January 6, 2021 parroting distortions and beltway thumb-sucking about an overwhelmingly peaceful demonstration.

By January 6, observation of the general election results of 2020 exhibited strong compelling video and other evidence including sworn testimony regarding fraudulent activity using mechanisms or a frequency that could produce large numbers of illegal votes, extreme violations of transparency inimical to confidence in the vote, executive enactments in violation of state constitutions, incredible anomalies and patterns in key states sufficient to alter electoral college outcomes. That the Iowa delegation in Congress saw their only role in the matter of election integrity as the ministerial rubber-stamping of something so suspect, so engendering of division, it was unbecoming of this great republic and the history and laws of this land.

Such a failure to take any action to merely delay the counting of electoral ballots pending an audit and for state legislatures to come into session and examine how valid the vote was in their states as submitted by Senators Cruz, Cotton and other senators well versed in the Constitution, federal regulations and American history — gave all appearances of ushering in the most damaging subversive governing regime possible.

And pardon my further venting from these pages:

Miller-Meeks votes to go along with Pelosi January 6th commission


Marco Rubio’s scathing commentary about Jan. 6 inquisition bill Miller-Meeks supported

Will Senators Grassley and Ernst apologize for parroting lies and spin about Jan 6th

Sen. Ernst issued an ahistorical near hysterical screed in response to Jan. 6 mostly peaceful demonstration

If this information and analysis (see links) does not put the skids on Jan 6th proforma certification of electors, then we are doomed as a republic.


Comparative justice: Officer involved shooting Jan. 6 in D.C. and April 11 in Minnesota


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What are your views on what US should do regarding Russia/Ukraine

Here is one concern:

Ukraine? “Not our problem”, Tucker Carlson, and, some others on the right seem to be saying…what do you think?    dlh

(‘Maybe Putin will settle for the Sudetenland’; where have I heard something similar to that?)

THANK GOD, IT’S JUST A ‘MINOR INCURSION’!; (Just Ask the Folks at Mariupol)

“Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does,” Biden said, when asked how he would hold Russia accountable for an invasion.
“It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion, and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera.(uttered by our president, days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine).

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Six Details from Judge Mizelle’s Mask Mandate Ruling — CCHF

In an e-mail today this summary of the main points of the US District Judges ruling invalidating the mask mandates issued by the CDC.  It is by  Twila Brase, RN, PHN President and Co-founder of Citizens Council for Health Freedom (CCHF).  Meme items imparted by V’PAC our collection and do not necessarily represent the views of CHF or Judge Mizelle.

I have read U.S. District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s excellent decision against the Biden mask mandate for travel, which went into effect late Monday night. The TSA says they will not enforce the mask mandate, and every airline says face masks are now optional.

The U.S. Department of Justice, which appealed the ruling yesterday, said on April 19, “The Department continues to believe that the order requiring masking in the transportation corridor is a valid exercise of the authority Congress has given CDC to protect the public health. That is an important authority the Department will continue to work to preserve.”

This is a lie. The CDC has no such authority to preserve. In a 59-page ruling, Judge Mizelle clarifies:

• WRONG DEFINITION: Despite CDC claims that the 70-year-old Public Health Services Act [PHSA] permitting sanitation gives it authority to mask the public, Judge Mizelle said sanitation is limited to cleaning tangible items, not covering people’s mouths.
• WRONG LEGAL BASIS: While the CDC has the right to detain and quarantine people entering the U.S., the law doesn’t give it the power to conditionally release Americans to travel within the U.S., dependent on the wearing of a mask.
• OUT OF BOUNDS: The CDC found “a power over public health” that is “a function of state police power” despite there being no indication that Congress “intended for the CDC to invade the traditionally State-operated arena of population-wide, preventative public-health regulations.”
• VIOLATED ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT (APA): “The CDC did not allow for public participation through notice and comment before issuing the Mask Mandate.” Judge Mizelle said the CDC’s single sentence, claiming Covid as their “good cause” rationale for forgoing public participation, was “insufficient.”
• ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS MANDATE: The CDC exempts individuals who are “eating, drinking, or taking medication” from the mandate, and children under two years old. The judge notes, “The Mandate makes no effort to explain why its purposes – prevention of transmission and serious illness – allow for such exceptions.”
• MY FAVORITE PART OF THE RULING: “Since the CDC did not explain its decision to compromise the effectiveness of its Mandate by including exceptions or its decision to limit those exceptions, the Court cannot conclude that the CDC ‘articulated a rational connection between the facts found and the choices made.’” [emphasis mine.]

Compromise indeed. At snack time mid-flight, it is somehow OK for all 300 airline passengers to be mask-free. This exception demonstrates a serious lack of seriousness. Americans could have stopped playing make-believe, but as Judge Mizelle said, this mandate was not without harm. Those who refused could be fined, kicked off planes, grounded for life, shamed, and humiliated.

To try to retain the CDC’s power to mask you at will, the DOJ has appealed the ruling. This is a fight they must lose and we must win. The mask is a sign of their power over you—and your submission. Rejoice in the courage and rightful ruling of Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle. Then resolve to never submit again.

Grateful for freedom,

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