Monthly Archives: January 2022

Do not question the ordained experts

Group of pythy comments on medical/government “experts”. Thanks to SF from a posting at Dr Malone’s web site.   00

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California where the death penalty for being inconvenient allows for no appeals, no stays

The logic of death is relentless Coming soon: California approved trade school specialty – euthanasia!  California Gov. Gavin Newsom Wants to Pay Off Student Loans for People Who Kill Babies in Abortions. Excerpt via California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants … Continue reading

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As for election officials — If they are not transparent assume the worst

When a State’s Secretary of State is in on Voter Fraud – Article at American Thinker by Jay Valantine  — recommended by SF Iowa SOS Paul Pate recommended counties use Zuckerberg CTCL election influencing money Iowa’s system is still vulnerable to … Continue reading

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The Bushes, Ted Cruz, Dick Cheney, and now NASCAR…

How many Biden/ AOC/Hillary/Pelosi/Schumer NASCAR fans do you know? Bernie still sponsoring a Yugo? Here is a spicy expose at Liberty Nation        dlh “Brown drives for family-owned Brandonbilt Motorsports and earlier this week displayed his shiny new … Continue reading

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The COVID inflation

“Inflation is just like alcoholism,” said economist Milton Friedman. “In both cases…the good effects come first, the bad effects only come later.” Could there be a lesson here for Joe Biden? “ The Wall Street Journal attempted to explain why … Continue reading

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Things that need to be said and understood about Dems efforts to end voting integrity

The delicious ridicule is entirely on point in this Kurt Schlichter commentary at Townhall Hey Dems, We Got Your Election Reforms Right Here.  We could not agree more. No sentient person has a real problem voting in the United States … Continue reading

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Sic Transit Gloria GOP

Here in Iowa we see more and more resemblance *  George Bush, I and II, the entire Bush family, the nutty Liz Cheney, lately Ted Cruz, and now, Dick Cheney! With the exception of ‘Loopy Liz’ , these are Republicans whom at one … Continue reading

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Evita Biden — Hail to the Chef, err Chief

HAIL TO THE CHIEF ? No, just to the “Doctor”…Jill Biden, who runs the White House as a “Place for Dad”.      dlh “The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for … Continue reading

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January 6th comments: Ted Cruz is sending a signal — and not a very useful one whatever his intent

Cruz’ statement – genuine or positioning? If genuine he is genuinely wrong If positioning, he has positioned himself into being a suspected swamp creature Below are two somewhat different takes from your editors at V’PAC —  neither flattering toward Cruz … Continue reading

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TEN YEARS AND COUNTING.   by dlh I would like to join Roger in expressing our gratitude to our readers over the years. We realize that there are many sites one can go to to get political and social news. … Continue reading

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